Neville's First Date

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To say I was nervous was an understatement. I could barely keep my hands still as I cooked my grandmother's favourite soup. And knowing myself, I'd probably muck the dish up somehow. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one in the kitchen.
"Why are you so nervous?" Ernie asked me softly, taking the spoon from my hands. I jumped up on the table, making sure my grandmother couldn't see me and I sighed. "I've never been on a date before," I said and he cocked an eyebrow, enclining his head towards me. I gave him a pleading look. "Weren't you nervous on your first date with Justin?" I asked and he stopped stirring the soup for what felt like ages. "No," he finally said and I groaned in frustration. Knowing Ernie wouldn't be of much help, I stared at the small potted parsleys on the window cill. Bending down to smell them, I sighed. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that out of all the people in the lobby, he asked me! The guy who broke his expensive briefcase! But his face seemed so genuin when he asked for my number after. He spoke as if he were actually excited. When I first saw him after I knocked the two of us to the ground, he had a deep, cold look in his dark ocean eyes. But when he bid me goodbye its like the storm in his eyes subsided and all that was left was happiness.
"You'll wear the suit I leant you?" Ernie questioned and I blinked, clearing my throat. "You'll remember to shower the smell of dirt away?" He asked as he continued to stir the pot and I frowned, pouting. "I do not smell like dirt," I sneered and he rolled his hazel eyes behind his glasses. "You work in a flower shop. Yes you do." He stated coldly and I glared at him. How was he my best friend? I really didn't know at this point. I bit my lip and began tapping my foot on the counter bellow me impatiently. Apparently, it was making quite a noise because Ernie stopped mixing and turned to me, his face lined with frustration. "Okay. I will finish this and stay with your grandmother. I can see how much the idea of going on a date is freaking you out so get ready early. I'll be up to help you in seventeen minutes," he said and my eyes widened before I smiled brightly. I jumped off the counter and hugged him, trying to avoid my hair getting stuck in his glasses. Again...

"You're the best, Ern! Thank you!" I beamed and before I could see his probably monotone reaction, I had bolted out the door. I felt bad for leaving my grandmother but she had Ernie and she really liked him. More than me even! They always talked about politics and played pinochle and monopoly for hours and I never understood how either of them could sit through it. But I was grateful Ernie said he'd stay. But also dreading the event that was to come...

"Are you sure I look fine?" I pressed. Ernie fixed the lapels of my simple suit and I gulped. We were parked in the driveway of an enormous hotel. The Sun Beam was gorgeous with intricate designs littering the building. It was breathtaking to stare at nervously as Ernie tried to reassure me that the date would go fine. But I wasn't used to fancy places like this so it even made me nervous just looking inside. The door man watched us with a smile, like he knew what I was going through. Suddenly, a pitch black GMC pulled up behind Ernie's car and if the building itself hadn't stolen my breath, this definitely did.
Theodore stepped out and dusted of his suit. He was wearing a different one this time. It was luscious green. An interesting colour but it suited him so well I didn't care. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of me staring and grinned, walking towards us.
"Hi Neville," he said and my stomach clenched up. Forget butterflies. There was an entire stamped going on in there. "Hi," I said sheepishly and was surprised when Ernie smiled. "Neville. Your grandmother is waiting. I promised I'd play pinochle with her after I dropped you off. Have fun," the blonde said, patting my back whilst giving Theo a smile that I'd never seen on him before. It was between amusement, nervousness and sympathy. I waved him goodbye as he drove off in his red Volvo. "Shall we?" Theodore asked and I nearly jumped in my skin. "Yeah,"

Theo led me into the building and past the doorman. The doorman nodded to me reassuringly and I smiled back. When I stepped inside the Sun Beam, I gasped. Everything was so beautiful and ethereal looking! I think Theo noticed that I was enthralled because he stared at me with a sheepish grin on his face. "Is it to your liking?" He asked and I couldn't reply. All I did was nod. Suddenly, I realized that I looked like a gaping idiot and blushed, staring at my shoes. "S-sorry. I've never been somewhere so fancy before. Last I was in a place like this I was dancing in Giselle," I marveled, smiling at the memories of young Neville. Theo's eyes widened as he smiled at the receptionist who seemed to recognize him immediately for she said in a graceful voice,"Let me show you to your table, Mr Nott,"

"You did ballet?" Theo asked, astonished and I nodded, flushing a bright pink. "I still do, actually. My mother was an amazing dancer and my grandmother showed me all her videos from shows she did." I grinned and he smiled a soft smile. We walked into a restaurant inside the hotel and my eyes widened. It was tranquil with relaxed live music, a bar and posh couples and families in expensive clothes. Suddenly, my simple black suit seemed like it was not enough compared to everybody here. As if he were reading my thoughts, Theo pulled out my chair and spoke. "You look amazing by the way," he whispered and my stomach fluttered. I could here my heart in my ears as I sat down. "So-" I started. "What's a guy like you asking me on a date?" I asked more nervously than I had intended. The man sat opposite me and made a sound that sounded like music. His laugh echoed around my head as he ran a hand through his deep brown hair. I could've sworn he was blushing...
"You broke my briefcase," he said simply and I rose an eye eyebrow. "You could've made me pay for it," I noted and he smirked. "You could've told me no,"

At that moment I stared into his dark, reef coloured eyes and blushed. There was a glint in his eyes that I had never seen on anyone ever before. It made his entire face radiate with happiness as he laughed. The smile lines on his face contouring his features beautifully. For some reason, the butterflies in my stomach settled and all I felt was warmth. Little did I know, this was the beginning of something that would change my life forever...

Sorry for this lack of updates! School is slowly driving me insane. But I hope you enjoyed!

Byeee bishes😄❤️🤘🏿

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