Ice Tea?

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It was Friday now and Ron was nervous. He doesn't think he's been so nervous for something ever since his middle school play where he played the role of a singing tree because of his height. It wasn't his favourite role but he had a long solo. But that was the nervous where your stomach churns and you start sweating. No. Ron didn't feel that type of nervous. Ron was the nervouse where he cursed his body every five minutes, staring at all his imperfections. He wouldn't stop ringing  his fingers in his hands. He hadn't the slightest idea what to wear, where Blaise was taking him, what they'd be doing...
During the course of the week, Blaise had refused to tell him anything and it bothered Ron more than he thought it did. Ron's hated never knowing what's going on. It happens alot. The school day was over and Blaise had told Ron to meet him at the front of the school at five. Blaise and his police guard had been no where to be found that whole afternoon after school and Ron kept wondering what the boy had planned. "Ron. You've been pacing for the last hour. What's the matter?" Harry asked, eyeing Ron suspiciously. "Nothing, nothing. I'm just going on a lunch thing with Charlie. He got discharged yesterday," Ron lied with a small, nervous smile. "You should've invited me! You know Charlie's my favourite Weasley!" Harry said angrily and Ron smiled before realizing what Harry had said. He gave him a cold glare and Harry winked. Ron blinked before frantically staring at his watch. Five o'clock. "I have to go, see you Harry," Ron said hastily, grabbing his jacket off his bed before running out of the room, bumping into Draco. "Woah, woah. Calm down Usain Bolt. What's got you in such a rush!?" Draco asked and Ron fumbled, trying to get around him. "Sorry, got to see my.... Brother, yeah, talk later bye!" Ron shouted, finally able to maneuver himself around Draco, sprinting out of the eighth year common room. Ron was running so fast everything seemed like a blur as he tried to avoid bumping into people and he almost, almost bumped into Professor Snape who stared at him bemused. As if he was a parasite. Ron left the building and bumped into someone for the fifth time. "Hey, firecracker. Calm down, okay," Ron heard that deep, accented voice chuckle and he melted into Blaise's embrace. "I-didn't want to be l-late," he panted, doubling over for breath. "Just-give me a minute-" he breathed and Blaise waited patiently in amusement and Ron heaved in large gulps of air. After two minutes, Ron stood up straight and smiled. "Sorry 'bout that." He blushed and Blaise grinned. "Don't be, little one," he whispered, grazing his thumb over Ron's pink cheek. "So, what are we doing?" He asked and Blaise grinned. "It's a surprise, but you have to put this on first," he said, giving Ron a long, dark blue sock. Ron stared at it weirdly and snorted when Blaise added, "don't worry, it's your sock,". Ron draped the sock over his eyes and smiled in relief when Blaise put his hand in his. Suddenly, the sound of a car pulling up the school driveway was audible and Ron heard a door open. There were hushed whispers and soon, Ron was sitting on comfy leather, the car wafting with new car smell and roses. "You know, I might actually think you're abducting me now," Ron said and Blaise chuckled. "You didn't think I'd make out first date at school did you?" He chuckled. "You owe me big time for this, Z. I had to get off work early for this," said a voice Ron was sure he had heard before. "To our destination, please Theo," Blaise said and Ron's eyes widened.

"You're the therapist at the hospital, Doctor Nott isn't it?" Ron asked and a chortle sounded from the front of the car as it started moving. "Yes, I am," Theo smiled as they left the school. Ron blinked against the sock. The drive wasn't long but he could slowly feel the sun outside getting lower. Soon, the car stopped and Ron heard a door open. Suddenly, his door opened and Ron was instantly hit with the smell of sea salt and fresh hot dogs. "Are we at the beach?" He asked as he felt around for Blaise's hand, holding onto it as he left the car. "Tadda!" Blaise grinned, ripping off sock Ron was wearing. Ron gasped. They were indeed, at the beach. The sky was a beautiful orange and purple ombre. The white, fluffy clouds had bright silver lighnings, the sun dipping into the ocean creating a magnificent reflection and down on the beach, was a picnic blanket with a basket on it. Candles shaped like flowers were making a path leading down to the sand where the same candles were dotted around the picnic. "Oh, it's beautiful," Ron gasped, his hand against his mouth. "I'm glad you like it, baby boy," Blaise whispered, snaking his arm around Ron's waist as they followed the path of candles down, onto the warm sand. Ron watched in awe as the waves lapped at the shore, the seagulls flying over head. It was perfect. "Ice tea?" Blaise asked, sitting down and Ron chuckled. The two of them ate and watched the waves and laughed. It was amazing. Ron hadn't felt so at home in a long time.

That was where he belonged.

In Blaise's arms, watching the waves, feeling the air lap at his hair. By the end of their date, all the McDonald's Blaise had bought was finished and it was dark. The sky alight with stars. "We should probably go," Ron muttered and Blaise groaned. "I don't wanna," he whined and Ron hit him playfully. "Let's go big boy," he said which made Blaise snort. Ron got up and with a great heave, helped Blaise to his feet. Blaise gave him a chaste kiss on the nose and Ron giggled. Ron's phone started buzzing and he groaned, leaning his head against Blaise's chest. "You can answer. I don't mind," he said and with an irritated sigh, Ron answered the phone. "Hey mum," he said and Mrs Weasley cleared her throat on the other side of the phone. "Don't forget dinner tomorrow at the Lupin's. We'll pick you, Harry and Hermione up at four," She said and Ron's eyes widened. Blaise stared at him in confusion. Ron had completely forgotten. Every few months, Harry's God fathers hosted a dinner that the Weasleys and Hermione were always invited too. Ron hated the the dinners but his parents always forced him to go.
Ron suddenly had a terrible idea. "Mum, can I... Can I bring a guest?" He asked and Mrs Weasley made a confused noise. "A guest? Who?" She asked and Ron blushed, glad she couldn't see it. "Just a new, good friend of mine," he said hastily and Ron could practically feel his mother's smile. "Of course dear, of course. What's her name?" She asked cheerily and Ron gulped. My mother thinks I'm seeing a girl...
"I have to go mum. It's almost curfew. Night," he said hastily before hanging up. Once he did, he threw his arms around Blaise's neck and sighed. "What's the matter?" Blaise asked, looking down at Ron. "Would you like to meet my family?"

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