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This chapter is full of extreme smut. So if you are uncomfortable with smut, you don't have to read the chapter. Just know that they had sex and their relationship has grown.
If you however, are dirty minded like me,
I am so sorry 😂
Enjoy 😌

Ron smirked when he heard the door of Blaise's bedroom door shut and lock behind him. He had been kissed for quite some time now, but he wanted more. He needed more. Blaise found his lips once again and Ron wrapped his long, freckly arms around his shoulders, sighing into the kiss. Blaise kissed him harder and Ron moaned when he bit his lip. For a minute he thought he tasted blood, but it didn't matter. Blaise's lips were too enticing. And he was insatiable. "I enjoyed t-ah-today-" Ron said, feeling Blaise snake his arms over his body. His shirt was pulled over his head and was immediately thrown onto the floor somewhere. "You enjoyed me adding to my body count?" Blaise chuckled deeply, his lips creeping down Ron's neck, leaving dark marks under his freckles. Ron moaned, lolling his head back against the door. Blaise kissed down Ron's chest, his hands traveling everywhere, leaving scorch marks on Ron's skin. Blaise's tongue drew stripe after stripe on his body and he sighed, getting hard under the warmth of his Daddy. Suddenly, Blaise stopped and Ron frowned. "Bed," he ordered and Ron blushed, taking a seat on Blaise's bed. "Pants off," the darker boy growled and Ron moaned. Blaise sounded so deep and terrifying it turned him on to the point where he couldn't sit still. Every muscle in his body was aching to be used, craving the touch of him. Ron yelped and moaned when Blaise's lips crashed into his and he was pushed back against the covers. The kiss was rough and painful. And he loved it. What he wasn't expecting however, was for the taller boy to grab a hold of his dick. Blaise began stroking and Ron felt himself buckle underneath him. He gripped onto the covers, moaning in between kisses as Blaise stroked his cock. Suddenly, Blaise pushed his body harder against the bed, restricting him from movement. Ron squirmed, his dick throbbing. "Fuck-" he heaved and Blaise chuckled against his lips. "Language, baby boy," he growled and Ron moaned, biting his lip so hard he tasted blood. Again. Blaise's hand began moving faster and Ron cried out, scrunching his toes. Suddenly he was harshly flipped over so he had his ass in the air and he was on his knees. He looked back and felt a growl escape his lips as he watched Blaise undressing. Smooth, toaned chocolate skin. The body of a Greek God. A face only people could dream about. He felt like drooling. Blaise sauntered over to him like a fox. Slow and hungry.
"God damn. You look so fucking sexy," he whispered, grabbing Ron's hips from behind. He bent down and slowly began kissing the down Ron's spine. Ron arched his back, his dick still throbbing. He groaned loudly when Blaise licked a stripe over his hole. He did it again and nearly screamed when Blaise started fingering him. Ron ground down on the bed and moaned loudly, griping the blankets. One finger became two. Two became three and soon Ron was riding Blaise's fingers, Blaise moving his hands in a rhythm.
"Fuck! Yeah!" Ron screamed as Blaise's fingers got faster. He was slowly creeping on the edge. But suddenly it all stopped.

Ron screamed when Blaise pounded into him. He thrust himself inside Ron until it became a growing rhythm again.
"Fuck-" Blaise hissed, groping Ron's red ass cheeks with his hands. He flipped Ron around and put his hand next to his head, forcing Ron to watch him. The hand next to Ron gripped Ron's hair instead and he whimpered, his eyes stinging as Blaise fucked him harder and faster. "H-harder-ah, fuck!" He moaned and Blaise thrust into him so hard he hit his prostate. Over and over again Ron screamed in pleasure and pain, lust taking over his senses. Blaise moaned loudly as he pound into Ron, the smaller boy beneath him taking his breath away. Ron was a screaming mess. His hear was tussled and messy in Blaise's hand. Sweat glazed his body, making him shine as he struggled underneath the darker man's grip. His baby boy was gorgeous.

"You. Look. Amazing," Blaise heaved, biting his lip when Ron arched his back again as pleasure ran up his spine. "Fuck! I'm almost there-" Ron screamed, his entire body moving to the rhythm they had made. He was so close to the edge. Blaise drove into him a few more times and Ron screamed, coming against his chest, moaning louder when Blaise did the same, his load filling him up. Every muscle in Ron's body seized up and immediately relaxed as pure ecstasy clouded his head and Blaise rode off the last of it. Blaise chuckled deeply and began licking it off, making Ron blush. His Daddy held him closer and their lips connected. Ron opened his eyes and smiled, breathing heavily against Blaise's chest. He loved the way they contrasted. He loved the way Blaise fucked him senseless. Making him scream. He loved it all.

And he wanted more

Letting his lips fall from Blaise's, he looked up into those deep, aroused chocolate brown eyes and blinked, every bone in his body itching to be touched again.

Blaise smirked

"Round two?"

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