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Billie's POV

That was the best night out I've ever had in my life.

First, I took everybody to this vegan restaurant that I used to go to a long while back, they make the best vegan burgers in the fucking world.

And since it was getting late, Zoe, Finn, mom, and dad had all decided to go home so now it was just Lisa, Ari and myself.

Which leads us to where we are at the moment.

The top of a hill. A very, very tall hill.

The view up here could only be described as a rare sight.

One of a kind.

City lights polluting the moonlit air.

It had stopped raining but that didn't take away from the fact the Lisa's smile never left her lips and Ariana's laughing was never ending.

This right here.
This is what I want to feel everyday.
No pressure.
No sadness.
No stress.
Just right here with my family. My wife. My daughter.

Fuck my wife is so beautiful.

I know this'll be over soon.
This feeling.

That I'll go back to work and not have time for anyone.

This day has gone a little too well for something not to go wrong. I'm prepared for it.

"Stop thinking, Billie. It's a sour, fickle thing. You only get to live in this moment once. Tomorrow's a new day and yesterday is getting old. But right now we're here. I need you to be present. I'm right here. You're right here.. And you see that beautiful teenage girl in front of us trying to catch those firefly's? That's our daughter, Billie. Our daughter. Our sweet little girl.

She's been through so much shit. 
But look at that smile on her face.
And look at how you cease to notice it because you're thinking about everything that would or could go wrong in your life.

I'm here. You're here. And she's here.

That's all that matters right now, okay?" She spoke, gently taking my hand in hers.

I looked down at her as she had her head lied against my shoulder.

"Okay." I kissed the top of her head.

I love this woman to my fucking core.
I used to think love was complete bullshit till I met her.

If you're actually in love with someone, you start to realize that those romance movies are bullshit.

Real love hurts. It's scary, being in love.
You never know when it's gonna end.
When your everything leaves you with nothing. You fall too deep and that's exactly what'll happen. But that's the thing with me and Lisa. I'm already in deep. I've already fallen hard for her. And so has she.

It's not so scary when love is a mutual thing.

"Can I have a kiss?" I asked her in a baby voice.

She giggled as she looked up at me and pressed her soft, plump lips against mine.

I allowed my right hand to roam through her hair as my left was rested on her thigh.

I slipped in a little tongue as did she ; having a small make out session.

It wasn't lust filled.

Just love.

We had pulled away after a bit, our lips already missing the comfort of one another.

"Billie, I wanna go home." Ariana said with a yawn as she walked back over to us.

"You wanna go home?" "Mhm." She hummed.

Her eyes looked so tired.
Poor baby.

"Alright, we'll go home. C'mon." I sighed.

Getting up from the ground, I held my hands out for Lisa so she could get up as well.

She held onto my hands as I helped give her a lift. "Hey, how come you didn't finish your food back at the resturant?" I asked Ari while walking towards my car.

"Scooter has me on a diet so I cant eat more than two small meals a day." Ari mumbled lazily.


I'm gonna have a talk with her janky ass manager, I swear to god.


We had gotten back home and Ariana went inside the house, meanwhile I stayed in the car with Lisa to say goodbye.

"Please don't make me sleep alone tonight." Lisa broke the silence.

I pouted at her and held her hand, intertwining our fingers as my thumb rubbed over her knuckles.

"I promise I'll be with you all day tomorrow."

"Why cant you just stay at mine?" She whined.

"Because Finn and I need to work on this new album. We already have like three songs done. Might even do a couple music videos and release a couple singles early. But I promise you. Once this album is done, all my time and attention will be dedicated to you and Ariana only. Okay?"

"You promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

She grinned ear to ear and kissed my cheek.

"I love you, Billie."

"I love you more, mama. You sure you don't want me to drive you home?" I asked.

"I'm sure. I kinda wanted to go to the park for a little bit and it's literally right there so.."

"Promise you'll call me when you get home."

"I pinky promise, bub."

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