A Lost Memory

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Meanwhile, Draco Lucius Malfoy was frantically searching through his trunk. His hands careened around clothes, personal items and toiletries before, at the very bottom of his suitcase, found what he was looking for. He closed the suitcase and Harry Potter groaned. "Could you be any louder?" He heaved from the other side of the room and Draco rolled his eyes. "Unless you're working on our project, I don't care how loud I am," he retorted as he kicked his trunk under his bed and sat on his comfy duvet on the top bunk with he legs crossed. Potter scoffed and Draco smirked in success. He licked his pink lips before looking down at the object he had long forgotten about in his hand. An old, tattered photograph with a young girl who wore a beaming smile, a boy wearing a silver ring and another boy with a blue tie wrapped around his head were situated in the photo. Draco stared at the boy wearing the ring. He hadn't seen that boy or that ring in years. The boy had a charming smile and two, large dimples on each cheek were quite prominent on his dark skin. The door to the dormitory opened and The Flame Thrower walked in. Draco immediately scanned his face, no dimples.....but maybe that's because he wasn't smiling. He then scanned his left hand and his breath hitched in his throat. There it was. A silver ring was coiled around his middle finger, like a snake coiling around its pray. It had bright green gems placed on what Draco guessed were the 'snakes' scales and were the eyes of the snake was, was a small, red ruby. The ruby shined the brightest and often caught the light from the mini chandelier hanging from the roof. Z walked over to his bed under Draco's, grabbed his things and went to the bathroom. Draco watched him leave and sighed when he heard the shower turn on. It can't be-
A minute later, Weasley walked in and he was the reddest Draco had ever seen him. "What's with your face?" He asked the red boy and Ron flushed further. "-was running-" is all he could mustur to say. "Anyone in the bathroom?" He asked Harry who had been wearing headphones. The raven haired boy shrugged and Ron looked up at Draco who shrugged as well, I mischievous smirk on his face as Ron took his stuff and trudged to the bathroom. Ron opened the door to the bathroom and closed behind him. He froze rooted to the spot he was in. The Flame Thrower was looking at him, quite amused. "Already want more?" He smirked and Ron thought for a moment before shaking his head frantically, muttering his apologies. "Go to hell Malfoy!" Ron spat as he strode out of the bathroom, his whole body shaking. "I'm already there Weasley," he stifled a chuckle against his hand and watched as Harry questioned Ron. "What happened?" He asked and Ron just shook his mop of red hair frantically. "Come off it!" He spat and Harry furrowed his eye brows before closing the book he was writing in. He glanced at Draco who had resumed staring at the photo in his hand and nudged Ron a little. "Mm?" The red-head hummed and Harry licked his lips. "How was it?" He whispered and Ron lifted a crimson eyebrow. "How was what?" He asked and Harry rolled his eyes, gazing sparingly at the bathroom door. "You know, your project with Lavender and.....him." Ron's blush became even worse and he tried to look everywhere but Harry's concerned face. "Fine-it was fine," he murmand Harry sighed in relief. "We're doing it-I mean, we're having another one tonight. Same time," he told Harry who nodded, climbing into his bed. "Alright, at least 'Mione will stop stressing about tonight. She really has something against him," he sighed into his pillow and Ron raised his eyebrow again. "What do you mean?" He asked, sitting at the foot of his best friends bed. "Her aunt, remember Aunt Jean, the one she was named after?" Harry muttered and Ron pursed his lips in frustration. Jean Granger, Hermione's aunt was one of the seventy victims of The Flame Thrower. Hermione was very close to her aunt, they often acted like sisters due to her parents owning the The Hospital. They have alot of business trips to other countries for business and trade so when Hermione's not at school, she lives with her aunt. A few years ago, her aunt was murdered and all the evidence led to The Flame Thrower. It's the murder that got him thrown into a Mental Asylum all those years ago and Hermione's never gotten over it. Z walked out of the bathroom and Ron jumped up, off of Harry's bed and went in. Bloody hell, he thought, leaning against the wall as the hot water trickled onto his shoulders.
What have I gotten myself into?

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