Ron's Predicament

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Ron was stood still in the parking lot of the diner. Red and blue flashing lights obscured his vision. Policeman asking witnesses what happened with coroner's and forensic scientists walking around, examining the scene.

It can't be...

No, it just can't...


Ron whipped around and buried his head into silky, dark hair. Pansy rubbed his back as he sobbed into her shoulder, the others approaching them. "Hey mate, we hear what happened," Draco muttured and Ron pushed himself off of Pansy, staring red eyed at his friends. "I-I n-need to s-show you guys some-something," he stuttered, trying to wipe away the plethora of tears gushing from his eyes. "Sure," Hermione whispered and Ron led the four of them into a less crowded part of the parking lot where the police and curious standbyers weren't lolling about. "What is it?" Harry asked and Ron couldn't hold himself back anymore. He fell to the ground and sobbed. His friends followed him and Draco let him lay his head on his shoulder. "Have you given your statement already?" Harry asked and Ron nodded stiffly. "But it's not that, I-he was here!" Ron sobbed and they all stared at him weirdly. "You knew the man who was killed?" Pansy asked incredulously but Ron only shook his head. "I know the man who killed him! We all do," he murmured. They all paled. "He left this," Ron said, taking the note out of his chest pocket. Harry read it. "Prego piccolo la tua fiamma? What does that mean?" He asked and Ron sniffed, sitting up. "You're welcome little one. Your Flame," Draco gasped and Ron nodded. Like Ron, Draco had learned Italian in their last year. As a distant memory of his friend...
"Little one? Who's little one?" Hermione asked and Ron paled. He hadn't anticipated this. So with that, he began to explain his relationship with Blaise and DDLB. Luckily, they all thought it was cute which was able to put a smile on Ron's face for the first time in two hours.
"Maybe go home. You're still in shock, Ron. We'll all talk tomorrow," Pansy suggested and Ron nodded. Draco helped him up and drove he and Harry back to their apartment. When they got there, Harry went to the TV and started watching NCIS, leaving Ron to himself. He decided to make some tea. As the water boiled, Ron thought. He's in Azkaban. It couldn't be him...
He didn't know what to believe anymore. How could Blaise have escaped the most highly guarded asylum in the world? How?
Ron jumped when a faint clicking sound rung in his ear. His water had finished boiling and he put it into his mug, stirring reminiscently. "Hey Harry? I'm going to turn in early," he called and smiled a small smile when Harry replied with a tired "goodnight". He took his tea and made his way to his bedroom, entering and closing the door behind him. "I never knew you were a tea person,"

Ron dropped his mug and it shattered onto the floor, hot tea burning his feet. "Ron, are you okay?" Shouted Harry and Ron stammered, quickly throwing a blanket over the mess. "Y-yeah! I just dropped something," he shouted back airily before staring at the figure sitting at his desk. "Y-you're not supposed to be here," he hissed, though fear was evident in his voice. Blaise stood up and Ron flinched.
"Get out, Blaise," Ron murmured. He was shaking so much he was sure he was going to collapse. "Ron-"
"You almost killed me!" He shouted and Blaise took a step closer to him, Ron pressing his back up against the door. "Ron. I didn't plant that bomb-"
"All the evidence led to you!" He screamed and Blaise lowered his eyes. "You know I'd never do that to you," he whispered and Ron rolled his eyes, failing to notice Blaise was slowly walking closer. "Then who was it?! Huh?!" He shouted and Blaise bit his lip.  "I've been trying to figure that out for five years," he said and Ron chuckled airily, though with a hint of sarcasm. "You need to leave." He said and Blaise took his last step forward. They were breaths apart. Ron pressed himself closer to the door as he refrained from looking at Blaise. "You don't want me too," Blaise whispered, leaning so far forward their noses were touching. "I-I do. You have to-"
"Tell the truth firecracker,"
Ron's breath hitched in his throat. He hadn't heard that nickname in a long time...
"Do you know how long I've been looking for you?" Blaise asked, peppering Ron's neck with kisses. Ron shuddered, biting his lip. "I spent everyday. Every minute. Every second, thinking about you. And when I wasn't thinking about you, I was planning my escape," he licked Ron's ear and Ron shivered, feeling chills travel up his spine. "And now that I've finally found you, I'm not letting you go," Blaise left Ron's neck and stared into his blue irises full of fear and pleasure. "W-what do you mean?" Ron asked, his gaze never leaving Blaise's even though he tried. "You're mine now." Blaise placed a kiss on Ron's nose before backing away slightly. "Goodnight baby boy," and with that, Blaise had vanished out of Ron's open window.

Ron couldn't move. His back was pressed up against the door so much it hurt. His whole body was on fire and his mouth was ajar, his heart hammering against his chest. His chest was cold. He touched his neck and gasped. He was wearing the necklace...

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