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Ron groaned. His muscles were tired and he felt he was stuck somewhere. Shifting, he realized he was stuck in Blaise's arms. Thick, blue bed sheets confined the rest of his body whilst Blaise spooned him. His long, lithe arms wrapped around Ron's waist. But Ron didn't mind. In fact, he didn't want to be anywhere else. Suddenly, his phone vibrated from his bedside table and he groaned softly, forcing his eyes open. He managed to maneuver his arm out of the sleeping man's tight hold, stretching his freckly hand towards his phone. Once it was in his hand, he switched it on and smiled softly. One message from his favourite siblings.
Fred and George Weasley.
After the bomb, Fred and George were the only one of his siblings who really spoke to him often. Ginny, though he had forgiven her, had moved to America for college after a long year of silence during his last year of high school and Bill and Charlie went their separate ways for work and spouses. Fred and George were the only Weasley children besides Ron who had stayed in their home city, and after making amends with them, he couldn't be more grateful.

Opening the message, Ron's eyes reread it a few times incase his tiredness was affecting what he was reading. Fred and George usually began their texts with a silly one liner or dad joke. But not this time...

Meet at the Diner in an hour. It's important

Ron's chest began to beat quicker. Why would his brothers need to see him so urgently and what was so important?

"What's the matter?"

Ron nearly jumped out of his skin. He had been so busy reading his brother's message over and over again he hadn't noticed at all when Blaise had woken up. He turned around so his face was level with the taller man's before putting his phone in between them. "Fred and George want to meet up in an hour. I think some thing's wrong," he murmured, absent mindedly tracing random patterns on Blaise's chest, making Blaise's stomach churn with butterflies.
"If you're that  worried I can come with you?" Blaise suggested tiredly and Ron's expression changed drastically. From tired and worried he went to shocked and- dare Blaise say- hysterical.
"I don't think you've noticed but your face is on every news Chanel. Your name is in every headline and there are probably several bounties on your head! Why the hell would you risk going outside just because I'm worried of my brothers?!" Ron hissed, his nose flaring and his cheeks red. Blaise blinked. "Because, they're important to you, therefore important to me. And besides, I'm not getting caught anytime soon," Blaise whispered and Ron frowned, though he was blushing furiously. "You've never explained that to me. How is it that you've evaded the Ministry and the Boss at every turn? You've only been caught three times and that was five years ago and you've escaped bloody Azkaban! How do you do it?"
Curiosity swam in Ron's eyes as Blaise watched him closely. No one except the police during the very scarce times he had been apprehended had ever asked him exactly how  he was even alive!

"Architecture," was the first thing he said. Ron lifted an eyebrow in confusion. "I was first caught when I was about fourteen, fifteen at most. At the time, it was illegal to put a juvenile in solitary confinement and I was much too young to be admitted to prison so they put me in the most secure place in Juvi. Little did they know, it wasn't that secure with the tiny window that they put in the top left corner of my cell."
Ron stared at Blaise. Hard. He felt as if he were supposed to understand where he was going with this, and it took some time. But suddenly, a recurring memory of the day Blaise led him down to the weapons room put most of it together for him.

"Sin could fly through the window?" He whispered, astounded and Blaise nodded. "He was no bigger than my forearm and could just about make it through the window bars. By the time I was sixteen, having spent about two years in that same cell, I was slowly going insane. Slowly growing old enough for them to move me to a prison instead of juvi. So, to keep me occupied, Sin found what he thought was, as Granger would put it- a bit of light reading. Turns out, they were the architectural designs of all the major prisons in Silver lake. Including Azkaban and the one they put me in before meeting you,"

Ron thought for a long time. To his surprise, he kind of wanted to laugh. How in hell could an eagle do all  that!? It was astounding really.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated again and he and Blaise both stared at the message that had come on from Fred and George.

Bloody get out of bed mate! We know you're still in there. Hurry up, It's about the F T...

Helloooo! Please go check out

Their story  "You were made for begging, stay" Is so fucking cute! It's a Drarry, Blairon and Pansmione story so I know you guys will like it.
Byeeeeeee bishes💜😜✌🏿

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