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Ariana's POV

"Dear diary... my teen angst bullshit has a body count." I mumbled to myself as I wrote the same words down into my notebook.

I honestly feel as though I'm in love.

I don't believe in love at first sight but this... this is something completely different.

I talked to Mac all yesterday and the way he makes me feel... it's like a million butterflies in my stomach.

After what happened to me as a kid, one would think I would never even think about getting near another man let alone fall in love with one.

But he was so funny and so sweet.

He was such a gentleman too.

He never made any comments about my body and he kept eye contact with me.

That's a rarity in my life.

I didn't like the cigarette smell that he gave off but I couldn't do much about it.

I honestly think that he could either potentially just be a crush considering my teenage hormone's are all over the place... or I-

"I'm home!" Billie shouted from the front door.

I'm still mad at her.

I closed my notebook and put it under my bed so she wouldn't find it.

Too much personal stuff in there considering I had it since I was twelve.

It's weird looking back on old diary entries and seeing how much I've changed as well as re-living past trauma.

"You still mad at me?" Billie leaned on my door frame since my door was open.

I didn't respond and instead, pulled out my phone and pretended to do something important.

Billie walked into my room, sat next to me on my bed and kissed my forehead.

"I know something that you don't." She said in a snarky tone.

I couldn't help myself from asking what it was.

But she wouldn't tell me.

"Just tell meeeeeee." I begged.

She chuckled and kept her mouth shut.

I know what to do.

"Please, mom?" I asked, laying my head on her lap and giving her puppy dog eyes.

She couldn't resist and we both knew that.

"Fine. I got back together with a certain someone."


"You mean-"

"Mhm." She smiled.

I quickly sat up and hugged the life our of her.

"Wait- what about Quinn?" I asked.

"I'll talk to her tomorrow. I actually have somewhere I need to be in a little while and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me."

"Where to?"

"To film a music video. It wont take long and-"

"I'm there." I quickly interrupted her.

Not only would I LOVE to see her creative process but also, I want to get out the house and do something.

Maybe go out and get a salad or something cuz I'm starving.

"Alright well we still have some time on our hands so you wanna watch a movie or something?" She suggested.

I smiled and nodded my head.

Turning my TV on, we eventually decided on watching some scary movie of which I had never seen before.

It was called 'The Babadook'.

Funny name for a scary movie.

We were about thirty minutes in and I was already bored.

Billie's POV

Ariana lied her head on my lap as I played with her red hair.

She looked like she was daydreaming or something.

"You good?" I asked.

She sighed and looked up at me.

"...Mom, I think I'm in love."


"How come?" I asked curiously.

"Well I met this boy yesterday... And we talked for hours on end about nothing and everything. Mom, he was so nice to me. Every time he said something sweet about me I got butterflies in my stomach. I might not know what love is or what it looks like but... my hopes are that I'm about to find out."

She then went on and on and on about how amazing he was and how many times he made her laugh to the point where her cheeks were sore from smiling so much.

Seeing her happy makes me happy.

"What was his name?"

"Malcolm but he told me to call him Mac." She blushed.


Well at least it's someone I know and not some guy she met off the street or something.

"Y'know there's a difference between being in love and having a crush on someone." I said while stroking her hair gently.

"Well what's love?"

"Love is like... Well it's nothing someone can really explain. It's a feeling. A very strong feeling. It's um... Scary but also exciting." I said, struggling to find the right words to describe such a feeling.

"Like a roller coaster?" She asked.

"Exactly like a roller coaster. There's ups and there's downs. It's scary and fun... Y'know, if you find the right person, they'll make you the happiest you've ever been in your entire life."

"Like you and Lisa?"

"Yeah." I smiled at the thought of her.

My forever.

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