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Billie's POV

"So what music video's do you have in mind?" Danny asked.

"Well what's the budget for each one?"

"Estimated about a couple thousand bucks. You're a small artist at the moment so we'll put out one music video for a single, see how it does and if you exceed our expectations, you can expect more to come. We'll allow a certain amount of videos based on the numbers. You do well, you get more. If the videos a flop, no more videos."

Now that's just bullshit right there.

"What if I directed them?" I asked.

They all stared at me for a moment before bursting out into laughter.


"You? Direct a music video?" Eric laughed, wiping away his tears.

"Yeah, what's so funny?"

"Billie, not only are you an underground artist... but you're just a woman." He chuckled.

Excuse me?

"With all due respect, Mr. Hanson, I'm a woman and still get more pussy than you. I'm a woman and still make more money than you do. I'm a woman and still have a bigger dick than that 3 cementer shrimp you call your cock. But hey, I'm just a woman. What do I know, right?"

Eric stopped laughing as an angered look grew on his face, the rest of the room only laughing harder.

My mom shook her head in disappointment.

As good as that felt, I shouldn't have done that.

All the men in here have the power to make or break my career.

But whatever.

"Getting back on track, how many music videos do you have in mind?" Danny questioned.

He was the only one in the room who wasn't laughing.

He's my manager but he's a good dude.

"Well the minimum in my mind is three but maybe later on I would like to work on more."

"Which songs?"

"Bad Guy, Bury A Friend, and maybe You Should See Me In A Crown." I suggested.

They all talked amongst themselves for a moment, deciding on whether it should be approved or not.

"We don't think Bad Guy would be such a good idea to do a video on because to be honest Billie... there are no hits on this album. And Bad Guy is probably one of the one's that wouldn't exactly gain-"

"Let her do it." My other manager, Brandon, interrupted while looking through what seemed to be the track list for the album.

"Pardon?" Eric asked.

Shut yo bitch ass up, Eric.

"I said let her do it. From what I'm seeing... we've got a superstar on our hands."


"Whatever she feels needs to be done, get it done."


"I agree but my only concern is, Billie, you do have a past with drugs... For Xanny, I don't really feel like.. Well what if you get into a bad situation again and relapse. Everybody's going to look back on that like 'oh hey, remember the time Billie made that song about not doing drugs' and then you get clowned for it later." Laura added.

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