King Of Hell

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"Ron, you can't!" Hermione shrieked, making him wince. "You realize that my parents, Uncle Remus, your father, Draco's  father and every other person that works at the Ministry could be part of a gang?!" She asked and Ron sighed. They were all at Draco's house and Ron had decided to tell them about Blaise's proposition. "I know, 'Mione. But, I believe him. I've always had my suspicions about the Ministry and doing this may help the city and it's people." Ron tried to compromise but Hermione shook her head. "I believe him and I think you should do it, Ron. And besides, it's not everyday the Flame Thrower asks you to be in the biggest gang in England whilst going 'undercover'  in your own work place because it might too just be a large drug ring," Draco said offhandedly and Harry couldn't help but snort into his hand. "I appreciate the gratitude, Draco. But I'm not joining Hell Fire. Yes, it's fucking powerful and large but....."


"You can't possibly actually be thinking of asking Blaise to join?!" Hermione screamed and Ron chuckled. "I-pfft-no. Course not," he said, scratching his neck and Pansy rolled her eyes. She could clearly see through him. "I say we all go," Harry said suddenly and everyone stared at him, wide eyed. "You're joking?" Pansy spluttered and Harry shook his head, looking quite  unamused. Ron's mouth fell ajar.


He's Sirius

"You want us all to join the gang?" Hermione croaked, feeling her forehead. It looked as if she were to faint at any moment and Ron braced himself in case he'd have to take action before she got a concussion. "Think about it. I'm in the Police Academy. Draco's one of the top surgeons at the hospital the Ministry and the Granger's share and I heard rumors the Ministry wants to improve their offices and stuff. Their bound to need Pansy's help with architectural shit like they did a few years back," Harry stated and Ron's eyes remained wide. For once, Harry had made a very beneficial point. "You're not wrong there," Draco raised an eyebrow as he spoke, staring at the floor. "Listen. I need to think. I'll be at the cafe if anyone needs me," Ron muttured before leaving the house without another word.

In reality, Ron knew exactly what he wanted. He was going to say yes. If helping Blaise would help all the innocent Ministry employees and many other civilians than he wanted to do it. But that wasn't the only reason and he hated himself for it.
He wanted Blaise. Blaise was right about one thing but was wrong about another. Ron did like the chase, he enjoyed Blaise's random appearances. But he didn't want that anymore.


Ron was done playing tag

He needed Blaise


And if becoming King of Hell was what it took?

Ron was willing.

"Ron, dear. I wasn't expecting you. Are you alright darling? With everything that happened the other day?" Mrs Weasley asked, wiping her flour coated hands against her apron to give her son a hug without ruining his jacket. "I'm still a tad shaken but I'll be fine. It's not the first time something like this has happened," he chuckled dryly and Molly pulled away, fixing the collar of Ron's shirt. "Mmm, the bomb. At least the Flame Thrower has probably died in Azkaban like the rest of them," she smiled and Ron blinked. "Right. Mum, what do you know about dad's job at the Ministry? What does he do again?" He asked as Molly moved around the kitchen, nonchalantly taking out crumpets from the oven. "He's Head of the Department of Undetected and Illegal Possession of Weaponry, why?" She asked and Ron scoffed to himself. "Just curious,"

With every passing moment, Blaise's proposition made more sense. If his father's job was tracking down illegal weapons, than he must be the one in charge of trying to stop Hell Fire from exposing the Ministry, seeing as Hell Fire is the biggest weapons launder in the country.
It was all slowly adding up and Ron had to make a final decision. Luckily, the next day, he was given a little push. "Harry! The email came in!" He screamed from his bedroom and Harry bolted in so quickly the door almost fell off it's hinges.
"The  email?!" Harry asked excitedly and Ron nodded. Harry jumped onto his bed and with bated breath, Ron opened it.

"So you're doing it then? You're accepting his offer?" Hermione asked coldly and Ron nodded. "You're not going to stop me Hermione. For once in my life I want to help, you know. Do something when I can. This is my chance. It's a chance for all of us!" He said and Hermione sighed. She could practically feel the excitement rushing off of Ron in mountainous waves. But she could feel something else.


Deep, painful longing

And she knew that stopping Ron would only hurt him further.

"Alright. But we're all coming with you," she said and at this, Ron and Pansy's eyes widened. "We haven't seen Blaise in years and you just want us to go up to him and ask to join his gang? Are you insane?!" Panay shrieked and Hermione rolled her eyes. "We aren't joining Hell Fire, darling. We're simply making sure he doesn't kill Ron whilst they seal their little deal," Draco answered before Hermione could, playing absent mindedly with the pen in his hand. Harry sitting in his lap. "What time do we have to meet him by?" Harry asked and Ron licked his lips, deep in thought. "Four AM at the docks. Fifty steps to the right. Twenty to your left," he muttured to himself before blinking, shaking his head.

This was insane...

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