Right Hand

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Blaise stared down at his Little perched on his lap. Ron had fallen asleep with a baby blue pacifier in his mouth, his arms wrapped around Blaise's neck. It was almost midnight and being his caregiver, Blaise had given Ron a bedtime of 11 o'clock. He looked so peaceful after what he had experienced that very same day. Blaise was proud of Ron. He had such a strong Little. He only wished he could be as strong. Perching his head in the crook of Ron's freckly neck, he took a deep breath in, enjoying every minute of his Little's company. Suddenly, there was a slow nock on the door and for the first time since Ron had come into his office, he smiled. Carefully lifting Ron up before setting him back on the couch, Blaise kissed his forehead and made his way to the door. He opened it and closed it behind him.
"You okay?" Draco asked, scratching the back of his head. It was obvious he was still shaken by the news of Theo. And if Blaise was being completely honest, he still hadn't grasped it too. "As long as Ron is safe, I will be fine. But I've got something to ask you?" Blaise said and Draco cocked a pale eyebrow, his deep grey eyes staring at his best friend curiously. "I know you, Ron, Granger, Potter and Pansy have only been in the gang for less than a week and I know this might be alot to ask and I completely understand if you say no-"

Draco gulped. He had no clue where this was going and why Blaise seemed so nervous. The man's hands were shaking and Draco watched his Adam's apple move with every swallow he took.

"Theo was a doctor, like you. He was a boyfriend to a good friend of mine, a good man, my best friend and my right hand. I'd be dead without him. Now that he's gone there are only two things I feel I can do. Avenge him, and fulfill the last thing he ever told me,"

Draco took a deep breath in. His throat was tight and his hands were shaking. Blaise continued.

"I knew something was going to happen at the diner and I asked Theo to make sure Ron was okay. I should've gone myself. Right before he left, he said something to me and I haven't been able to think about anything else since he-"

Blaise gulped.

"He said; 'You know, if I die, I will fucking haunt you for the rest of your life,'"

Draco's eyes widened when Blaise began to laugh, tears pooling at the corner of his eyes. "But then he said; 'But me haunting you won't matter. Because you'll have Draco to shoo me away. The superstitious asswhole,'"

This time Draco started laughing, his cheeks red and his smile wide. Blaise grinned, shaking his head.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy. We wouldn't be here right now if you hadn't kept that bloody picture of the three of us playing when we were young. We wouldn't be here right now if you didn't believe it was me in that photo. We wouldn't be here if you hadn't remembered. And I love you for that. Will you be my right hand man?"

Blaise held out a gun out towards Draco. But this gun was different. It was dark and sleek, the perfect sniper rifle. With Draco's initials engraved into the barrel. For some reason, Draco was still crying. But he was smiling too. Though shocked, he took the rifle from Blaise's outstretched hands and held it. It felt light and soft to the touch but he could tell it did more damage than most sniper rifels did. It was dangerous. He stared at it, bringing the day scope of the rifle up to his eye, positioning it towards the door behind Blaise. The pistol grip felt natural in his hand and it fit him perfectly. He looked at it again before hugging his friend. It seemed Blaise had not been ready for the hug but accepted it anyway.

"Thank you," Draco whispered, grinning into Blaise's shoulder. After a few minutes, they let go of each other and Draco sighed, chuckling as he repeatedly switched the rifle from his left hand to his right. "So, What's the plan Captain?" He asked Blaise, grinning, and suddenly an extremely cold chill ran through his spine when Blaise stared at him with the most malicious look he had ever seen on anybody.


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