Minerva McGonagall II

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Draco's POV

Professor McGonagall sighed, offering Harry and I the seats in front of her grand mahogany desk. As we sat down, she shoved books out the way and rummaged in her desk drawer, producing a framed photo. She slid it over to Harry and I and Harry propped it up on the desk. McGonagall began to speak.

"Her father always called her Nerva when she got on his nerves. But she's always been Minnie, as I was in my younger years-" she said in a detached voice, looking far into the distance at past memories. She avoided looking at the photo as if it would burn her eyes. I stared at the it. Grinning in Hogwarts' graduation robes was a young woman whom resembled Professor McGonagall to a T. Just much younger. Dark, almost pitch black hair fell past her chest in curly clusters. Pitch black eyes glinted with happiness and excitement. A set of blinding white teeth lay behind blood red lips. A beauty spot underneath her left eye. I was startled. The carefree-ness and bright shine in her obsidian colored eyes reminded me alot of Theodore. The thought made my throat constrict.

"She's beautiful," I whispered, nervous to glance at McGonagall. She nodded stiffly. "She was," she said back, caressing the edge of her desk. Harry frowned. "Was?" He asked and she nodded gravely. McGonagall averted her gaze from us, which was so uncharacteristic of her. She wasn't one to shy away and be vulnerable. Seeing her this way made me both uncomfortable and shameful for asking her all these questions. I guess her daughter was one subject she couldn't talk about.

"Don't get me wrong, she still is beautiful. But her heart it-it's not where it used to be. It's strayed from the right place. When she won the elections for Ministress, I didn't think it would change her. But it did-" she sneered, getting up to stand, stopping before her closet of books and various other school supplies. She opened it and both Harry and I's eyes widened when inside we saw a  brewing station instead. "Coffee?" She inquired and I grinned. "Thanks, Professor ." Harry smiled and she nodded before turning back to her in-office coffee bar.

"Minnie became Ministress to administer change. To make this city a better place. But she lied to me. She lied to everyone. Only did I find out recently, like you all, that she was the leader of The Boss. She is  the Boss. All those people who have suffered at her hand-"

McGonagall stopped, gripping the edge of her coffee closet. She chuckled softly, pouring a cup as she did. "Blaise Zabini has alot of nerve sending you two here," she chortled and I gulped, my eyes widening. "How did you-"

"I may be old but I'm not stupid, Mr Malfoy." The Professor said indignantly and I pursed my lips, my cheeks burning. She handed me a steaming cup of coffee and I stared down at it, momentarily ignoring my embarrassment to soak up the deliciousness of the smell. "I saw you, Mr Potter, on the news the day of Zabini's Ministry ambush. I heard his little speech and I hate to say it but he was right. My daughter cannot continue what she's doing. It's killing people and she needs to own up to her mistakes," McGonagall said, passing Harry his cup of coffee before sipping her own. "Professor-" Harry started cautiously and McGonagall rose a thin eyebrow, sitting down.

"Do you happen to know anything, anything at all about where your daughter is manufacturing Dream. The drug that The Boss Gang have been distributing since she began Ministress?" He asked and I stared at him wide eyed, giving him a silent; Too soon!

The Professor narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. She then set her mug down, took out a notepad and scribbled something on it. I marveled at how quickly she wrote given her wizened, bony fingers. But I soon dismissed the thought, seeing as she'd already told me not to underestimate her once today.

"I don't but I know who will-" she said, ripping the paper out of the notepad to give it to us. I picked it up and read out loud for Harry. "Godrick's Hollow? That's where you were born," I muttered, turning to Harry who took the paper to read it himself. He looked up at Professor McGonagall, confused. "12 Tempus Road, Godrick's Hollow. What's there that can help us?" He asked, pocketing the paper. McGonagall spread her thin, wrinkled hands on the desk. "Not what, but who. My daughters ex-husband. Go there and ask for Finnigan. He will know." She stated, pursing her lips.

Startled, I jumped out of my skin when a sound like a strangled cough made my right ear vibrate. I had completely forgotten Seamus was on the other end, listening to everything we said with a small group of the gang members from Omega. It was obviously Seamus who'd made the sound even if they were all listening in, seeing as McGonagall had mentioned his name. I wondered if this Finnigan man was a part of his family?

I blinked, took my last sip of coffee before standing up. Harry following suit.

"You don't know how much this helps. Thank you, Professor," I said, smiling as I wrapped my long black coat tighter around my body. "Don't mention it, alright boys? I'm still your superior. As far as I'm concerned, two former students merely came to catch up over a cup of coffee," she said off-handedly, waving us off. I grinned. She side glanced us and winked just as we walked past the threshold.

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