Christmas Eve

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24th December (Christmas Eve)

Ron's POV

"Alright then. Everyone off to bed! Santa won't come if you're awake!" My mother beamed at the younger Weasley children who all ran upstairs, excited for the morning to come. We had just finished Christmas dinner with the whole family. It was stuffy and I was glad my aunt Patricia's house was so big I got my own room. My room was fairly big and had its own bathroom which was a blessing. As soon I got into my room, I checked my phone. Three missed calls from Hermione, four texts from Harry, seventeen missed calls and three texts from Pansy and two missed calls from Draco. Wow Pansy-
During the last few days since Blaise had broken out, Draco, Pansy, Harry, Hermione and I had been talking nonstop, all wondering where he was. I honestly didn't know what to feel about him being out. I was glad he wasn't there anymore because he had told me about juvie and it didn't sound welcoming in the slightest, but then again, what was I expecting? But I can't begin to imagine what they would do to him if they found him. I replied to everyone and called them back. All had wished me a happy Christmas Eve and I to them. Truthfully, the four of them were the only things keeping me sane during the holidays. They had been great help when I felt lonely and I was grateful to have such supportive friends...

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and I mumbled an audible, "come in", still staring at my phone. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my siblings. They looked sad yet hopeful. "What?" I dead panned and Ginny walked up to me, sitting down on my bed, soon followed by everyone else. "Ron-I-I wanted to apologize-"
"We wanted to apologize too. We were unfair, Ron. We didn't mean to ruin your Christmas and we're terribly sorry but-"
"But what? Huh Charlie? Please leave," I said and they all stared at me, defeated. "Please Ron," Fred and George said in union and I stared at them all, one by one. "Leave," I spat again, and Ginny stood up and off of my bed. "Merry Christmas," Bill mumbled before closing the door behind him. I sighed. I took a short shower, brushed my teeth, put on some boxer shorts and got into bed. There was another knock on the door and it opened before I could answer. "How are you feeling?" My mother asked, sitting on my bed just like Ginny had. "Fine," I said and she cleared her throat. "I'd like you to know that your family does not appreciate you acting like this. You're going to have to change your attitude or else we'll be forced to take serious measures," she said and I rolled my eyes. "I'd like you to ask yourself why I'm like this. Just think about it for a minute," I said and she stood up. "What I said at dinner was nothing short form the truth. Now it's Christmas tomorrow and your cousins are missing the 'old Ron' so do yourself a favour and be that Ron or else," she ordered before shutting the door.

I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was dark and I was sure it was nearly midnight. Everyone was asleep, seeing as my parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents were no longer in the living room. Suddenly, a weird noise came from somewhere and I sat up. Probably nothing.

It happened again.

And again..

And again...

On the fourth time, I grabbed my baseball bat and crept out of my bed. Suddenly, my window opened and I froze. A dark hand heaved a figure through the window and before I knew it, Blaise was lying on my floor. "What are you doing here?!" I hissed and he stood up whilst I put the bat away. "I-I had to s-se you," he panted nonchalantly and I felt my eyes sting.
We stared at each other for a while and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I moaned into the kiss. The empty feeling in my chest subsided and I yelped when my back hit the wall harshly. I jumped and wrapped my legs around Blaise's waist as he started kissing my neck roughly. I moaned and instantly cocked my head back, allowing him room to move. I didn't even care how loud I was.
"Mm, fuck," I gasped as Blaise moved back to my mouth. He dropped me gently on the ground and tussled his shirt off. My lips found his again and our bare chests were flat against each others as he kissed me harder, rougher, causing me to moan loudly whenever I got a rare chance to breath. He moved me over towards the bed and I took my shirt off and threw it somewhere across the room. He turned us around and pushed me onto the bed, kissing my neck aggressively, making me gasp in pain and pleasure. "Be a good boy and take your boxers off for daddy," he growled and I did as asked, trying my best to ignore my throbbing erection. I lay there on my bed, naked as he looked over me with hungry, prowling eyes. Without warning, he took my cock in his hand and sucked. I cried out in pleasure as he bobbed his head up and down. He sucked off with a loud pop before looking up at me.
"Don't make noise or else you'll get a punishment," he ordered in a scary, growling voice and I did as told. He took me in again and I winced. I was so close. I bit my lip to the point where I could taste blood as I let our silent, muffled moans if pleasure as Blaise's head bobbed against my pelvis. I groped at the blankets and squirmed under him, my chest heaving quickly as I was on the edge. He licked the very top and few times and I shuddered, coming into his mouth. He swallowed it all before returning to my lips.

"Good boy,"

Yes, they did have sex.
I don't really write much smut and I'm honestly quite proud of myself for this chapter. I know, it's not something I should be proud of but I've got a dirty ass mind. Should I write smut more often?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed~
Bye bishes 😜❤✌️🏿

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