A Painted Picture

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I slowly got dressed into my black and red uniform, a large, single flame embroided on the chest and the crimson silhouette of a dog- a Hound rather, on my back. I had to be honest with you, the Hell Fire uniform was extremely comfortable, but as hard as I tried, I couldn't think about anything other than what had happened yesterday. My father killed Theo. He killed him. Did he even spare a thought about my mother? Or about Fred who's already suffering through enough having no leg? Or George who's only goal in life is to protect his twin? To hell if he even thought about me! I would've gladly taken that bomb and bloody sat next to it if it was just me in that diner. I would've gladly died to keep my family safe. And Theo. Dr Theodore Nott, PhD. I would have died for him. He died for me, my mother, my brothers and two other people he didn't even know! And now he's dead and I'm pretty sure the last sane part of Blaise died with him. I'm worried about him. I'm worried about everyone and everything! Would going on this excersion be a suicide mission for all of us? Blaise told me his plan just last night on the patio. It was brilliant. Maniacal. There were many ways it could go wrong, but Blaise seemed to be ahead of it all. Having a backup plan for the backup plan..... For the backup plan!
In all honesty, I was proud of him for some reason. As psychotic as he can be and as much as he'd scared the life out of me the past few years, I'm still proud. The Boss will pay for what they've done. To my family, to Blaise, to England and especially to Theo.
With the last zip of my boots, I headed towards the armery in the basement. My mind set and my faith in Blaise bubbling.

Only Merlin knows what will become of today.

I reached the armery and the security voice of Blaise asked for the password. I tried to hide my smile as I recited the spell that could unlock anything from Blaise and I's favourite book series Danny Trotter and the metal door opened. I blushed when I entered. Blaise stood in front of the magnificently clean glass casing of his Flame Thrower. Sin the eagle was perched on his arm and was nuzzling his cheek. Blaise had his eyes closed and he was whispering something to the beautiful creature. Suddenly, Sin chirped softly and Blaise grinned, chuckling softly. It was a beautiful sight. I'd paint it if I were any good at art. But this moment would remain in my memory for a long time. Like I'd painted it in my mind.

"Beautiful," I whispered and Blaise turned around, Sin flying off of his arm, towards me and on my shoulder. His feathers tickled and I giggled. He pecked my ear softly before taking off into the corner of the armery where his perch stood. Blaise walked toward me and kissed my nose and I blushed, trying to hide my smile.
"Baby boy," he greeted and I smiled. "You look amazing," he added and my smile broadened. His uniform was similar to mine except the Hell Fire insignias were white instead of red like everybody else's. Suddenly his expression changed and he held my hand up to his lips and kissed it, closing his eyes before staring at me with an intense, penetrating gaze. "What we're going to do today is extremely dangerous. Ron, I don't want you to do anything you're not sure of. If at anytime you want to back out, I'll call the whole thing off-"


I stared straight into those beautiful brown eyes and I cradled his soft cheek in my hand. He leaned into it and sighed, his eyes falling closed. "I'm with you in every sense of the word. I want to be there. I want to be with you," I whispered and he smiled, holding the hand that held his cheek. "Just promise me one thing," he whispered and I rose an eyebrow. "Promise me you won't see me differently?" He asked, a deep intensity in his eyes. "Why?" I asked and he inclined his head, knowing that I already knew the answer.

"People are going to die, Ron,"

He whispered, cradling my head in his hand again.

"Alot of people,"

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