The Rest Of Our Lives

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" I mumbled, running a hand through my untameble mop of hair. Draco rolled his eyes as we drove, sighing as he glared at me from the corner of his eyes. "Harry, it's going to work. Blaise explicitly told us what we have to do and we can't screw this up," the platinum haired man said, an air of nervousness in his voice. I chuckled. "You're taking this Right Hand Man thing really seriously, aren't you?" I joked and he glared at me harder. "I have big shoes to fill. It's important to Blaise so it's important to me now that I've taken over for Theo. But I swear, if you start singing Hamilton I'm pulling over," he sneered and I began laughing. Draco tried to hide his smile as I laughed but he was failing miserably. My laughing died down and I took a deep breath in. I was confident in the plan we had. I was confident in Draco. But if this went wrong and word got out then the concequences wouldn't be the best. But incase things went sideways, we had a team backing us up.

In the entirety of the gang, there are four teams all given codenames. Alpha, Beta, Delta and Omega. The Alpha team consists of people who Blaise has specifically picked to work with him in the field. Members of the gang that are in his team include Dean, McLaggen, Daphne, Astoria, Draco and himself. After that, the Beta team members are me, Pansy, Seamus and many other people. Every team has a specific skill set. So Beta team is full of people who are good out in the field. Good with weaponry and all the above. Delta team are more the strategists of the gang like Ron and Hermione. Most of the hackers and computer smart members are in that group. And then team Omega is a mixture of every person with every skill. Everybody belongs in team Omega, which explains why it's the biggest and the most fun. Omega handle shipments, seeing as Hell Fire is the biggest weapons distributors in the country. Whatever team you're in doesn't determine your status in the gang unless you're in Alpha though. Alpha team, though is full of the people Blaise trusts the most, is made up of the Heads. Dean is Head of Security, McLaggen is Head of Shipments, Astoria is Head of Hell Hound Administrations, Daphne of Hacking, Draco is Blaise's right hand and Blaise is Head of the entire gang itself!

I was extremely confused and kind of still am when Blaise tried to explain it too me a few weeks ago. I kind of think about it like the Sorting Ceremony at school.

Suddenly my stomach churned as I repeated that word in my head.


"Where here,"

My eyes widened. I hadn't even realized Draco had parked the car due to the arrival of our dreaded destination. It seemed he noticed my discomfort and cleared his throat. "You know, I didn't think we'd be back here until our high school reunion came up," he whispered and a surprising laugh bubbled out of my throat. The communicator in my ear beeped and both Draco and I switched our hidden microphones on. A voice spoke through my ear and I shivered.

"Everything good this side of the school. Just give us the signal if you need to ya?" Said a voice and Draco and I unclipped our seat belts, stepping out of the car and into the cold, brittle wind of the school parking lot.
"Thanks Seamus. Will do," Draco replied before taking my hand in his. Draco and I have been together for two years, yet every time he holds my hand it feels like he's doing it for the first time. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I couldn't stop myself from blushing. He looked down at me and grinned. "Oh, shut up," I grumbled and the two of us began to walk, soon passing under the sign for Hogwarts High School.

Walking through the hallways brought an unnatural heap of nostalgia to me. The day I met Ron and Hermione on the train the three of us took to get here. Though Ron and I live relatively close, every first year had to take the train on their first day.

The day everyone thought I was evil because I could speak parseltongue, a language long forgotten in the history books we used to read. The day I found out that a 'maniac' was after me, who ended up being my God-father. Who's boyfriend, now Husband had become my biology teacher.

The day I was accidentally entered for a year long triathlon against Durmstrang and Beauxbatons and surprisingly won...

The day my God-father Sirius went into a coma...

The day our principal, Albus Dumbledore, who was like a grandfather figure to me died...

The day the Flame Thrower walked through the doors of the school as a student, not a pyromaniac.

The day I killed the man who had killed my parents in the courtyard...

Damn, how time flies-

I blinked and looked up at Draco who looked concerned. "I'm fine," I said. But he didn't seem convinced. "It must be hard being back," he whispered and I sniffed, biting my lip. "Must be even harder for you," I said and guilt filled his moonstone eyes. He took both my hands in his and his forehead lay on mine. His eyes closed. "I'm so sorry," he said, his voice so quiet I could barely hear it over the howling of the wind. "Me too," I said and he chuckled, opening his eyes. I stared up at him, smiling.
"I could stare into those eyes for the rest of my life." I stated, my voice soft. He blushed, his smirk extremely giddy.

"The rest of our lives," he whispered back.

I went on my toes slightly and sighed into a kiss I didn't know I needed. Draco pulled away and kissed my cheek, grinning.

"I told Albus you two would only figure yourselves out once you left. That old man owes me fifty Galeons."

My eyes widened and Draco pursed his lips in pure terror. Being caught kissing in front of your old principal wasn't the best situation to be in.

"Professor," I greeted and the old woman rolled her eyes, smirking. "My two least favourite students. What on earth could you possibly be doing here on a Saturday?" She asked, fixing the rectangular glasses on her nose. I took in a deep breath and took a step away from Draco.

"Professor, we'd like to talk to you about your daughter," Draco said and McGonagall's eyes widened.

"You want to speak about my daughter?" She asked, baffled. I nodded. "She was named after you, right?" I asked and McGonagall sighed. Running a hand down her wisened face.

"Oh Minnie. What have you done now..."

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