New Story!

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Of course it's a Harry Potter story with my 3 main ships so if you're interested in reading it, here's the description:

°You do not need to have watched Avatar to read this story°

Harry Potter is an ordinary kid, living in an ordinary town with ordinary people. In this small town, he's known as the weird kid with the lightning scar, but that's never stopped him from trying his best to be as ordinary as possible. But Harry knew the scar meant more than a small fatality during his parent's deaths.
He just didn't want to believe it...

Little did he know, that scar made him the Avatar

Coming to terms with his new abilities, Harry meets Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger as they begin their adventure in teaching Harry all there is to know about bending the Air and Water whilst finding willing participants to teach him the other two elements in the process. Meeting strange allies and a not so normal cat on the way. All whilst hiding under the keen eye of the King of the Fire Nation.

Fire Lord Riddle

This story is not completely based on Avatar. I have added many of my own ideas to make it more original, whilst keeping the light essence of both Avatar and Harry Potter.  Though alot of the story is based on my own ideas.

1. All the characters belong to J.K Rowling.
2. The Avatar AU belongs to the franchise's creators.
3. Fanart all belongs to their rightful owners

Hope you all consider reading it! The next chapters of my other books should be out soon 😉

Byee bishes😚❤️✊🏿

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