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Billie's POV

I was waiting at the coffee place that Ariana's "mom" had told me to meet her at with Finneas, my mom and my dad.

I had them there mainly because I want my damn daughter back.

I know what I did was beyond fucked up but I'm a better person now. I really am. I just need to show her.

My thoughts were interrupted by Finneas tapping me on the shoulder.

I turned my head to him and he pointed in the direction of the door.

It was her "mom."

She walked over to us and greeted my mom first.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, ms..."

"Grande. Joan Grande." She chuckled, shaking my moms hand.

I thought it was kinda funny that she actually shared the same last name as Ariana.

She doesn't seem like a stuck up bitch. Maybe I'll be easy on her.

She greeted my dad next as well as my brother and then it was my turn.

"Billie Eilish." She sighed, looking at me with a mixture of anger and disappointment.

I shook her hand as she took a seat in front of me.

Where the fuck do I even start.

"I um... First of all I wanna thank you for even agreeing to meet with me today, I know as her... m-mother you don't like me very much and trust me when I say neither do I but-"

"Ms. Eilish, I do not have a disliking towards you or your family. I'm sure your a very lovely person with problems of your own. My disliking is of what you've done to your own daughter when she was only twelve. I'm sure you had your reasons but can I be honest Ms. Eilish?"

I sighed and nodded my head.

"No one has a good enough reason to do what you did to a child. Whether it be because of drugs or your mindset that you were in during that time but what you did to her was absolutely horrid. Absolutely horrid and to be quite frank, I really don't want you anywhere near my daughter for the rest of her life." Well shit, there goes my chances.

"However.." Oh?

"I should just have you arrested right here right now for what you did... but I have sympathy for you. Despite your insensitive actions against her, everyone deserves a second chance... I can tell by that little twinkle in your eyes that your a good person. I can see how much regret you have and I know it's eating you alive just not being able to apologize. So, with that being said I'll talk to Ariana about... setting up a meeting between you two." OH THANK FUCKING GOD!

"But if she says no I'm never bringing up the subject again and you are to drop the very idea of even trying to come in contact with her again, do I make myself clear?" She asked with a warning look.

"Yes ma'am, thank you so much for giving me a second chance. I seriously cannot even thank you enough." I started to get choked up on my own sobs.

"Oh sweetie, don't cry. I know you mean well." She chuckled, giving me a small smile.

I started to catch my breath and wiped away my tears.

"Um... well now that that's over with, how has she been? Is she okay? Has she mentioned me at all? " I asked hopefully.

"She's been well. As you've heard, she's working on a new single and we think it's gonna be a big hit. This is probably the happiest I've ever seen her. She hasn't mentioned you exactly but she listens to some of your songs sometimes." 

That's good. I'm glad she's happy. Can't say the same about me but I deserve to be unhappy. Shit, I deserve to be fucking dead.

"So, why did you pick her? Like.. when you adopted her."

"Well apart from her being a teenager, there was something special about her. I saw the bruises all over her and the way she had tear stains on her cheeks and all I thought was 'ugh this poor girl' so I took her in and ever since the she's just been the happiest little girl ever."


Ariana's POV

"I'm literally dying inside."

"Ari it's not that bad, just pick a dress and get it over with." Liz chuckled.

I look like absolute shit right now.

They gave me the worst spray tan on earth, I literally look orange and my makeup just ain't it today.

"Grande, 10 more minutes!" A crew member says through the door.

"Kk!" I shouted back.

I quickly grabbed a random pink dress and had Liz help me put it on.

"Wow, you really do look like shit right now." She chuckled. I hit her on the shoulder and rolled my eyes. 

I can't wait for this shoot to be over so I can go home and just chill out.

I walked out of the dressing room and we immediately got to filming.

After about five hours of filming the music video, it was time to leave.

"Can everyone just gather up real quick, I wanna say something!" I shouted with a chuckle. 

Everyone on the set gathered around me and stayed quiet to hear what I had to say.

"Okay so, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who worked really hard on this video with me. Brian, Scott, Scooter, Jeremy, Meiert, Dan, and just so many other people that I can't even get through, thank you thank you thank you. As many of you know, this was my first single ever and-... God I'm trying not to cry right now." I chuckled, wiping one of my tears.

"I just cannot thank you enough for making my dreams become a reality. With that being said, I think we can all just go home and chill out from such a stressful day of work. You guys did an amazing job and I love you all so much." We all had a group hug and of course, I was sobbing like a little bitch.

Eventually, Liz drove me home and went inside with me. 

"Dude I'm so hungry," "Same, maybe we could-"

I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I saw her.

A/N : short lil teaser chapter <3

A/N : short lil teaser chapter <3

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