The Lonely Mermaid

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"Thank you daddy,"

Blaise's eyes widened and he grinned. He kissed Ron's cheek and they lay down again. Ron lay his head on Blaise chest and the two watched the clouds take on different shapes. "Look daddy! It's a dino!" Ron giggled and Blaise chuckled. "How old are you, little one?" He asked softly and Ron pouted, thinking for a moment before holding four fingers to the sky. Blaise nodded. "I see a dog up there. Do you see it?" He asked, pointing above him and Ron squinted. "Daddy siwy. It's a fishy!" Ron said cherpily and Blaise shook his head fondly. Ron suddenly became sad and Blaise sat him up. Ron started crying softly. "But if fishy in the sky, Ariewl is lonwely," he sniffed and Blaise thought for a while before coming to the realization that Ron thought the cloud was Flounder from the Little Mermaid. Blaise chuckled but his happiness was slowly shattered when he heard someone call Ron's name. "Stay here firecracker," Blaise whispered, getting up. Ron nodded and started absent mindedly playing with a sheet of grass that was sticking out of the ground at an odd angle. "Okie daddy!"
Blaise walked towards Draco and Pansy. "I didn't know you guys were friends?" Draco said out of the the blue. "Why do you need him?" Blaise asked and Pansy gulped. "We just wanted to know if he would like to hang out with us for the rest of the day?" Pansy said and Blaise almost jumped when Ron spoke. How the hell did he get here so quietly?!
"I'd love too," he said and with that, Blaise was left alone with Draco staring him down anxiously.
Blaise doesn't know how Ron got out of Little Space so quickly but he was slightly hurt to see him go. "Can we talk?" Draco asked and Blaise narrowed his eyes. "About?"
"I wanted to apologize, for what I said earlier. It was uncalled for," Draco said and Blaise raised an eyebrow. "You have nothing to apologize for. I am a coward and you are brave. Maybe not Gryffindor brave but you're getting there," he said and Draco stifled a chuckled. "You know, if you want..... You can come hang out with Ron, Pansy and I? I'm sure Pansy won't mind," The blonde offered but Blaise shook his head. "I've never been a people person. I'd rather stay here, thanks." He said and Draco nodded before pocketing his hands. He walked away from the field but Blaise stopped him in his tracks before he could enter the building. "You won't tell anyone? About who I was?" He asked and Draco turned around. "My lips, are sealed," he said, pretending to zip up his lips and throw away the key. Blaise nodded and smiled a small smile as he watched the boy go.

"Ginny, can we talk?" Harry asked, patting the ginger's shoulder. "Sure, what about?" She asked and Harry gulped. "Well, I-shit, this is harder than I thought it would be," he chuckled and Ginny raised an eyebrow before her eyes widened. "You're breaking up with me? Aren't you?" She said in a grave tone and Harry panicked. "NO! I mean-yes. I'm sorry Gin!" He shouted, and Ginny laughed dryly, shaking her head. "I saw this coming," she whispered to herself and Harry felt cold inside. "I'm so sorry Ginny. It's just-"
"It's fine, Harry. I'm actually gay," she said and Harry pursed his lips tightly, so tightly they started going pale. "Please don't faint!" Ginny screamed and he let out a deep breath. "I know you're bisexual too. It's blatantly obvious," she continued and Harry scratched the back of his neck. That went well???

The next day, Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron were all sitting at their usual table for breakfast. Just the night before, Harry had confessed to Hermione about his sexuality after he told Ginny and Hermione was surprised he hadn't figured it out sooner. Yet Ron still hadn't told them of his kiss with a certain criminal. Just then, said criminal walked into the cafeteria, looking around. He wasn't being escorted by his guards this time and Ron wondered why. However, his breath caught in his chest when they gained eye contact. Ron flushed from his neck to the tip of his ears and quickly went back to eating his food. Hermione and Ginny, who were sitting opposite him at the table looked up apprehensively and Ron raised his eyebrow, turning around in his seat. Blaise was standing above them, his eyes slowly skirting around the table. "May I sit..." He said and everything went silent. "With you," he added and Ron wanted to snort.
He's cute when he's nervous.




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