-Your Flame

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Dedicated to:

These three have been so nice to me and have in general just made my day better. Thank you guys and wifuus❤😘

Ron groaned. He shifted in his bed and immediately opened his eyes. He was alone and it was bright outside. Light was filtering through the half drawn curtains and a chilly breeze was gliding through his open window. Wow,
Ron could still feel Blaise's rough hands careening around his body. He could still feel his hot breath on his neck, his soft lips on his-
"Uh, Ron. Breakfast is ready!"
Ron jumped and pulled his blanket tighter  around himself. "C-coming!" He shouted but his voice came out hoarse and cracking. He threw his blanket off of himself. He had expected to wake up naked, Blaise's strong arms around his waist. But he was alone. He smiled though. Blaise had had the decency to put him in pajamas before he left. Ron grabbed his blanket again and closed his eyes, taking a long, deep wif. It smelt like him... Suddenly, something shiny caught Ron's eye. It was under the tiny Christmas tree that everyone had gotten in their rooms. He got out of bed, taking his duvet with him and immediately stumbled back onto it. His ass hurt like hell and he couldn't feel his legs. He ignored the pain and surveyed the tree, getting up with more caution this time. Underneath it, was a small box with shiny wrapping paper. He observed it, picking it up to shake it. He heard nothing. He opened the box and a note fell out. Picking it up, Ron read the neat hand writing.

Buon Natale Pertardo
-Your Flame

Ron grinned as he tried not to cry. After he found out Blaise was Italian, he had tried to learn the language during the last week of school. He wasn't good in the slightest but he knew what the letter meant.

Merry Christmas Firecracker

He then looked back at the tiny box and gasped. It wasn't just an ordinary box. It was a jewel box and inside was a necklace. It had a gold charm in the shape of a curling flame with a small diamond in the middle, all attached to a golden chain. Ron stared at the necklace and held it to his chest, close to his heart. He closed his eyes and grinned. My flame...
He quickly put it on before running into the bathroom to fix his hair, brush his teeth, wash his face and spray himself with cologne. He knew from experience that his family knew when he didn't smell like himself. They'd get suspicious. He once had slept at Harry's when he was younger, though he had snuck out. His parents took one wif of him and knew he had been with someone else. It scared Ron at times. He opened his door and was instantly embraced by the smell of cookies and honey. He limped downstairs and plopped himself on the couch next to his cousins, refraining from touching his neck where the cold chain lay. Hidden under his shirt. "Your breakfast, dear," Aunt Patricia said, handing Ron a plate of pancakes. He gave his aunt a small smile before he started eating, trying to ignore his baby cousins as they fought next to him. "Present opening time! Come on kids!" His grandfather, Rupert (see what I did there) beamed and all his siblings and his ten cousins gathered around the tree to watch the unwrapping of gifts. "Youngest first!" His father called from the kitchen and Ron took out his phone, in no mood to watch his family get presents he didn't get. It was quite pointless. After the younger of the family, Ginny opened her presents and when she was done they moved immediately onto Fred and George. But Ron didn't care. He didn't need a Christmas present from his family. The perfect gift had already come to him that night and that was all he had wanted the whole holiday.
Once Bill had finished, Ron's grandparents and all the other adults opened their gifts.
By the end of breakfast, there was one large present left without a name on it. "This one might be for you, Ron," Grandpa Rupert said and Ron shrugged. "I'll open it," Fred said, scooting closer to the tree to open the large, unnamed gift. He unwrapped it and all the Weasleys waited excitedly.




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