Arthur's Predicament

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"Not now, Damian-"

The sandy haired boy bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Boss, it's about your son, Ronald."

Arthur Weasley rose an interested eyebrow.

"I'm listening,"

His assistant, Damian, began.

"Thank you, Sir. He's done it, Sir," he said nervously, pulling at his collar. Arthur frowned.

"Done what?"

Damian began to sweat.

"He's one of them, Sir. A Hell Hound I mean. Your son is officially a member of the Hell Fire Gang-"

Arthur flew into a rage. He shouted, swatting everything off his desk furiously. His cup of coffee shattered against the walls of his Ministry office and his breathing was rough and ragged.

"Erm, Sir-"

Arthur whipped around, shaking his fist at his assistant.

"WHAT?! What news could you possibly have for me now?!" He screamed, his cheeks and ears as red as his hair. Damian gulped. "The Boss is a-asking for you," he whispered and Arthur sighed angrily, storming out of the office and into the elevator. Reaching the highest floor of the building, he left the elevator and past the Boss's secretary's desk, nodding curtly at the secretary. Standing at the door of the office, he took in a large breath, shuddering slightly. He was in for it.

He knocked

A voice allowed him in from inside the room and he entered, the AC inside cranked up a tad too high for his liking.

"Please, sit down, Arthur."

Arthur sat down on one of the couches, wringing his hands in his lap.

"Boss, I-"

"I assume the operative I sent to infiltrate the Hell Fire gang after Brown's disappearance has provided Damian, therefore you, with the news of what has happened last night?" The woman asked, her hands tight around her hot mug of
bitter coffee. Arthur nodded. "Really, ma'am. I don't know how it happened. He refused to-"

"Let me finish, Arthur."

His eyes widened and he closed his mouth, staring at his lap. She continued.
"You're son is a Hell Hound, Arthur. Do you know what jeopardy this has put us in? Do you understand how close the Flame Thrower is to figuring out how we do things? Do you?" Arthur gulped. Beads of sweat fell down his pale face and he nodded. "Yes ma'am,"

The woman frowned her thin lips.

"You need to kill him," she said and Arthur's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me, Weasley. Kill your son, or else everything, every plan, all your hard work, will all be a waste and you'll rot in Azkaban along with everyone else in my gang," she said and Arthur trembled in his seat, fury gushing through his blood. He stood up so abruptly the glass coffee table before him rocked.
"I mean no disrespect, ma'am. But this is my own son we're talking about! I can't kill him! It'd break Molly a-and his brothers and sister! It'd break me!" He shouted, watching as his Boss strode gracefully around her large office, her clicking heels filling her silence. She stopped pacing and stared out the window, blowing on her coffee before taking a sip.
"You should have thought of that before becoming lead on the Flame Thrower's infiltration. I want you to follow your son home from work tomorrow. No doubt the Flame Thrower has moved him to a more secure place than that apartment building he and the Potter boy shared. Follow him and take a few operatives with you. I want you to level, that house, Arthur. And level him with it,"

Arthur let out a small whimper, tears pooling in his sunken, tired eyes.

"I'm sure if I just talk to him-"

"No. Talking won't be enough, Weasley! This is why the Ministry is doing what they're doing! Blaise Zabini is the most dangerous man in England! He manipulates people, contorting their minds to bend to his every will and whim! He's a master manipulator. You think you're three steps ahead of him, only to find out he's already won the race! He triple-crosses people, then does it again just because it's fun! He always wins the game. You need to kill, Arthur. If Ronald Weasley is under the control and influence of the Flame Thrower, HA! He'd jump off a cliff for the bloke without nothing but word from him! That's what makes him so dangerous! He's been doing this since before he learnt calculus and biology! A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. You know what that means, Arthur?"

Arthur shook his head, holding his breath.

"It means an organization is only stronger than their weakest employee. That doesn't apply to the Flame Thrower. He is the link that holds the chain together, Arthur! Take a piece of the chain away, he replaces it with his own wits. He replaces it, with something ten times worse! We need to destroy Hell Fire! And to do that, we need to destroy Blaise Zabini. But he is a strong youth. Has suffered through more than most. The only way to truly demolish him, is to demolish what he loves,"

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