Use Your Words

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Warning: Smut

"You and I have bearly had a minute alone,"

Ron jumped two feet into the air before clutching onto his heart, his other hand gripping the quartz vanity. Blaise chuckled softly as he sauntered into Ron's bathroom, his hands leaving the warmth of his pockets to snake his arms around the warmth of his Little. Ron blushed. He had not shirt on. Before Blaise had walked into the room, he had been staring at the white tattoo just below his neck, where his spine began. The  pale tattoo of a Hell Hound. A single, burning flame embedded into his skin that he would cherish forever. It greatly resembled the necklace laying carelessly around his neck. Blaise's arms held Ron's waist and he kissed his shoulders, trailing up to his neck, making Ron shudder. The light kisses trailed all the way up to Ron's head, and soon Ron's entire face was being peppered so quickly all he could do was giggle. He squirmed around in Blaise's arms, giggling and snorting as the taller man continued. Ron grinned and turned around, hugging Blaise's waist, his wavy, ginger hair falling onto his shoulder. Blaise hugged back, his eyes falling closed as he and his Little swayed in content. Suddenly, Blaise's eyes opened and he squinted at Ron's shoulder. Small, pink welts he had not seemed to notice before traced all around Ron's upper body, faint, but still visible. He let Ron go and furrowed his eyebrows. "How did that happen?" He asked, following each individual scar with his eyes, knowing that if he touched them, Ron would flinch away. "The b-bomb," Ron whispered, his eyes faltering to the floor. Blaise noticed the sadness in Ron's deep, ocean eyes and he put a finger underneath his freckly chin. Smiling a small smile. "They're beautiful," he whispered, kissing each of Ron's shoulders, where the  welts ran. Ron blushed an even darker red, almost crimson, wrapping his own arms around his waist.
"Baby boy?" Ron looked up at Blaise, his eyes big and wondrous. "Mm-hmm?"
Blaise tutted. "Use your words," he stated and Ron bit his lip. His pupils dilating.
"Yes, daddy?"
Blaise grinned, caressing the edge of Ron's freckly jaw. "You up for a shower?"
Ron's eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly, grinning up at Blaise who was still smiling down at him. Ron shyly slipped off his boxers before waiting for Blaise to strip.
He had forgotten how beautiful he actually was. The smooth, chocolate skin. The strong, yet lithe and graceful build. And his ass. It was astronomical! Ron's eyes widened as Blaise took off his own boxers and he blushed, looking away. He heard Blaise's deep chuckle and his insides churned with anticipation. Suddenly, the tap in the shower turned on and hot steam began to engulf the room so quickly, in a matter of seconds, all he could see was white steam. A dark shadow loomed towards him and took his hand. Giggling, Ron followed Blaise into the shower, immediately being struck by the warm, prickling sensation of hot water. He sighed in content, feeling all tenseness he had been feeling fall into the drain. He almost yelped however when Blaise snaked his hands around his waist, pressing up against him. Ron gulped. He could feel himself grow hotter, though he knew it wasn't the water. Blaise's dick was pressed up against his ass, and he didn't think Blaise would move for a while.
And he was right.
Blaise began kissing Ron's neck, his kisses causing Ron's spine to tingle. He trailed up to Ron's ear, biting it and Ron groaned, his head lolling back onto Blaise's chest. "Who's your daddy?" He whispered into Ron's ear and the ginger gulped again. "You,"
He bit his ear again and Ron moaned, biting his lip. "Say it louder," Blaise growled, running his hands down Ron's waist. Ron gasped, his breathing quickening as he spoke. "You're m-my daddy," he said louder, stuttering. Blaise's hands getting dangerously close to his dick. Blaise reached his V line and began to tease him, drawing circles around his inner thighs. Ron hardened, his head still firmly pressed against Blaise's chest, his ass still resting against Blaise's dick. The hot air swirled around them, making it nearly impossible to see. Without warning, Blaise slid his wet hand around Ron's length, his other hand firmly upon Ron's waist. He began with slow movements, causing Ron to sigh in pleasure, but when he picked up speed, Ron began moaning. His moans echoed off the walls of the bathroom. The sauna like room creating the perfect atmosphere. "Who is your daddy, Ron ?" He repeated and Ron groaned, grinding against Blaise. The feeling of hearing his own name role off Blaise's tongue so easily made him weaker.  Blaise stopped him and he whimpered. "Say it," he said sternly, his hand moving faster with every second. Ron moaned loudly, whimpering as Blaise restricted his every movement. The only think he could move was his head, but it didn't want to go anywhere. "You!" He moaned, biting his lip so hard he thought he tasted blood. With one swift movement, Ron shuddered against Blaise, loading onto his hand. He could feel Blaise smirking as he panted, his voice coarse and his throat sore. Every movement he made trembled. But he wanted more. So to Blaise's surprise, he made the water hotter, kneeling down in front of him. Staring up at Blaise with lust in his eyes.

"What can I do for you, master?"

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