Broken Hearts

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Ron gaped. Blaise's house was amazing! The kitchen was gorgeous and the living room was the perfect combination of modern and cozy. The view of the city and the beach from the lounge was breathtaking and all five of them couldn't get enough as Blaise lead them inside. "Follow me please," he said and the group followed him into a large, brightly lit and warm hallway leading up to a staircase. The six of them walked up and soon found themselves in yet another lounge with a large flat screen. There was another hall except smaller with doors on each side. "Sperate room or the same one?" He asked Harry and Draco. "Same," they both said before blushing deeply. "Pansy? Hermione?" Both Pansy and Hermione stared at eachother before Pansy shrugged. "Same, I guess. Is there a room with two beds?" She asked and Blaise nodded, motioning to the door next to Harry's and Draco's.

(Pansmione hasn't shipped yet)

"Damn. I'll be all alone," Ron said sarcastically as the others retreated to their rooms to get settled. "Don't fret love. You'll be upstairs with me. Don't worry, you've got your own bedroom. I designed it myself," Blaise said and he lead Ron up yet another flight of stairs to what Ron presumed was the highest floor of the house. There wasn't just a lounge on this floor. "You have a kitchen next to your bedroom?" Ron asked, astonished and Blaise shrugged. "I get carrot cravings at night. This is my bedroom," Blaise had opened a door just off the lounge and Ron gaped. Blaise's bedroom was huge. Grey walls with white and black geometric patterns. He had a large, king sized, bright yellow bed and a balcony outside. There was a sitting area in front of the balcony and a large TV. There was a small bar in the corner of the room which was situated opposite two doors which Ron guessed was the bathroom and a walk in closet. "It's beautiful. What about my room?" Blaise smiled at the question and held out his hand. Ron hesitated before taking it and the two left his room. They walked for a few seconds before they stood in front of a white door. "Close your eyes," Blaise whispered next to Ron's ear and Ron shivered before his eyes fluttered closed. He heard the door open and Blaise slowly lead him inside. "Open,"

Ron's mouth fell open and he wanted to cry. He was at a loss for words. The room was amazing! It was everything! The walls were a dark, navy blue with white painted dots on the ceiling, making it look like stars and on top of that, little stars were hanging on invisible string, enhancing the effect. There was a white, king sized bed on the left side of the room with a fluffy white rug in front of it that Ron had the urge to sink into. Ron's lip quivered slightly. Across from him on the other side of the room was a white crib in front of a magnificent bay window with red and yellow pillows. His old house colours. There was a large, white closet next to him and next to the closet was the bathroom door. Besides the bay window and the crib, tucked away in the corner was another closet and on the right side of the crib was a sliding door that led to the wrap around balcony.
The balcony had shiny, wooden railings  and you could see everything as far as the eye could see from the bay window. There was a TV opposite Ron's bed with two arm chairs facing it, a small glass coffee table along with them. Above Ron's bed was a large, white R painted one the wall in little dots, much like the ceiling stars. "Blaise-"
"All for you, little one," Ron couldn't help himself. He turned around and gave Blaise a long, tight hug. He melted into the taller man's chest whilst Blaise sunk his face into Ron's hair. The longing the two had been feeling for the last five years all seemed to vanish in that moment. After a few minutes, Ron went on his tippie toes and gave Blaise a kiss. It wasn't long and it wasn't short. But the minute their lips touched Ron's heart -if possible-, broke. He pulled back from the kiss and stared up at Blaise, his mouth slightly ajar. It was as if static electricity had ignited something in his chest and it started beating faster. So fast Ron thought it would jump out. His whole being shacked and his mind drifted to fantasies of what Blaise could do to him in this room. Before he knew it however, he was very hard and his lips had crashed onto Blaise's so roughly he was forced to moan. He grabbed onto the collar of Blaise's shirt and pulled him closer. Blaise careened his fingers through Ron's hair, his hands moving down to his waist before cupping his ass. Ron pressed up against him and Blaise turned them around, pushing Ron's back against the door. After a while, they both pulled apart looking utterly disheveled. Blaise's heart felt as if it had stopped working completely as he stared at Ron. His messy hair. His swollen, pink lips. His bright red, rosy cheeks. His twinkling eyes.

My baby boy

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