Hell's Angels

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Pansy's POV

"Let me get this gay-"

Hermione rose an eyebrow. "Gay?" She asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Let me get this... straight-" I began, shifting in my position in the back seat of the car. Daphne Greengrass, Head of Hacking and one of the very few members of Blaise's elite squad, Alpha Team hummed in response.

"You kidnapped Hermione and I because Blaise told you to?" I asked and she chuckled lightly, brushing a strand of curly blonde hair out of her eyes as she drove.

"I'm not kidnapping you, Parkinson. Boss just asked me to pick two other people from the gang for a private mission." She said off-handedly, making a sharp right down a road I new well. A few blocks away and we'd reach McDonald's.

A confused sound came out of Hermione's mouth. "Just three of us?" She asked and Daphne nodded, her eyes sparkling through the rear view mirror. Without really thinking about it, I blurted, "Why us?"

A malicious smirk cascaded Daphne's pink lips and she turned into a street I was beginning to know all two well. My heart began pumping in my ears and I gulped.

"What are we doing at the Ministry?!" Hermione hissed, gripping the side of her seat. Daphne rolled her eyes. "Calm down, gorgeous. Let me park and I'll explain," the blonde chuckled, driving into the underground parking lot beneath the enormous Ministry building. Using some stolen ID to get past the gate.

I glowered. I didn't like Daphne calling Hermione gorgeous. Don't get me wrong, it's more than true. Hermione is the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on- but the way Daphne said it made my skin crawl. It made me angry.

Daphne's car parked near one of the two entrances and she switched the engine off before turning to us.

"Today- the three of us are hacking into the Ministry database."

I blinked, enclining my head.

Had I heard that right?

"We're doing what?" I asked, my voice flatter than Potter's pancakes. Daphne cleared her throat, continuasly pushing strands of honey coloured hair out of her face. "We are hacking into the Ministry database." She repeated and Hermione frowned. "What for?" She asked skeptically and Daphne but her lip. All of a sudden she looked nervous. "I'm not supposed to say," she muttered and I frowned, scooting off my chair to get closer to her.

"If you want our help we need to know what we're helping with." I growled and Daphne scowled at me. Though I had to admit, from close up she was extremely pretty. Her green-brown eyes bore into mine with so much confidence I nearly backed away. But I stood my ground as our staring competition continued.

"I got direct orders from Blaise. He doesn't need anyone knowing about this. If word got out, every one in Hell Fire would panic. He hasn't even told that best friend of yours, the cute ginger."

Daphne motioned to Hermione at the mention of Ron and Hermione's expression matched mine. We were both sneering.

"Listen here, blondie-" I snapped and Daphne frowned. "I've known Blaise since before I could pronounce his surname let alone my own. If he can tell you, he can sure as hell tell me." I growled and Daphne held my glare.

The fierce determination coursing through my veins made my sneer even more prominent. I wasn't about to let Hermione and I walk into a building that we recently attacked to try steal something. There's plenty of footage from the attack on the Ministry. Even though Draco and I were in the opposite building with sniper rifles, cameras can catch even the farthest of people.

Every Hell Hound became a target that day.

Daphne groaned, ran a hand through her hair and sighed.

"If you tell anyone but Blaise of this, I'll gut you both, got it?" She scorned and Hermione rolled her eyes. "Spit it out, Greengrass," she said impatiently. Her anger made my cheeks burn and I swallowed, avoiding her gaze.

Damn, Granger. What are you doing to me?

Daphne's eyes darted around the car as if she were scared we were being watched. When she was done with her surveillance, she turned back to us, her gaze as suspicious as a modern day detective's.

"Dean suspects there's a mole in Hell Fire."

I didn't know how hard I had gasped until my throat hurt after I did. My eyes widened, my mouth falling open.

A double agent in the gang?

Daphne continued. "Blaise called Alpha Team for a meeting late last night. Dean had found some corrupted footage. It was a security camera in Blaise's office. From ten to eleven yesterday morning, the footage had been looped."

Hermione's mouth fell open in silence gasp, very similar to mine.

"I know," Daphne heaved, replying to our expressions. "Nothing was stolen but Dean is positive someone was in there. Cormac and Officer Andrew are at Blaise's office right now searching for prints."

I blinked and scratched my head. "But only Blaise and Draco are allowed access to his office? There's no possible way for anyone to get in." I stated, my eyebrows furrowed. Daphne nodded thoughtfully, seeming to have asked the question herself. "Exactly. But then why was the footage tampered with?" She asked, side eyeing me and I gulped.

Daphne stared at us pointedly, her hands wringing in her lap.

"I have a list of every Hell Hound in the gang. We're here to steal the employee list of every single person working in the Ministry, and hopefully it's partnering companies to see which names match. A few I already know are double agents, like Ron working at Dream Inc. But those who aren't-"

"- Could be the mole," Hermione whispered and Daphne nodded.

Suddenly, a thought made its way into my head and out of nowhere, I laughed. Both Daphne and Hermione stared at me as if I were insane.

"What about this is funny, Parkinson?" The blonde hissed, glaring at me with intense eyes. I chuckled, waving off her comment.

"No, it's just- we're basically Charlie's Angels," I said and was surprised that that was able to crack a smile from the both of them.

"Dibs on Kristen Stewart." Daphne stated before I could and Hermione and I laughed, grinning.

Daphne motioned for us to step out of the car. The cold air of the parking lot stinging my face. The three of us all stared at the Ministry entrance, an intricate elevator painted black and blood red. The large, yellow Ministry 'M' painted on the front.

Daphne turned to us, playfulness in her eyes. But her expression was as serious as ever.

"Time to fly, Angels."

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