Vin & Dwayne

713 18 7

I've changed Ron's job from a software engineer to IT support

"Mrs Lee?" I called with a smile, trying not to show how fake it was. "Ah, yes. Ronald-"

"Let me guess," I started, "it shut down again?" I asked and she clapped her wisened hands. "Oh, you're so smart, boy!" She grinned, leading me towards her computer. I rolled my eyes behind her back. I saw Mrs Lee on a daily basis. She was old and couldn't understand technology even if her life depended on it.

I bent down over her desk, switched her computer on again and put in the password. "There you go, Mrs Lee. Is that all?" I asked. She nodded, her paper thin, pink lips stretching into a smile. Suddenly, her smile disappeared and she cleared her throat. "Actually, Ronald, I need you to go by HR for me," she said and I frowned. "Mrs Lee, with all do respect, I'm not your assistant. I'm just IT. Besides, Human Recourses is only a call away," I said and she nodded, exasperated. "Yes, yes, I know but-"

She glanced at the office table across from her where one of her department coworkers was typing. I knew her. Parvati Patil. She'd been the one to show me around on my first day.

I shivered, remembering the way Blaise had killed Lavender, her girlfriend, after she'd try to break into the warehouse.

After finding out that I was in Hell Fire, she and I hadn't talked at all, only for work purposes. I still perplexed me as to how she hadn't confronted me yet. It only dawned on me then that she might be scared of what Blaise would do if she hurt me...

Mrs Lee glared at Patil, a sneer on her wrinkly face. "What's the problem?" I whispered, trying to stay out of ear shot of Parvati. Mrs Lee's eyes darted across the room. "I just don't- I can't work with her. I'm not comfortable," she muttered.

I narrowed my eyes, trying to understand what she meant. When I asked her, she shook her head, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure you understand, Ronald," she said. "We  shouldn't be made to work with them."

My eye twitched.

So that's  what she meant.

I'd been spending so much time either at the warehouse or with Blaise at home, working on our case against Dream and the Ministry that I'd almost forgotten about how bad this city was.

I saw flashes behind my eyes as I glared at Mrs Lee, of my mother and father. The things they'd said to Blaise that night. My fists clenched and I tried to control my breathing.

"Parvati is a dedicated worker, Mrs Lee," I said this more loudly than I'd intended. The entire office floor glanced at us, including Parvati. "You shouldn't be bothered by her just because of her race," I hissed and Mrs Lee gasped, looking flabbergasted. She smacked a hand on her chest. "How could you say such a thing?! I would never-"

"Save it!" I snapped, slowly loosing my patience. The worst type of racists are the ones that don't believe they are.

"Get someone else to switch on your bloody computer, yeah? And maybe whilst you're at it, find a working brain," I smiled, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

Parvati watched me as I left, our eyes locking. She frowned, raising one of her eyebrows. I stepped into the elevator, thinking about what that old hag had said.

We shouldn't be made to work with  them.

Ugh! I blinked back tears, remembering my parents words on that terrible night.

"Disgusting and unnatural phase"  They'd said.


I let the tears streak down my face.

One day, when everything is done, Blaise and I will leave this place. Go on a permanent vacation where a black man and a white man can love each other without being called f*gs, or some other slur whether racial or homophobic.

I laughed to myself, wiping my face. That's my dream. That's what I want for us. And I'll be damned if it ever happens.

The elevator chimed and the metal doors slid open.

I stepped out and my path was immediately blocked by two massive men, M20's visible in their black jeans. One of them looked suspiciously like Vin Diesel. The other reminded me of Dwayne Johnson.

I hoped my eyes weren't red from crying seeing as these men began to intimidate me slightly.

"Afternoon, Mr Weasley," said a woman's voice and my breath constricted in my throat. The Ministstress, Minerva McGonagall the II stepped forward, smiling.

She was a taught woman, skinny and pale, like a ghost. But she was beautiful. Her lips glowed red, her eyes darker then the night sky. But just as bright. Her dark, curly hair was draped over her shoulder, a stark difference to the white blouse she wore. Said blouse was tucked into a knee length, blood red pencil skirt.

Looking at her, I could tell how much she resembled Headmistress McGonagall. The pair of them were kind of like Mother Gothel. McGonagall was Gothel's old self and the Ministress was her young self, seeping the youth out of this city and using it for herself.

"Afternoon, Ministress," I greeted. I tried to move past her bodyguards but Vin Diesel and The Rock didn't move. My heart began to pick up. I stood against the elevator doors, trying to will the cold metal to keep me focused. If I went into little space at a time like this, there would be dire consequences.

"Can I help you?" I asked, glancing at her bodyguards who still seemed like they weren't willing move. Minerva smiled.
"Indeed, you can, Mr Weasley. Care for a walk?"

She held her hand out, past her guards and towards my own. The glint in her obsidian eyes unnerved me greatly. I could feel the knife Blaise had given me all those months ago, freezing against my back, hidden by my jacket. I'd always found solace in the fact that I'd never had to use it. I forced down the need to grip the knife, to remind myself that I'd be okay. Instead, I smiled and took her outstretched hand in my own.

"Lead the way."

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