Broken Lungs

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Ron looked down at his timetable and groaned. "Ugh, I'm not in the mood to go to Chemistry," he huffed and Hermione rolled her eyes. "Ron. You kno-"
"Please don't lecture me?" He whined and Harry snorted. They all walked into the classroom and took thier seats. After a few minutes, Professor Snape strode into the room, The Flame Thrower following him and everyone stared. "Alright then,"he murmured in his usual, monotone voice."Where would you prefer to sit, Mr Z?" He asked and the boy looked around. The classroom was tense and everybody tried to discreetly put their back packs on the chairs next to them. Z hitched his bag over his shoulder and looked around, stopping when his eyes met Ron's. He didn't look away and Ron didn't either. He didn't know what he'd do if he did. His heart was pumping and his lungs were burning. The dominance this boy had over the classroom was very obvious. Like a wolf pack. He was the Alpha and everybody else were all measly omega's. He licked his lips before slowly striding towards Ron. He sat in the chair next to him and Ron froze, hearing Harry and Hermione move their chairs farther away from him. "Great, on with today's lesson. Take out your books," Snape ordered and Ron did as asked. It felt like lasers were being pointed as his head, prying through his freckled skin and into his brain. He knew Z was staring at him but he didn't dare look back. The drilling feeling didn't stop until the end of the lesson and he bee-lined out of the classroom before Snape could fully dismiss them. But he didn't care, he needed to be away from him. Ron ran into the bathroom and locked the stall he was in. He slumped onto the wall and let out a shaky sigh. Is it always going to be like that?! Ron left the stall and stopped in his tracks. In front him was The Flame Thrower, his back facing the sinks on the opposite side of the room. His head was inclined and his face cold. "E-excuse me," Ron muttered and tried to move past him but he didn't budge. "Who are you?" The boy asked, his voice shaking Ron's very core. He shivered and gulped. "Ron Weasley," he replied and was quite proud for not stuttering, but fear was etched in his voice. "You intrigue me, Ron Weasley." He said and Ron fought the temptation to look up into his eyes with all his might. "Don't forget to wash your hands." He smirked before hitching his bag over his shoulder and striding out of the room. Ron heaved and his stomach contorted and felt as if monkeys were doing the conga in there. "No, Ron. You have a girlfriend." He whispered to himself but he couldn't deny the problem within his pants. "You're as straight as a rigid pole that no one can bend. And you're not gonna let anyone bend it, especially not a psychopath." He told himself as he washed his hands. He left the bathroom in a hurry and barely made it to his next class, English. He sprinted into the class just as Professor Flitwick was about to say something. The stout man looked up at Ron and shook his head." It's only the first day, Mr Weasley. Please be in time next lesson?" He sighed and Ron gave him a sheepish smile before looking around the classroom. To his dismay, Lavender Brown had taken the spot next to Hermione and the chair next to her was empty. He grudgingly took a seat next to the girl and mentally groaned. Lavender has had a crush on Ron for quite some time now and is doing a very poor job of hiding it. Just as Ron took his books out, the classroom door opened and The Flame Thrower walked in. "Sorry I'm late Professor, bathroom." He excused before taking the only seat available, the one on behind Ron. Ron tensed. He could feel the drilling of his eyes tingle on his neck and he shivered. "Alright, for your first project of the term. I'd like you to partner up and create a group speech on a pandemic of your choice," Flitwick ordered and Ron groaned.
A project already? "Before you get any ideas, I'll be paring you up," Flitwick added and Ron held his breath. "Malfoy and Potter, Parkinson and Parvati Patil, Granger and Thomas, Finnigan and Longbottom, Brown and Weasley, McMillan and Boot, Finch-Fletchley and Padma Patil, McLaggen and Goyle. That should be everyone." He said and put his list of pairs down. Ron wanted to slap the short man. Lavender?! Really?! Suddenly all eyes were on Z who had his hand up. Professor Flitwick blinked repeatedly before nodding."I don't have a partner....Professor," he said clearly and Ron shivered again. The sheer power of his accented voice made his lungs tighten. "Oh well. You can go with-" Flitwick murmured, scanning the room. "Miss Brown and Mr Weasley."
If possible, Ron's lungs completely stopped working and he started choking. Hermione got up and started patting his back furiously as everyone stared. "Are you alright Weasley?" The Professor asked once Ron had reduced his choking to slight coughing. "I'm fine, Professor," he said and with one last mighty cough, slumped into his chair. The bell rang and Ron and his friends got up. Lavender latched onto his arm and Ron removed her quickly. "Yay! We're in a group together Won-Won! Aren't you excited?" She squealed and Hermione narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, alright." He said and Lavender giggled. Suddenly, Hermione and Lavender stared above Ron's head and Hermione practically ran away. "What? Is there something in my hair?" He asked and he moved his hand to feel the mob of red hair. He immediately stopped when he felt something behind him that wasn't what he was expecting. "Oh right, you're in a group with us," Lavender said glumly and Ron turned around and mentally face palmed. "When and where are we working on this....project?" The Flame Thrower asked and Ron moved away from him. "How about eight, in the library tonight?" He suggested and both Z and Lavender nodded. "Okay. I've got to go. Bye Won-Won!" Lavender said before running to catch up with her friends. Ron walked away to catch up with 'Mione and Harry. "Ron, mate! He's in your group!" Harry hissed and Ron rolled his eyes. "Yes, I bloody well know that!" He hissed back and Harry suddenly had a pitiful look on his face. "Ron, this isn't okay. What if he tries something?" Hermione chided in and Ron darkened. What if he does try something? He shook the feeling off and dismissed the topic from the conversation.

If The Flame Thrower was going to try something, I'd just have to find out tonight.

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