Ground Up

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"Are you absolutely sure that's what he said?" Pansy pestered as her, Draco, Hermione and Harry all hustled towards the living room. On the contrary, Draco had told them what Blaise had said the next move was. 'Genocide', Blaise had said. Was he being serious? Draco didn't know. All he knew was that alot  of people were going to die and he didn't think they had much time left. "Hey guys, what's going on?"
Everybody tensed as Ron walked out of his room in a baby blue onsie, wiping his eyes tiredly. Draco gulped. "Ron. We think you should talk to Blaise," Hermione said and Ron furrowed his eyebrows, frowning. "What do you mean?" He asked, blinking his large blue eyes curiously. "Well, we think Theo's death might be affecting his decisions a little. And has anyone noticed how we barely see his alters anymore?" Pansy stated, looking around the room at the rest of the group. True to her words Z and Ash, Blaise's alters, hadn't made an appearance for multiple days. As far as they all knew Blaise hadn't taken his DID medication in years. So the reason for their sudden silence was questionable and unknown.
"Maybe they're not in mood?" Ron wondered aloud, his voice soft and a slightly higher pitch, though groggy. Harry and Hermione could tell he had been in Little Space when he woke up. Ron suddenly looked worried, staring at the hallway which led to his bedroom where Blaise was still asleep. "Now that you mention it actually, I did here him muttering in his sleep last night," he whispered and everyone rose their eyebrows, intrigued. "What was he saying?" Harry asked and Ron pursed his lips, squinting his eyes to remember. "He was saying something about the ground. About going up," he said and Hermione frowned. "Up? What do you mean up?" She pestered and Ron rolled his eyes, getting frustrated. "I don't know, Hermione! Up is up! I was half asleep as it is!" He hissed, pacing towards the kitchen. Ron began pouring apple juice into a glass, sipping on it contently. Pansy began to get impatient. "Ron, he's planning on genocide!" She said loudly and Ron chocked on his drink before the glass fell to the ground, shattering at his slippered feet. Hermione hit Pansy on the shoulder and she rolled her eyes. "Probably not how you should've broken the news, Pans," Draco hissed. They all stared at Ron as if waiting for a bomb to go off. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide, a look of complete disbelief cascading his freckly face.

"Ron?" Harry called silently.

He didn't say anything.

"Good morning,"

Everybody whipped around and the tension in the room got a couple thousand times worse. Blaise was standing in front of them all, his grey sweatpants hanging low on his waist with a lopsided, small, tired smile on his half asleep expression. Draco looked closely. He had been crying.
"Genocide, Blaise? What's that all about?" Pansy asked suddenly and his eyes widened slightly. But in amusement?
They were all extremely confused. "Who do you think planted the bomb?" He asked Pansy and she frowned. "Well, the Ministry of course," she said and her eyes widened. "Wait, was it you?!" She asked furiously and Blaise's expression immediately changed. "Fuck, no! Why would I put my Little, his family and one of my closest friends in danger like that! Including everyone in that diner who I didn't even know!" He shouted and Pansy jumped back, her heart beating. Suddenly, after minutes of silents, Ron realized something as he began slowly picking up the shattered pieces of glass he had dropped. "It was my father. Wasn't it?" He whispered and Hermione's eyes widened. "Ron, it couldn't have been! You, your mother, Fred and George were all in that building. Mr Weasley wouldn't do that!" She stated, worry evident in her eyes. "You know how persistent he can be, Hermione! What if the Boss gave him an offer he couldn't refuse! What if he knows I'm in the gang!? What if he knows we're all in the gang?! As long as we've all got that matching tattoo he'll be suspicious of everything,"
Ron finished with a sigh, running a hand through his tussled ginger hair. "Okay maybe, but why genocide?! It's not as if we can walk up to the Ministry in broad daylight, kill a bunch of Ministry operatives and demand the Boss reveal themselves!" Harry said hysterically and everyone was shocked when Blaise snorted.

"That's exactly what we're going to do,"

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