Body Count

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"Diggory?"  I blurted. "Cedric Diggory?"

I felt as if someone had just flipped a table I had been standing on.

He was standing in front of me, in the flesh, looking just as shocked as I was.

"You-" I started, but couldn't seem to form a coherent sentence. "Hey, Ron," he murmured shyly, slowly picking up his phone and the large paper bag of McDonalds off the floor. "What's it been? Like..."

"Eight years," I muttered, my eyes narrowing angrily. He gulped. Blaise tightened his arms around my waist. "You two know each other?" He asked. "Yeah," Cedric replied nervously. Without taking my eyes off the man before me, I sneered. "Diggory broke Harry's heart."

The tension in the room multiplied by tenfold and Cedric gulped. My eye twitched. The leader of the Death Eaters walked towards Cedric and took his bag and phone. He placed it on the table, then proceeded to wrap both his arms around the man.

"Cedric?" When Riddle spoke, his voice was low and slightly terrifying. I found myself trying not to shake. "Yes, Sir?" The brunette whispered. My eyes widened. Cedric's voice was quiet and submissive. He was blushing from his neck to his ears and seemed unable to look Riddle in the eyes.

"Harry Potter. The one you were telling me about?" Riddle asked and Cedric nodded quickly. The gang leader hummed.

"Interesting. Blaise, were you aware of this?" He asked and the man still at my side shook his head. "Frankly, I thought Draco was the only person Harry ever-"

I shot Blaise a warning glance and he stopped. Clearing his throat, he nodded.
"Now Tom, will we discuss what we need to or not? My little and I do not have all day," he stated, growling almost. I gulped.

Tom's expression relaxed and he rolled his eyes. "Clam yourself, Zabini. I didn't mean to make Ron uncomfortable and I'm sure you didn't either. Sit."

Blaise pulled me towards the leather couches and we sat down, our backs facing the floor to ceiling window and the view of a beautiful forest of snow coated redwoods. He tapped his thigh and rose an eyebrow. I grinned and climbed into his lap, spreading my legs on either side of him, my back facing his stomach.

Suddenly I remembered we were not alone and I tensed.

"It's alright firecracker," Blaise whispered soothingly, his hand snaking around my waist. "Blaise-" I started but he stopped me by motioning with his head towards the opposite couch. My eyes widened. Cedric Diggory was sitting conformably next to Tom Riddle's legs, his own legs beneath him. He looked so obedient. So comfortable and.... submissive...

My mouth fell open in a silent gasp and the leader of the Death Eaters smirked. "Indeed, we are not so different, Ronald Weasley."

I wanted to argue that Riddle has probably done things that made us extremely different but in this context, he was right. My heart beat a little faster and excitement suddenly buzzed in my chest. I'd never met another couple like Blaise and I. To think that my best friends ex boyfriend is now the sub of a gang leader baffled me beyond words.

I never really got to talk to anyone about DDLB. Only Blaise. Harry and Hermione are extremely supportive of course, and continue to be- but they'd never understand. Seeing Cedric Diggory, kneel for Tom Riddle almost made me want to do it too. To show Blaise how much of a good little I could be. He was my Dom and I wanted to make him happy, to show him that I could be obedient too. But I stayed comfortably on his lap, absent-mindedly playing with the edge of his shirt. But still listening with all ears.

Blaise leaned against my back, his lips close to my ear. Today he smelt like smores. Sweet and chocolaty. "If you feel uncomfortable, don't hesitate to tell me, okay?" He added and I nodded, grinning. I found the question a little silly. I wasn't uncomfortable at all. In fact, I was feeling quite bubbly until I realized who I was sitting in a room with.

The leader of a gang that's been terrorizing Britain for years and my best friend's ex boyfriend...

The thought of Cedric and Harry made me frown. I remembered it like it was yesterday. Harry had been entered into an extremely hard to get in triathlon and we'd fought about it. The triathlon lasted a year, and in that year, one of the contestants going against Harry was Cedric Diggory. At first, Harry didn't like Cedric much but after some time they grew closer and Harry fell for him. Hard...

What happened after that, I didn't want to think about. Before that year, I'd never seen Harry so sad. Sure, his life was complicated and challenging and on the rare occasion, scary, but it hurt Hermione and I to see Harry so dejected and angry. Anyone who could inflict that much pain on someone wasn't someone I wanted to know.

I locked eyes with Diggory and he gulped.

"So-" Riddle began, leaning back into the black leather couch. "You need my help?"

Blaise nodded. "Yes, we do. You are the largest drug manufacturer and distributor in the entire country. Hell Fire needs your expertise trying to find and stop the making of Dream."

Riddle's eyebrows rose in to his hairline and be chuckled. "I knew you were crazy, Zabini but this is a big ask. Do you know how secretive the Ministry is? It took us years to learn that the Boss was the Ministress as it is!" Blaise sighed, beginning to caress my thigh with his thumb.

The gesture made me smile, though given that we were having a very serious conversation, I did a good job of hiding my pleasure.

"Tom, you and I both know that your Death Eaters are the only people who have the skills to shut it down for good. Sure, my hounds can find it for you- but we need all of it gone. Every last bit," Blaise stated. "This stuff is being given to families with kids who are none the wiser and are dieing. Sure, I've had my fair share of a body count but this stuff is doing what's taken me ten years, ten months."

Blaise and I both glanced at the food on the table and then to each other and my eyes widened.

Z always keeps a note on the fridge with Dobby's drawings on them that reads the number 427, which he would occasionally change to a higher number after coming back from the warehouse, but I'd never asked him about it. I couldn't ask now because Blaise was present and not Z, but the look in Blaise's eyes told me all I needed to know. Since our last year of high school, his body count was around 70. A little psychopathic for an eighteen year old but Blaise and I are 23 now and his count has multiplied six times!

What has he been doing all this time?!

"Alright," Riddle said and my eyebrows rose. So did Blaise's. "Seriously?" He asked and the leader of the Death Eaters nodded his head, showing off every angle of of his chiseled, pale face. "We'll help. But on one condition," he said and my eyebrows furrowed.

Tom stood up, helping Cedric up with him. I got off Blaise and the both of us stood up too. "Name your price," Blaise stated, his voice stern and obselite. Riddle smirked.

"I need you to kill someone," he said.

"Who?" Blaise asked, pulling me closer to him.

Riddle locked eyes with me.

"Arthur Weasley."

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