Theodore Nott

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Ron payed the cabbie as he got out of the car, thanking her. He put his hands in his pockets as he began his walk a block away from Molly's Diner. Why a block, you may ask? He was scared and needed time to think. Ron had no clue of the outcome of this lunch date with the twins. They hadn't spoken about the Flame Thrower for four years. Neither twins wanted to bring it up in front of Ron and suffer the consequences.

And they were right to do so.

Ron's stomach churned uncomfortably. He recognized the twin's car in the parking lot of his mother's diner. A polished, blinding shade of red with the number plate M M on it. Ron chuckled. He knew quite well what that stranded for. "Ron?"

Ron whipped around before being crushed inside an extremely tight hug. The familiar smell of sugar cookie shampoo abusing his  nose. Once the users of the shampoo let him go, identical, freckle clad faces grinned down at him. "Stop with the smiles," he sneered mockingly, narrowing his eyes. Fred and George both rolled their eyes before leading Ron into the warm dinner. The smell of baked goods made him smile, reminding him of his mother who was probably baking croissants in the back room. "Where have you been mate? We're worried about you. Your apartments been sold and no one's seen you for days," Fred started and Ron gulped, wringing his hands in his lap. "It's complicated-" was all he could muster. He hated lying to his brothers, but alot was dependent on this little meeting of theirs. "It's not, Ron. How is it that the day you dissappear from the face of the earth-"
"-Happens to be the day right after the Flame Thrower makes his first arceny strike in five years?" George finished just as exasperated as his twin.

Ron pursed his lips before coming to a realization. "Dad put you up to this? Didn't he?" He spat and Fred and George frowned. "He tried to and we refused. But-"
"We're generally worried,"

Ron started at his brothers. His face angry and heated.

"Harry and I couldn't afford rent so we moved in with Hermione. I was still trying to cope with the shooting so we thought it best to all be together. There. Happy?"

Fred and George stared at him for a long time, trying to figure out if they were satisfied with Ron's believable yet vague answer. "We told you guys to tell us if the rent was too much, Ron. Why didn't you?" They said, and Ron paled. Lying was never his strong suit, though he told quite the number of lies in school, which doesn't make sense as to why it was so hard to lie now. School should've helped him with that...
"Hermione offered immediately. She's our best friend and insisted. I couldn't say no," he whispered and George scoffed. "You'd die living with Hermione. You know how busy she gets with her job,"

"What aren't you telling us, Ron?"

Ron was slowly getting more frustrated by the second. He was biting his lip and his leg hadn't stopped jerking up and down like the tail of a happy puppy since he had sat down.

"Uh, I-"

Ron whipped his head to the door of his mother's diner and so did the twins. He had been interrupted by the sound of the door bell tinging when it opened. A tall, well dressed brunette man walked in with a smile on his face and Ron's breath hitched in his throat as the man walked to the bar to order. "You alright?" The twins asked simultaneously and Ron snapped himself out of the shock and confusion he was in. Attempting and failing to ignore the fact that Theodore Nott was talking to his mother about the different types of Burben in South Korea, he turned his attention back to his brothers. "Yeah, I'm fine. Listen guys. I'm fine, really. I haven't seen the Flame Thrower in five years and I'm not planning to. That relationship ended with the bombing. Can we just drop it?" He asked quietly and Fred and George both lowered their heads, feeling guilty for pestering him about the Flame Thrower, knowing full well that the topic wasn't the best to spring apon Ron like they did.


George was about to finish Fred's sentence with what Ron guessed was an apology, but instead he sniffed the air. Ron and Fred sniffed to.


"Mum? Everything alright?!" Ron shouted, getting up from his seat as he began to walk towards the staff authorized door. Molly Weasley jogged out, as confused as he was. "I smell smoke but nothing's been cooking for the past hour and the stoves off. All of them," she said, clutching onto Fred's arm lovingly. Ron bit his lip, confused and anxious. There were only seven people in the diner. Ron, Theo, and his brothers. Including his mother and a couple who had been making out in one of the booths. Everyone had gotten up, scared as the smoke in the room almost made it impossible to see. "Ma'am, I think we should go," Theo said suddenly and Ron stared up at him, before realizing that everyone had began coughing smoke. The seven of them made haste towards the double doors of the dinner and the girl who had been snogging her boyfriend tried to open it.

It was locked...

Suddenly, a large bang shook the ground and Ron fell, coughing smoke.
"Oh my g-god!" Ron looked up, and was suddenly helped up by Theo. He gasped and grabbed his mother's hand as the girl screamed and a few curses were thrown around. The kitchen had just been blown to pieces. Large, bright red flames illuminating the smoke clad room.
"We have to get out!" The boyfriend screamed, abusing the door knob which still wouldn't open. Eventually, it broke and his girlfriend began to cry. Ron too, felt tears slip down his ashen, red cheeks as the roaring flames etched closer with every minute they were waisting by the door. "Okay, okay, okay. Everyone-h-here!" Theo screamed, coughing whilst holding onto Ron and Molly as everyone followed him towards the nearest window. "Stay here!" He screamed. Ron screamed when Theo lept into the flames, dissappearing behind him and into the collapsed kitchen.
"He's mad!" Fred and George gasped, but Ron soon sighed in relief when Theo soon came back, his face full of ash and his cloths burnt. His face was severely burnt and he was carrying a large frying pan. Standing up on the table, he began to hit the window with such force it began to crack. Fred and George got up on the table as well and began kicking and punching the window. Everyone was coughing and spluttering, the fire so close to them Ron, Molly and the couple had to press extremely close to the table his brothers and Theo were working on. There was a loud crash and a triumphant yell from Theo.
"Go! Go! Go!" He screamed, the flames catching Ron's pants. The boyfriend pushed his girlfriend through the broken window before throwing himself through too. Fred, George, Ron and Theo helped Molly onto the table and through the window. Ron was exhausted. His head was heavy and he couldn't breath. "Go, go!" Theo continued to persist raspily, pushing Fred who grabbed onto George for dear life as they exited the burning building. Ron couldn't see anymore. The flames encased him as he fought to get up on the table. Just as he was about to give up hope, a hand grabbed his collar and he was yanked onto hard, burning wood before being thrown through fire and out onto a cold pavement. Breathing in fresh air, Ron looked up, but didn't have any time to look at his mother's diner.

He was harshly yanked back by the twins as the diner blew to pieces and collapsed. They were all blown back onto the pavement as finally, the police, fire department and paramedics came. Their sirens blaring and their lights hurting Ron's head.
Once most of the commotion was over and Ron was wrapped in a blanket, sitting in an ambulance watching his family diner burn his heart lurched and he realized something. He lept off the parked ampulance, threw his blanket onto the floor and began to fight his way through police men and fire fighters.

"Where's Theo?!" He screamed, tears cascading his weary, ash stricken face.

A fire fighter walked up to him, his helmet in his hand.

"WHERE IS HE!?" Ron screamed even louder, his throat burning as fire fighters and policeman grabbed him, stopping him from running back into the burning building.

"I'm sorry, son. You're friend didn't make it out on time,"

Ron stopped struggling.

His knees buckled and he fell to the ground

Molly's Dinner was gone

And so was Theodore Nott

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