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Ron wanted to run but he couldn't. His feet felt rooted to the spot at the figure walked closer until he was standing two feet away. "What are you doing here?" Ron said before he could stop himself. "I'm a 'loveless maniac', remember?" Z whispered and Ron's heart fell. No matter how hard he tried to hate this boy for shoving away the only friends he had, he couldn't stay away. But none of that was going to stop him from trying. "And when you're a 'maniac', you need meds," he said, shaking the bottle of pills Ron hadn't noticed were in his hand. And yet again, before Ron couls stop himself he blurted, "what's wrong with you?" He covered his mouth and was about to rejoin his family when I hand held his arm and his stomach churned. "Come with me," Z murmured, pulling him along the white corridors of the hospital. They made their way to the garden and sat on a bench. "I have PTSD and DID. Does that answer your question?" He asked and Ron stared at him. "Why are you telling me this?" He sneered and Z licked his lips. "Because, I owe you that much." He sighed and Ron blushed. He feels bad..
"Alright then, so...what is DID?" He enquired. He knew what PTSD is having experienced it in his past, but he didn't know what DID was.
"DID is Dissociative Identify Disorder.
Or, split personality disorder. I have another distinct personality trait." He said, looking down at his twiddling thumbs. "Wait, so you have two main personalities?" Ron asked and he nodded. "There's me, the personality that's present right now. Then there's him......The Flame Thrower." He said and Ron nodded. "Ron?" A voice called out and he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. "It's time to go dear-OH MY!" Mrs Weasley screamed, pulling Ron up off the bench. "Ronald!
What on Earth are you-security!" She shouted frantically and Ron turned to her. "Mum, calm down! He didn't do anything. We go to the same school, I'm sure you saw it on the news?" He whispered and Mrs Weasley frowned. "Of course we did! And we have half a mind to pull you out of that school. I will not have any child of mine learning or breathing the same air as this lunatic!" She screeched, a few eyes turned to see what was happening. "Miss, if you don't mind. Could you please keep it low, I'm trying not to get too much attention directed to me," Z said curtiously and Mrs Weasley looked abashed. "Let's go Ronald." She said before pulling him back into the hospital where the red of the Weasleys were waiting for them in the foyer. "Who was that Ron was talking too?" Mr Weasley asked and Molly shuddered. "The Flame Thrower! She hissed and he gasped, all of the Weasleys gaping at Ron as if he was a mad man."Ronald Weasley! Do you know how dangerous that boy is?!" Arthur snapped and Ron wanted to roll his eyes. "I'm still in one piece aren't I?" He asked, lifting his arms as proof. "That boy is completely out of it! What if you become like him?" Molly hissed and Ron sighed. "I've already met him, we've had multiple conversations. He seems pretty normal." He said and both his parent's eyes widened. "You've been talking to him?!"
"He's my project partner! I have to talk to him or else I'll fail English!" He said hysterically. "I don't want you talking to that boy. You hear me?!" MR Weasley sneered and Ron sighed in defeat. "Mum, you're causing a scene! Cam we go?!" He asked and Molly huffed. "Fine, let's go kids." And with that being said, the Weasleys drove Ron and Ginny back to school. Ron slumped onto his bed when he got into the dormitory and sighed into his pillow. There was a question he wanted so much to ask Z but he never got a chance."Oh, hey Ron," Harry smiled sadly, sitting on his bed above Ron's. Ron smiled up at him. "I just went to see Charlie, he wondered where you were," he chuckled and Harry smirked. "How is he?" He asked and Ron sat up. "Fine, he should be discharged by next week." He told his best friend and Harry grinned. "Finally! I've missed my basketball partner." He said and Ron smiled reminiscently. Harry's godfathers, Sirius and Remus have a basketball court in their backyard and Ron, Ginny and Charlie would often go and play two on two matches with Harry while his Sirius would grill food for them and Remus umpired the games.
Good times, Ron sighed. He wondered if Ginny would ever partner up with him again.

. . .

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Z was still sitting on the bench Ron had left him on. He could still smell the scent of peaches the red head had left behind and he was intent on remembering the heavenly smell. He really didn't know what had happened to himself. How this boy, alone, was able to infatuate him so quickly. The way he talked with his friends, the way his hips swayed as he walked, the way his ginger hair bounced when he laughed, the way his freckles danced across his face when he smiled, the way he scrunched up his nose when he was angry. Z loved it all.

"Z, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Said a voice and he looked up to he his doctor and therapist running towards him. Theodore Nott, a very young, successful and handsome boy had become his best friend and the only person who wasn't frightened of him.
"Hey Theo, do 8 have to leave now?" He asked the docter and he nodded, panting slightly. "Goodnight mate," Theo said, patting Z on the back. "And try your luck with the red head, I saw the way you were looking at him when he left that room." He smirked and Z punched his friend playfully on the shoulder. "Hey! No violence kid!" Shouted one of the guards advancing on him with handcuffs. Z shrugged and Theo chuckled before Z was taken back to the police car.

Draco was waiting in the parking lot for the police car that was pulling up into the school. The guards stepped out and dragged Z into the building. Draco followed and once Z was alone in the deserted hallway, decided to make his move. "Why are you following me?" Z asked and Draco froze. "I wanted to know something." He said and Z turned to face him, a curious glint in his eyes. "Well?" He asked and Draco shook himself a bit.
"Do you know what my name is?" He asked and Z stated at him curiously. "I've probably heard it once or twice. But I couldn't remember." He said and Draco nodded, his heart breaking free of rib cage.

"My name is Draco. Draco Lucius-"


Flame Thrower (Blairon)Where stories live. Discover now