Hell's Army

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Blaise's POV

"Listen up everyone!" I yelled, looking over the massive crowd of hundreds apon hundreds of Hell Hounds. My Hell Hounds. "The war is no longer coming, for it is already here," I said. Murmers broke out in the Assembly, people wondering what had happened. Why the sudden emergency meeting had been called for every single Hell Hound in the city to gather at the Warehouse.

Once the room calmed down, I continued.

"One of our own has been kidnapped by the Ministry!" I stated and an eruption of voices began talking, yelling. I wanted so badly to let one of my alters continue for me. Say what had to be said for me. But I couldn't. Although I can't control when any of my alters choose to make their appearances, somehow I knew I had to be the one to see this war through.

"We've prepared for months, even years for this!" I yelled, grabbing everyone's attention immediately. They all stared up at me with worrying, restless faces.

"Omegas and Betas!" I began. "You will be taking the Ministry head on. As our infantry and cavalry, you will be the in the front lines." I gulped. "Now I can't assure that many of you will return to the Warehouse unscathed. I'm not going to give you empty promises," I said, staring around at everyone. Beside me, near the North-West exit of the Warehouse were my friends. Harry and Hermione distraught. Pansy and Draco nervous.

I imagined Ron standing amongst them, smiling softly at me, proudly even. With him, everything seemed so easy. I'd breeze through life enjoying almost every minute of it knowing that at the end of the day, I'd get to climb into bed with him and fell asleep with him in my arms, his ginger hair tickling my nose as we spooned.

It always tickled my nose and he'd always laugh at me whenever I mentioned it.

My chest tightened and I took a deep breath in, forcing my eyes to retract the tears I could feel attempting to spill.

"Some of you might die today!" I said. "Today. Tomorrow. Next week. I can't possibly know how long this battle will last." Nobody said anything. No murmers or mutterings of any kind. Complete silence.

"In order to save this city, sacrifices have to be made." My tone softened. "To the best of your ability, keep each other safe," I ordered, though even I could here the plead in my own voice. "One of our own is in that building. You all know him. Even if you don't, he is apart of this family as all of you are. We protect our family."

Unexpectedly, claps erupted around the room and my eyes widened. I glanced to my side and caught Pansy's eyes. She nodded. Not smiling, but the look in her eyes gave me some small sort of solace that calmed me down. Gave me hope.

"Hell Fire!" I called and the Assembly quitened down, letting me speak.

I nodded, acknowledging every single one of them as Pansy had with me.

"Let's raise Hell!" I yelled.

The crowd cheered so loudly the noise made me flinch. Bellows and yells could probably be heard from the City if you listened hard enough.

People began leaving, running towards their separate teams to get geared up and ready for the fight. I hopped off the stage and joined my friends, along with Alpha team, my personal bregade of Hell Hounds. Alpha team; Draco Malfoy, Daphne Greengrass, Dean Thomas, Officer Samuel Andrew and Cormac McLaggen. With the addition of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson.

I could never have asked for a better group of people to fight side by side with.

If only Theo had been here. He'd have given those Ministry bastards hell.

Harry approached me, a backpack slung over his shoulder. His uniform curving over his muscles. The small red flame curving on his left peck, just like everyone else's. Except for mine, mine being white instead of red.

"At your word, Boss," he said, seriousness in his eyes. The respect I had for both Harry and Hermione was unimaginable at this point. They'd known Ron way longer than I had and loved him so much. Despite everything that was happening, they were holding it together so impressively that it gave the me strength to, too.

I nodded, smiling at the eight of them.

"Let's go save Ron."

And with those last words, Hell's Army boarded hundreds of dark SUV's, headed towards the city where lying in wait was another army that claimed to be of Heaven.

The Ministry.

Haha, I'm back bitches! ❤️
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! It's short but I had to get something out for you guys after being gone so long :)

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