Bloody Floor

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Ron's POV

I woke up with a soft groan and opened my eyes. It was bright and the light from the bay window flooded onto me as I sat in my crib. It was so comfortable I didn't want to leave, but I heard voices. Many voices. Putting my blue pacifier into my mouth, I climbed out of the crib, crossed my bedroom and walked downstairs. "Daddy what's all the noise?" I asked, scratching my eyes as I walked into the living room.

Oh shit

Blaise was sitting on an armchair in front of the TV. There was a woman and three men sitting around him on the long white couches and all were staring at me. I recognized some of them. "Finally got yourself a lap dog heh boss?" Said one of them and I flinched.


"Don't you ever call my boyfriend a lap dog again McLaggen or I'll shoot your face next time. And don't get blood on the floor," Blaise sneered, putting his gun away. I stared wide eyes as Cormac McLaggen, my old class mate cradled his foot, grumbling under his breath. I quickly took the pacifier out of my mouth and turned around to leave but a hand held me back. I turned around and Blaise kissed my nose as everybody but McLaggen walked over to us. "Firecracker, this is my head of security D-"
Dean Thomas grinned that huge, blinding smile of his before giving me a large, bone crushing hug that lifted me off the ground momentarily. He was taller than I remembered. "It's been ages, how are you?" I grinned back at him and he scratched the back of his neck. "Amazing, I just got engaged," he blushed, fiddling with his ring finger and my eyes lit up. "You proposed to Seamus?!" I screeched and he shook his head, smiling like a mad man. "He proposed to me, actually," he said and I hugged him again. Standing behind Dean were two people I recognized and one I did not. Speaking of not. "Dr Nott?" I raised an eyebrow, amused and he shrugged with a large smile on his face. "I'm surprised you still remember me," he chuckled and I smiled softly. "How could I forget you. You've got a gorgeous car," I said, making his cheeks heat up as he laughed. "Theo is my right hand," Blaise said and I nodded, smiling. "Andrew?" I stared at the officer with wondering eyes. He smiled back at me and I stifled a chuckle. It really is a small world. Suddenly the woman came up from behind the group clad in suits and she introduced herself. "Hi. I don't believe we've met before. Daphne Greengrass," she shook my hand and I smiled at her. Daphne was gorgeous. She had wavy, blonde hair and soft hazel eyes. But she had an air of fakeness to her that I didn't like. "Alright then. You four go home, we'll continue this discussion at the warehouse. McLaggen, I don't want that foot to be used as an excuse!" Blaise sneered at him and with a wave from Theo, a wink from Dean and an eye roll from McLaggen, they left the Villa with Daphne who didn't turn back. The sound of cars screeching out of the driveway became quite and Blaise immediately sighed. "I'm sorry. Someone tried to breech the warehouse last night and I had to have a meeting immediately. The girl is at the cells in the warehouse for now but I've got to go question her later today," he sighed before kissing the top of my head. "When does our training start?" I asked out of curiosity and Blaise chuckled. "In three hours,"
My mouth fell open and I gulped. "Who's training us?" Harry asked suddenly, walking down the stairs. "And why is there blood on the floor?"
"Dean, Astoria and I will be training you," Blaise answered and I raised an eyebrow. "Astoria is Daphne's sister. She is in charge of gang admissions so she does background checks and such. Dean is head of security so he's essential and I could use a work out," he chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "You're already ripped. What's the point?" I asked and he smirked. "It takes a lot to get into the gang. I don't just let anyone in. You have to be trained first or else I wouldn't even have half my men and women alive," he stated and I gulped, heat rising through my neck and up to my ears. I was a decent fighter. I could throw a punch or two but that's nothing compared to what I'm probably going to have to do. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm going to make you all breakfast. Wake up the others and we'll head to the warehouse so I can interrogate the bitch who tried to break in and start your training," Blaise kissed my cheek before walking into the kitchen. Only then I realized what he was wearing. It was an all black suit with a chain attached to his front and back pocket. He was wearing a tight fitting turtle neck underneath and had a glistening gold wrist watch on. He looked godly.
"Stop drooling mate. You heard what the man said," Harry smirked before dragging me back upstairs.

Two hours later, Hermione, Draco, Pansy, Harry and I were awake and fed. Blaise had made bacon and eggs and it was heavenly. "You five ready to go?" He asked and we all got off the couch, nodding. "Are we going in two separate cars like we did when coming here or-"
"Ah, I hoped you'd ask me that. Follow me!" Blaise said excitedly and we all followed him into a large back garden with a-
"HOLY SHIT! You have a car elevator?!" Pansy screamed and Blaise grinned. "Yes sir-ee. And that's not the only thing," he led us down the normal elevator next to the car elevator and it took us deep into the mountain into a large, white room. "Surprise!"

"You didn't have too!"
"Of course I did. You guys are my family,"

I jumped up and hugged Blaise so hard we stumbled onto the ground. "Which one is which?" Hermione asked, her excitement livid on her face. Blaise helped me up before walking towards the four car and one motorcycle standing in a row in front of us. "This baby right here is Pansy's,"
Pansy squealed as she ran up to the car and Blaise threw her her keys. Her car was a purple Ferrari. Next to it was a white McLaren and a similar red one on the opposite side. Next to the red one was a gorgeous motorcycle and next to that was a
matt pink Tesla. "Draco, white ones yours. Hermione, you've got the Tesla. Harry, I saw you ogling you godfathers bike all those years ago so that's yours and you, baby boy. Get the red McLaren," Blaise grinned, throwing us all our keys. I caught mine before running over to the car. It was gorgeous. Like one if those cars only Bill Gates or Elon Musk would drive. But, there was one thing I couldn't get off my mind. Blaise had called me his boyfriend only two hours ago.....

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