First Day Jitters

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I trembled as I stared at my reflection. First day of work at a large corporation that might be tied to an even larger gang which my father might be in doesn't really leave you feeling at ease. To be completely honest, I wasn't sure I'd be able to face my father after all these months. Thankfully,  he isn't as racist as he used to be five years ago, though he still has his prejudices. I'm just worried I'll say the wrong thing in front of him. I don't want to be the reason Hell Fire looses this Ministry Battle with The Bosses. I couldn't hurt Blaise like that. But if I did, would he ever be able to face me again? Would he leave me? Would he kill me like he did Lavender? All these thoughts kept dancing around my head, ready to crack it open if Harry hadn't barged into the bathroom to scare me out of my trance. "Bloody hell, mate! Ever heard of knocking?!" I asked exasperatedly and he stared at me as if I were an irritating dog who kept pissing on his shoes. "I knocked for two minutes, mate. And I don't know if you've noticed but you're dressed, your hair is decent-ish and I gave you my tie. What are you still doing in here?" He asked, extenuating the 'mate'  out of annoyance.

When I didn't answer, his expression turned into one of concern. "It's not even the job that's worrying me. It's my dad. Blaise asked me to reassure him. I have multiple excuses in my head but what if I freeze and blurt out the fact that I'm snogging the most wanted man in England, I'm living with said man, I'm training to be in said man's gang and said man gave me a knife last night. Just in case.  A knife Harry!" I jeered, feeling myself getting hotter by the minute. Harry quickly dabbed a cold, moist towel on my sweaty forehead and I sighed. "Let me go with you." He stated and I stared at him, my eyes wide. "What? No! Don't you have school?!" I asked, referring to the Police Academy that my best friend was so passionate about. "It's summer break, Ron. I have all break to train and help you out with your dad. I actually uh.... I actually realized I want to be a Hell Hound more than I thought I did. The Academy's at the back of my mind." He said and I quirked an eyebrow. "Hell Hound?" He stared at me for a minute before realizing something and he blinked. "Blaise explained it to me yesterday. Once you become part of the Hell Fire gang, you get a tattoo which officially bindes you to the gang. You have to take an oath an everything. Once that's been done, you become a Hell Hound. It's what Blaise calls his 'pack'. The pack is Hell Fire, the wolves in it are Hell Hounds." Harry ended with a deep breath and I sighed, unaware that I too was holding my breath as he spoke. "It's odd, isn't it?" I whispered as we left the bathroom, into my blue painted bedroom. "I've never seen anyone as quick to trust someone the way Blaise trusts you." Harry contradicted  before I could carry on. Now that I think about it, he's right. Somehow, it only took a few days for Blaise to trust me. Who trusts that easily? Especially for a gang leader.

Someone that's desperate for love...

I stopped in my tracks. That looming voice in the back of my head kept repeating the word.


Could Blaise possibly love me?

Could I possibly love him?

Love is a strange thing. Like the wind. Felt, but not seen. I didn't see Blaise coming into my life, but here is he. Under the very same roof. Probably having a loud conversation with Draco and Pansy in the kitchen, cooking his favourite pasta for breakfast. I wonder if Blaise anticipated meeting me? What if that's all he wanted from the start?

"Ron? You're hyperventilating again."

I heard Harry's voice. But it echoed around my head. Too many questions!

But the question that's been on my mind, no matter how much I try get rid of it still haunts me to this day.

Who planted the bomb?

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