Prince Of Hell

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"Ron, are you sure you remembered the time correctly?" Harry asked, pulling his coat tighter around himself. Ron rolled his eyes. It was freezing. Especially at this time of morning. "Of course I did. What do you take me for?" He hissed against the wind and Pansy smirked. "A forgetful tomato."
"First off, shut up. Second, we're here," Ron said, scolding her ever so slightly. The five of them looked around. "Where is here, exactly?" Hermione asked and Ron ran a hand down his freckled face. "Where Blaise told me to meet him at this time, on this day. I'm actually surprised. He doesn't seem like the type to be late," Ron muttered, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "The king is never late. Everyone else is simply early,"


Blaise had snuck up behind Draco who was at the very back of the group and had whispered into his ear. Everyone watched in amusement and shock as the blonde jumped two feet into the air before squaring his shoulders, looking quite disheveled for a Malfoy. "Are you going to mentally kill me or give me a hug?" Blaise asked, an eyebrow raised and his arms wide. A small smirk on his face. "You know what. I don't think I will," Draco sneered and Blaise narrowed his eyes, his thick lips still pulled into a smirk. "Suit yourself fratello (brother)," he said before walking past Draco towards Harry Hermione and Pansy. Hermione took a large step back. "You still think I tried to kill Ron?" He asked and Hermione huffed a strand of curly hair out of her face. She turned away from him like a mother turning away from her daughter after finding out she did drugs but Blaise could see the smile threatening to form on her face. "Pan-Pan, how have you been sorella (sister)?" Pansy shifted a little and Blaise grinned. "You want to hug me,"
"I do not,"
"Yes you do,"
"No I don't,"
"You've wanted to hug me for a while,"
"No I haven't,"
"You're lying,"
"I'm not,"
"You bite your lip and blink a lot when you lie,"
Pansy gave in and gave Blaise a hug that lasted longer than she anticipated.
Maybe he was right?
"Finally! Someone I know will be willing to give me a hug!" Blaise said with an air if relief and Harry grinned, embracing the taller boy with open arms. Whilst cradling Harry, Blaise turned his head towards Ron and Ron stifled a snort when he mouthed, "He's my favourite".
"Alright. Let's get to business then. Do we have a deal?" Blaise asked Ron and everyone immediately began paying more attention to the situation at hand. "Ah, you see about that. I did get the job, thank Merlin. But I-"
"We all want in on the gang," Harry finished and Blaise's eyes widened. "You're serious?" He asked and Hermione, after many minutes of silence, spoke up. "Did he stutter?" At this Blaise snorted and Hermione furrowed her eyebrows. "So you're all okay with lying to the police, your families and the government? You've thought about what you're getting yourself into?" He asked and everyone nodded. "Take it or leave it," Pansy stated and Blaise thought for a minute before smiling. "I'll take all of you, on one condition?" He said and the five of them waited in heavy anticipation. What could be possibly want?
"I want you all to move in with me," he said and both Draco and Ron choked on air. "What?"
"My house has plenty of room. Move in with me and then we'll talk about joining Hell Fire," he repeated and Ron raised an eyebrow. "Where do you live?" He asked and Blaise smiled again before looking up, past the burnt warehouse. "Up there,"
He pointed and they all followed his gaze. Past the warehouse was the city and on the opposite side of the city, were many mountains. In one of the mountains, you could just make out the shape of a large, mansion. Ron had seen the house at times. He only found out two years ago that it used to be the vacation home of Lorelei Zabini while she still lived. But he never thought anything off it. "You live in the Los Fuego Villa?" Hermione asked, astounded and Blaise nodded. "It's got a sauna, ocean view, pool-"
"I'm sold. We should definitely move in," Harry said immediately and Ron heaved in a nervous breath. "We'll think about it. Uh, Blaise. Can I talk to you? In private I mean?" He asked, biting his lip. Blaise nodded and the two left the group and walked to the edge of the docks, right next to the water and closest to the beach. "What's wrong firecracker?" Blaise asked and Ron stared up into his soft, chocolate irises.
"What are we? With all that's going on? Are we just business partners or just friends or-"
"We'll be whatever you want, baby boy as long as I can fuck you into the mattress," Blaise growled next to Ron's ear and Ron shivered, though his eyes were alight with lust. "Sow I cwan bwee the King?" He asked, looking up at Blaise hopefully. "No little one. I'm the King,"

Ron looked down at the ground. He felt tears building up. Blaise lifted his chin with his hand and Ron looked up at him. His eyes glossy.

"And you, my Prince of Hell. Are the only Kingdom I need. You belong to me know,"

Ron felt himself harden and he gulped, his eyes still glossy yet he couldn't help but be turned on. Usually, he'd be angry for Blaise making him sound like an object, but now? He didn't care.

He was his Prince

"My King and my Flame? You're taking on way too many titles your Majesty," he said and Blaise chuckled, inching his face closer to Ron's.

"I'd take on the world if it meant I could see you smile,"

Thank you Queen_Maddie_UwU
For the name of the Villa 😘
Hope you guys liked the chapter.
Byeeeee bishes😘❤✌️🏿

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