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lizgillz : Happy birthday sweet girl. by your side since middle school, and you still haven't changed one bit ❤️ (Liked by arianagrande, leonthomas and 998,032 others)

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Ariana's POV

Oh Lizzy.

I chuckled and put my phone away.

"And then this is how you use the tuner. It's mostly used for-"

"Finneas. You drag me to a basement with music equipment from the 90's and explained everything over 5 times. You had me get all dressed up for what? Why are we here and please let me leave."

He sighed and checked his phone for probably the millionth time.

"Alright- um.... The thing is that we were sort of planning-" He suddenly got cut off by the sound of his phone ringing.

A smile grew on his face once he saw the contact name.

Who is it?

"Okay, I'm gonna need you to close your eyes and I'll walk you up the stairs, okay?" Ah the good old memories of getting raped.


"Just do it, and no peeking."

I sighed and closed my eyes as I held my hand out for him.

He held onto my hand and guided me up the stairs one by one.

What's going on?

"Alright, are you ready?" Ready to be gang banged? Yeah, sure.

Please- I make myself laugh.

"I guess." I chuckled softly.

"Okay, open them."

I opened my eyes and my jaw dropped to the floor.

It was large, beautiful birthday set up.

Mean Girls themed.

One of my favorite movies.

There were gifts on top of gifts on top of gifts piled on top of each other in pink and black wrapping paper.

Pink, white, and black balloons everywhere and mean girls theme'd cupcakes.

There were white and pink streamers hanging from the ceiling.

Nonna, Liz, Leon, Avan, Matt, Daniella, and Frankie were all here.

But most importantly, Billie was here.

"Happy birthday Ariiii!!" Everyone shouted.

Oh my.

"You guys did all this for me?" I spoke with a shaky voice, clearly on the verge of crying.

I can't believe this.

No one's ever done something like this for me before.

Tears started sliding down my face as I held my face in my hands so no one could see me crying.

"Aww, don't cry." Billie chuckled, walking over to me and hugging me.

I hugged her right back, crying all over her hoodie.

Was this her plan?

Make me think she had things to do today just to lower my expectations?


It worked.

This is more than anything I could ever want.

"Ari, c'mere!" Matt called for me.

I looked up at Billie from the hug and thanked her.

"Of course, Ari." She smiled, gently wiping away my tears and kissing my forehead right after.

Billie's POV

I let Ariana go hang out with her friends when suddenly, my arm was pulled harshly.

"Ow- Finneas, what the fuck?"

"Where the hell were you and why do you have hickey's on your neck?"


I shoulda covered that up. But I was in a rush, the fuck was I supposed to do?

"Billie, I get that Quinn is a bit clingy but your daughter's birthday is more important than fucking your whore."

"HEY! Don't you DARE call her MY whore.... She's A whore.

And for your information, I was fucking Lisa."

His eyes widened as soon as he heard her name.

I fucked a dead bitch.

Please- I make myself laugh.

"Lisa? As in Lisa Grande Butera? That Lisa?"

"That Lisa. I bumped into her at the mall and one thing led to another and we were doing it at her place." I chuckled.

It's still unbelievable to me.

I love her and she loves me.

On top of that, my daughter loves me too.

"You know Quinn is gonna be pissed, right? Not to mention that she has so much shit against you so if I were you I'd be careful. You fall too in love with Lisa but you forget you cant break up with Quinn." For fucks sake, can I not be completely happy for one goddamn day?

It's always something, bro.

Ariana's POV

I overheard Billie's conversation with Finneas.

Not all of it but some parts.

I knew Billie didn't like her.

I don't like her either.

She made fun of my red hair.

She said it makes me look like elmo.

But that doesn't matter.

No one messes with my mommy.

I'm good at driving Billie's girlfriends away.

When her whore's were mean to me when I was like 12 or something, I figured out ways to drive them away.

I was a natural.

I have a plan to get rid of Quinn.

Let the games begin.

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