The Hospital

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At the end of the day, Ron decided that going to dinner wasn't the best idea, so he went to the library early. Walking through the aisles of books, he thought about the day's events. Harry had smiled at him reassuringly a few times, Hermione refused to look at or be within a five feet radius of him and Ginny scolded him every time they crossed paths. None of his friends had seen him with Draco and Pansy but he spent quite alot of free time with them that afternoon. Ron looked up at the shelves and stopped when he spotted the Fiction section. Fiction was always his favourite. Transporting him into a world where magic wafted in the air and boys with odd scars fought noseless creeps. On the contrary, Ron's most favourite book series was Danny Trotter. The franchise greatly reminded him of him and his friends. Harry was exactly like Danny, lost his parents at a young age, has a scar to prove it, quick thinking and popular. Hermione was exactly like Danny's friend, Harmony. Smart, confident, a suck up at times, and Harmony is always scolding Danny and Ray. As Ray, Ron's favourite character. Ray reminded Ron alot of himself. The large family, the foodie, the one who does okay in school, comedic relief. The only difference in Ron and Ray is that Ray had six sisters. But what he found related him the most to the fictional character was that to everyone else, he was the group or family screw up. Ron sighed and caressed the binding of the book before jumping when a voice protruded his thoughts. "Great book, isn't it?" Ron wanted to run as fast as he could but his feet were rooted to the ground, his heart beating fast. "I don't want small talk. Lavender will be hear any minute then we can start." He said, still running his hands along the book's spine. Ron pocket vibrated and he took out his phone, staring at the text from Lavender who he had completely forgotten was in his contacts.

Hey Ronnie! I'm so so so so so sorry but McGonagall's making me rewrite a revision test and I won't make it tonight. You can finish it without me.

So sorry❤️

Ron sighed and looked up from his phone into the eyes of someone he was trying his hardest to avoid. "She won't make it," he said grudgingly before picking up his bag to set up at the nearest table. The Flame Thrower followed him and they began the project. When it was finished, Ron got up and walked out the room, quite intent of ignoring the burning feeling in his chest. The week went on like this. Hermione and Ginny ignored Ron to their full extent, Harry has talked to him a couple times when neither girls were around. Ron blatantly ignored Z and slowly got to know Pansy and Draco a bit more. It was Saturday now and he was sitting in the courtyard reading Danny Trotter when a police van pulled up into the parking lot. He straightened his back and watched at two police officers walked out of the school, Z in between them looking tired and tense. An officer pushed him inside the vehicle and it drove off. I wonder where there-
Ron's phone rang and he shook himself out of his trance, quickly answering the call when he saw it was his mum. "Hey mum," he croaked, praying that Ginny had not told her what had happened. "Hello dear. Your father, brothers, Ginny and I were going to visit Charlie today and we wondered whether we should pick you up quickly to come?" Molly Weasley asked her son and Ron grinned. Charlie was his favourite sibling. He never bullied Ron, never made him feel less than and was always there for him. Sadly, Charlie and his oldest brother Bill got into a car accident with a drunk driver a month ago. Bill recovered but Charlie needed a few surgeries. He has two more before he can be discharged from Granger Park, the hospital that Hermione's parents own. "I'd love to come with. How far are you from here?" He smiled and he could practically feel his mother's grin from the other side of the line. "Five minutes, be quick and get ready," she said before cutting the call. Ron ran to his dormitory where thankfully, no one was there. He put his book in his beside table, grabbed his backpack and ran back out into the parking lot where his family was waiting for him. Ginny dame up behind him, glared and shuffled into her seat next to Fred  whereas Ron went to the other side of the car and squished in next to Bill. "Hello Ronnie boy," Fred chided and Ron rolled his eyes. "Don't call me that." He glared and the twins shared a chuckle. "Leave your brother alone boys! Look at the poor boy, has your first week back been a bit tough?" His mother asked concerned and Ron nodded.
A loud car ride later, the Weasley family drove into Granger Hospital and Ron stared outside, befuddled. There it was, the police car he saw earlier at the school. Except there were three of them now. How odd, he thought and his dad parked the car.
"Alright then, shall we go?" He said enthusiastically and the family walked inside. Ron smiled at the receptionist before being crammed into the elevator heading up to the fifth floor. They knocked on room 394 and walked in when a faint "come in" was heard from the inside. As Ron walked over the threshold, he caught a glimpse of something familiar but he shrugged it off and greeted his brother with a large hug. They all talked for a while and Ron was soon getting bored or Ginny talking about Harry and her best friend Luna Lovegood. He slipped out of the room and walked along the white corridors of the hospital, stopping dead in his tracks when he caught site of something that had his heart leaping.

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