Only Time Will Tell

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I sat and waited, tapping impatiently on the steering wheel. Once the sound of my fingers consistently hitting the wheel became annoying, I began biting my nails, my heart unsettled and off-beat inside my chest.

Arthur Weasley. The name... my father's name kept running through my head. "I want you to kill Arthur Weasley"  Riddle had repeated. Shocked, Blaise said his goodbye and we had left, taking on of the gang leader's cars as a gift for wrecking the one we came in. Blaise and I hadn't talked the entire ride home. He drank one glass of wine and immediately went to sleep. I, on the other hand spilled everything that had happened to Harry and Hermione in my own room. Though I might have left out the part where Tom Riddle, the leader of the Death Eaters- was dating Cedric Diggory.

Once I gave Harry and Hermione my news, Harry shared his. He, Draco and Seamus had been trying to find the location of Seamus's brother (still shocked he has a brother) to ask him some questions about his ex-wife, aka- the Ministress of Silverlake City and Boss, the leader of a dangerous gang distributing a dangerous drug. Sean Finnigan hadn't given them any information but he had given them a place and date to meet and talk in private. Sean's apartment wasn't the most secure, apparently.

Hermione, on the other hand, hadn't given us any information at all. I knew Blaise had sent her along with Pansy and that woman, Daphne Greengrass, one of the Alpha Squad members on a mission yesterday. But Hermione said all they'd done was do some reconnaissance around the Ministry. But a heavy feeling in my gut told me she was lying. I've know Hermione for twelve years now. I know her lying habits. Harry and I decided to leave it though. The heavy feeling I was getting from being lied to was not as heavy as the one I got after Blaise was told to kill my dad...


I jumped in my seat, my seat belt hugging my stomach tightly. Dobby grinned shyly. "Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you," he whispered. I composed myself as quickly as I could and shook my head, chuckling. "No, no, it's alright. You've got everything?" I asked him and he nodded, pushing his backpack into the back seat.

Over the past few weeks, I'd taken a liking to driving Dobby to school before work. He was good company and his auburn hair reminded me of my family. Specifically Percy. Oh, I hadn't spoken to him in what felt like ages!

I made a mental note to go see them soon.

I started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"Something wrong?" Dobby asked and I blinked, clearing my throat. "Just thinking about my sibling," I said softly, reminiscing. Dobby frowned, "The one that works with sharks?" He asked and I laughed. "No, that's Charlie. Guess again." He thought a little harder. "Uh, the banker that looks like he  should be working with sharks?" Dobby said hopefully and I snorted. "That's Bill, Dobby."

Dobby groaned in frustration. I had to say, I was proud of him. His social skills had gotten so much better since we first met and I was quite surprised he remembered this much about my family.

"Um, the non-binary CEO of that place on the north side?" He asked and I grinned. "Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!" I yelled and he grinned back. "Percy, was it?"

"Yeah," I replied, a proud smile still plastered on my face. It felt good to goof around. I'd been going into little space more often recently and I think it might be because things are getting worse. The Ministry is getting worse and the job is getting more dangerous, especially now that everybody knows I'm apart of Hell Fire because of Blaise's massacre the other month.

First is the worst, he'd said. I wondered what, and when- Second was going to be...

"Is Uncle Blaise going to be okay?"

The question took me by surprise and I blinked, frowning. "Of course, buddy. Why would you ask?" I questioned and Dobby shrugged, wriggling in his seat a little. I hoped I wasn't making him uncomfortable.

"He seemed off yesterday when the two of you came back, that's all. I tried asking Asper about it when he woke me up for school this morning but he said Blaise didn't want to talk about it."

I enclined my head and stared at my dashboard. I hadn't yet met Blaise's two other alters, Kai and Asper. The only reason I knew their names was because Z had mentioned them yesterday morning before we left for Tom Riddle's house. If Asper told Dobby that Blaise didn't want to talk, it could only mean he was conflicted about what he has to do. What he wants to do.

I've known for a long time that Blaise hated my dad. Even more than I do. A homophobic and racist man, my father is. Or was. My mother keeps telling me he's changed. She keeps holding onto the hope that we'll all be a family again. But he's with the enemy. He blew up our family house in Connecticut on Christmas morning and Blaise was his scapegoat. He planted the bomb at the diner and Theodore was murdered.

After so much tragedy I'm shocked Blaise hasn't killed him already.

And I'm beginning to think it's my fault.

As much as I despise my father- I know some fiber of my being still loves him. He's my dad for Pete's sake.... And family is forever...

I pulled into the parking lot of Hogwarts, my old school. It warmed my heart to know that Dobby would go and sit in the Great Hall like we did when we were in first year. I just hoped his school experience wouldn't become as fucked up as ours was.

"Alright, mate. Hop out."

Dobby jumped out the car with his backpack and before closing the door, stuck his head back inside the car and smiled.

"You'll be okay, Ron. I know you will. And-and so will Blaise."

He grinned at me before shutting the door, leaving before I could utter a response. I smiled softly to myself, driving out of the school and towards Dream Incorporated.

Is Dobby right? Will we be okay? Or will this eventually all go to shit?

I sighed. Only time will tell. And Merlin knows how much of that we have left.

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