Death Eaters

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I woke up and blinked. There was a thick blindfold obscuring my vision. Underneath my eyelids, I rolled my eyes.

Why does he always do this?

Besides me, someone groaned and anger suddenly flooded my system. Ron...

Sneering, I strained slightly against the well done ropes around my hands.

"Kinky are we, Riddle? D'you tie everyone up like this or just me?" I asked. Across the room, a deep voice laughed without humor. I smirked. I'd gotten his attention.

"It's been a while, Blaise Zabini."

The blindfold was ripped off my face and the dim light blinded me. After adjusting to the light, I glanced at Ron to see he was already staring back at me, fear in his eyes. I vaguely remember what had happened before the car had flipped. I'd black out immediately. But Ron and I had been talking. I remember pulling the car to park and I remember kissing him. Oh, that kiss. Ron and I kissed a lot but every time it felt as if we were reliving our first...

I smiled at my firecracker. He didn't need to be scared, for the most part. I was here with him and wouldn't let anything happen to him and I needed him to know that.

"I take it you didn't come to catch up?"

I pried my eyes off of Ron's and rose an eyebrow at the man who'd spoken.

"Hey, Tom." I smiled warmly.

The man walked into the light of the small interrogation room and I grinned. He hadn't changed one bit.

Tom Riddle, the leader of a partnering gang was a handsome man. He looked extremely young for his age, with a sharp angular jaw, intelligent brown eyes with flecks of blue. His eyebrows arched down without him having to frown, giving everybody the impression that he was always angry.

But I knew he wasn't. If anything, he was pleased to see me. Hopefully-

"Blaise?" Ron asked quietly and I cleared my throat. "It's alright, firecracker-" I didn't smile this time. I frowned and turned to Riddle with deadly warning in my eyes. The pale man rose an eyebrow before motioning behind me. I felt somebody untie my hands and watched as a man undid Ron's. When he was free, Ron immediately walked towards me and I stood up to check his wrists.

A little red but weren't bruised.

"Are you alright?" I asked him softly, caressing his cheek with my thumb. He could've been hurt during the car ambush. "A little dizzy," he murmured and I suppressed a growl. Turning to my old friend, I tried for a smile.

"What are you doing here, Zabini?" Riddle asked, his voice deep and tired. I winked. "Where's your hospitality, Tom? You've already totaled my car and he is dizzy. Maybe a meal? Then we can talk."

Tom studied me for a moment before cracking a smile. He hugged me and I hugged back gratefully. As always, he smealt like fresh laundry and the faint smell of copper. Blood, I'd always guessed.

He let me go and clapped my shoulder. "Its good to see you, Blaise. But it's dangerous for you to be here. You're car was a necessary evil. What if you were an enemy? Wouldn't you have done the same thing?"

Well, I knew that. But it was important.

I didn't say that, though. Ron came first. Always. "We'll get to formalities later. This is Ron, my Little." At the statement, Ron made a choking sound and I smirked. I barely called him my 'little' in public. The specifics of our relationship wasn't people's business. But Tom was different.

Tom and Ron stared at each other for a long time. I could feel Ron's hands shaking in my own and I laced our fingers, hoping to reassure him. Tom reached out his hand.
"It's good to finally meet you, Ronald Weasley," he said formally and Ron gingerly took his hand to shake. "Likewise, uh- Sir."

Tom smiled. "Come with me," he said and lead us to a door on the far end of the interrogation room, two men flanking us. As we walked, I leaned towards Ron and explained a few things.

"Tom is the leader of our closest partnering gang. The Death Eaters."

Ron gasped so loudly I worried for his throat. He stumbled and I only just managed to hold him up before he fell. "The-the Death Eaters?" He stuttered and I could feel Tom smirking in front of us. "Yes, I'm sure you would've heard about them. They're a very formidable gang. Unlike Hell Fire, who mostly deal with weapons shipments and manufacturing, the DE specialize with drugs amongst other things."

I didn't want to scare Ron, but I wasn't going to lie to him about why we were here either. Personally, I don't like drugs and the thought of distributing them using my gang doesn't sit well with me. That's why I only handle weaponry and arms. But the Death Eaters are one of the largest and most wealthy gangs out there with plenty of experience in narcotics. If anyone could help us learn more about Dream, the drug the Ministry has been distributing, it would be Tom Riddle.

Know thy enemy. In our case, our enemy is a drug.

I explained all this to Ron as we rode an elevator that Tom had led us to through a maze of metal lined corridors. The men that had been following us, stayed behind.

Ron's hand was shaking again and I frowned. Taking his face in my hands, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me," I started. His usually ocean blue eyes resembled large blueberries. "Tom is good people, firecracker. As good as people like us can get."

Ron glanced at the leader of the Death Eaters and I followed his gaze. I'd know Tom Riddle for five years now. When I was seventeen soon to turn eighteen, I'd been convicted for the many people I'd killed at the time. Whilst in custody waiting for the Ministry to decide what to do with me whislt I was still a minor, I'd gotten a visit from a random man in solitary. Tom had been posing as an important Ministry agent in order to get an audience with me. He'd heard of me and had come with a large proposition for me.

I won't get too much into detail but since then, Tom Riddle has been like a father figure to me, though he wasn't much older then I by only seven years. He helped me build Hell Fire after I lost Ron and I owe him my life on more than one occasion.

I hadn't noticed that Ron had been staring at me until the elevator stopped.

We stepped into a large mahogany based office. Tom's office, compared to my modern one, was extremely grand. The walls were lined dark green, with even darker green patterns on them. The floor was dark wood. The windows were large, green curtains on either side of them. A warm, ornate chandelier hung from the ceiling. There was a lounge of black leather couches and a large desk with papers scattered across is, as well as four computers and two other laptops- the rich bastard.

Ron snapped his gaping mouth shut before he could gasp again.

"Scotch?" Tom asked, walking towards a large cabinet on the other side of the room. I grinned. "Please. And a meal for Ron?" I asked. Tom rolled his eyes, smiling plainly. "Already ordered. It's on its way," he stated and I nodded, satisfied.

"Blaise?" Ron asked, tugging my sleeve. I hummed and turned to him. "Something wrong?" I asked and he blinked, adjusting his jacket collar. He shook his head, but just as he was about to speak the elevator pinged and it's door, which were the same colours as the walls on this side, slid open.

A man walked out holding a large family pack of McDonald's. He was on the phone, laughing. His eyes skimmed over us and he cleared his throat nonchalantly, still smiling. "Oh, hold on Cho- talk later,"

The man hung up and I grinned. Ron, on the other hand had wide eyes and his mouth was hanging open. When the man with the McDonald's saw him, he blinked and dropped the bag as well as his phone.

"Ron Weasley?" He stuttered.

Ron was blubbering like a fish without water.


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