The Slytherin Trio

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Ron and Blaise walked back into the building, dangerously close (cOrOnA) and some people stated at them suspiciously. Ron noticed and distanced himself, even though it hurt he couldn't let people know about his relationship with the dark Slytherin. He knew for a fact that he would be critisised. He knew that people wouldn't dare confront Blaise about it but he, not so much. Ron was a very approachable person, he had friends in different places and he didn't want to ruin those friendships because people didn't think the boy he was going out with was the best choice. "There you guys are. Where'd you go?" Harry asked, running towards them as the three of them ascended the stairs to the eighth year common room. As the entered, Draco and Pansy immediately turned around from their place near the couches and walked to the three boys. "Potter, Ron," Draco said and Harry gaped. "Ron?! Where did that come from?!" He asked hysterically and Ron face palmed. "Sorry mate, I forgot to tell you. Whilst Mione and I weren't on speaking terms, I hung out with these idiots," Ron said and Pansy slapped his arm. "The only idiot here is you," she snapped and Ron rolled his eyes. "Anyway, we wanted to.... We thought it would be an adequate idea, because we have gained a mutual friendship the Ron. That we could maybe all hang out together, or at least be civil," Pansy said, playing with her fingers behind her back. "We'll ask Hermione first, then we'll talk," Harry sneered before shoving Ron towards their dormitory. Draco raised an eyebrow at the joy who had stayed. "Are you not going with them?" He asked and Blaise smirked. "Why should I? I want to-this is harder than I thought." Blaise cleared his throat. "I want to be friends again. Like the old days. I-missed you two," he murmured and the Slytherin duo stared at the boy. Before Pansy could help herself, she pulled Blaise into a hug, burrying her face into his chest. Blaise stumbled but hugged her back. "Come here Dray," she demanded and Draco rolled his eyes before joining in on the hug. "You are both very comfortable. Get ready to do this often, I'm a hugger," Blaise said and Draco snorted. "Never took you as the hugging type but hey, some things never change,"
That night, the Slytherin duo spent it with Blaise, catching up, having fun, laughing, seeking into the kitchens for hot chocolate and bacon, seeing how far they could throw their stationary into the fire, Blaise won. It was amazing. The duo had missed Blaise more than they could have imagined and by the end of the night, the duo was no more.

The Slytherin Trio was reunited...

But! I have a teaful plan for the next few chapters which will hopefully be at least more than 900 words each so, hope you enjoyed the Slytherins reuniting!
Byeeee bishes ✌🏿😏💖

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