Blood Splatter

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The table sat in silence for a full five minutes before Remus spoke up. "Uh, kids I'll drive you back to campus. Let's go," he said with a strained voice and Harry, Hermione and Ginny all stood up from the table. Blaise however, was still sitting down. Unmoving. "Hey?" Harry whispered, tapping his shoulder and Blaise blinked. He stood up and left with Remus. The Weasleys were lucky Harry had distracted him because during the entire course of the conversation, his hand was firmly holding his fire lighter to the point where his hand was turning purple. Once the five of them were outside, Harry rounded on Ginny. "What the fuck is with you?!" He hissed and Ginny pursed her lips. "They had to know. He deserved it anyway," she said simply and for the first time since she got here, Hermione spoke. "Ginny. What you did back there was unfair and disgraceful. You knew your parents were homophobic,  God forbid racist but you still did what you did?! I'm sorry but that was out of line. Let's go Harry," she said, grabbing Harry's arm as they ran to catch up with Remus who was starting the car.
Blaise stared at the female Weasley.
"What? Gonna chastise me too?" She asked sarcastically, a ginger eyebrow raised. "No. What I want  to do is much, much worse. But then I'd be sent back to the asylum and I wouldn't be able to see Ron again. But that doesn't mean you won't gain something from this, Ginny. If I were you, I'd clear off before something bad happens and blood splatters," and with that, Blaise walked straight to the cop car, officer Andrew locking him inside.

On the way back to the school, Hermione caught a glimpse if something red bobbing in the rain and gasped. "Uncle Rem! There's Ron!" She shouted, opening the window to get a better look. Harry and Remus stared out the window, shocked. True to Hermione's words, Ron was walking slowly on the side walk, drenched from the rain that had started pouring just as they left the house. Remus pulled up next to Ron who stopped walking and got in the passengers seat quietly. Without a word, Remus stepped on the gas and soon  enough, Ron was in the shower in their dormitory, not knowing whether tears or water was falling down his face.
He sank low onto the ground and sat down on the wet tile, letting his sobs fill the room.

He hated all this.

His siblings hating him.

Ginny betraying him.

His parents-

He's never going to talk to me again....

Ron had started sobbing so loudly, he didn't hear the door to the bathroom open and he jerked his head up when there was a knock on the glass door of the shower. Standing on the opposite side of the glass was Blaise. His eyes were closed and he was leaning on the glass, obvious sadness etched in his sharp features. "Y-you can open your eyes. I don't care," Ron sniffed above the loud pounding of the water against the floor he was sitting on. Being given consent, Blaise opened his eyes and stared down at his red faced boy. "I'm coming in, alright?" He said,  slowly taking off his jacket. Ron only nodded and soon enough, both boys were in the shower.

(If you haven't noticed, Hogwarts Prep has amazing dormitory bathrooms)

Blaise took Ron's hands in his and heaved him up and onto his feet. Ron opened his eyes. He felt like drooling. He stared at Blaise, small beads of water repeatedly siding off of his well built chest. Just like the skin on his face, Blaise's body was smooth and practically glowing. He reminded Ron of melting Lindt  chocolate. His favourite. To be completely honest, Ron was afraid to look down. He could feel Blaise's dick against his but he ignored it. Trying his best not to stare. He didn't need to stare. He knew it was huge.

Blaise, as usual, wrapped his long arms around Ron's middle and Ron leaned into him, sinking into Blaise's chest as hot water pounded his back. He started crying and hugged Blaise further. Blaise nuzzled his head into Ron's hair and kissed it, rocking the smaller boy up and down lightly, lulling  his baby boy. No words needed to be said. They both knew that right there, in that moment, all Ron needed was Blaise. Blaise took what he guessed was Ron's shampoo and squirted some onto the palm of his hand before needing it into Ron's hair. Ron's sobbing reduced to sniffing as Blaise's fingers careened through his hair gently, slowly causing his eyes to drift closed. Blaise rinsed Ron before taking his towel.

"I'm going to wash you now. Is that alright firecracker?"

Ron only nodded. Blaise put soap on the towel and washed Ron, making sure to check that Ron was comfortable with him washing his bottom half. When he was done, he quickly washed himself before switching off the water. He led Ron out of the shower and dried him down, drying himself down afterwards. Blaise took his own pajamas and put them on Ron, making sure they were adjusted to fit him properly. He put on a random shirt he had brought in incase and helped Ron brush his teeth. "Uppy," Ron mumbled, yawning and Blaise chuckled softly. He picked him up and Ron wrapped his arms around Blaise's neck, his head resting on his shoulder while his legs straddled Blaise's waist. The two left the bathroom and Draco and Harry didn't even question them when Blaise lay Ron in his bed, making sure to tuck him in properly. He took the blanket he kept at the end of his bed and lay it on the ground, crouching down to sleep. "Daddy sweep wif Won," Ron mumbled and Blaise smiled, getting off of the floor. He got into the bed with Ron and snaked his arms around his waist. Ron turned around so that he was facing Blaise's chest and slowly drifted to sleep. Both boys knew that the next few days would be hell so the least they could do was enjoy their freedom while it still  lasted.

Who else wants a Blaise???

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