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Ron's POV

It was silent. So silent I wouldn't be surprised if I blinked only to find I was alone. The silence felt as if it was aching for me to say something. The tightness in my chest throbbed in intense waves as I stared at the screen along with everyone else. Blaise was still there, staring at Lavender's severed head that lay dangling in his lithe, yet strong hands. Her body and arm limp and pale at his feet. He chuckled before dropping the head to the ground, moving towards her body. He looked over it before grabbing her jacket, fishing through her pockets. Inside the pocket was a black pen, no doubt with the Ministry logo on it. "Souvenir," he sang with an air of happiness. He twirled the pen in his hands before leaving the mangled mess of blood and flesh. "Thomas. Get someone to clean up in here. I'm going to wash my hands," Blaise then left the room and Dean sighed, turning around to face the rest of us as he got off his chair. "He's never done that before-" he heaved, scratching his chin with a shaky hand. "Well what does he usually do then?!" Pansy shrieked, the loudness of her voice making me wince. "You don't want to know," Dean chuckled and Pansy rolled her eyes. "Anyway, let me show you guys to the gym. Boss and Astoria should join us in a few." He muttured and I nodded, adjusting the collar of my shirt. To be honest, I was still in shock. How the hell did Blaise rip off a person's head and arm?! He must know the tricks and tips of human severing. Terrifying, but I couldn't deny the problem in my pants. "Uh-hey Dean? Where's the bathroom?" I asked as we walked down the hall and into the lobby. "Over there," he pointed to a short but large, brightly lit hallway with a door on each side and I thanked him before running in. I closed the door behind me, closed my eyes and leaned on it.

"Did I scare you that much?"

I screamed and jumped, my eyes snapping open. Blaise wiped his hands on a towel before walking towards me. My heart started jumping much like it did when we first met. I pushed myself closer to the door and he smiled down at me, his eyes tracing every single feature of my face, causing it to burn. "How did you do that? No human could rip off a limb that easily," I whispered and he chuckled a deep chuckle, making my spine prickle with ecstasy. "I'm experienced. I know exactly which bone I have to bend to dismember a body part." He answered simply, yet quietly and I looked up at him with cautious eyes. "And the pen?" I asked, remembering how excited he had been when taking it. "It's embarrassing but I like to collect souvenirs from my victims. When I doubt myself, I look at them and remember what I'm capable of," he smiled nostalgically and I snorted. "Yeah, not weird at all,"
He rolled his eyes before scanning my body some more. I seized up and kept my own eyes firmly glued to his chest. I still had a boner-
"Need help with that?" He asked and I blushed, my eyes widening. "I will not let you suck me off in a bathroom. Now if you'll excuse me, Dean and the others are waiting for me," a opened the door behind me and sprinted out of the bathroom and into the well lit hallway. I sighed before joining the others and with one last haunting thought on my mind, we walked towards the gym.

I should have let him...

HEY!!! I'm back bitches! Sorry it's short, but you know when you really don't know what else to put in a chapter? Well, that's what happened with this chapter. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

Byeeeee bishes😚❤✌️🏿

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