Just A Friend

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Shanghai, China

Harry's POV

I flopped down onto the couch next to Sirius. We had just finished shopping and were now waiting for Remus to come back with takeout. When he did, we all sat on the couch in our hotel room and scrolled  through the TV, looking for something good to watch whilst we took our Christmas sight seeing break. Remus scrolled past the News but immediately went back to it.
"Oh my god-" he heaved. There was a picture of Z and a picture of a broken down and burnt looking house next to him. We listened curiously to the news anchor.
"Early this morning, a bombing happened in Milford, Connecticut injuring seven people. A family was opening their presents, and the last one proceeded to be a bomb. What makes this story appealing to the nation, is that as said family was rushed to Milford Hospital, the Flame Thrower, famous arsonist who escaped Silver Lake Penitentiary a week ago arrived at the scenel. Witnesses say he was trying to get to one of the family members, Ronald Weasley, who had sustained multiple large burns and a mild concussion. The FBI tried and have figured out why the Thrower was there. It so happens that both the Thrower and Ronald Weasley go to the same school in Silver Lake. Furthermore, The Flame Thrower killed five police officers and seven doctors trying to get to the boy. Luckily, nobody in the bombing died but the Flame Thrower has been taken back to the Penitentiary for further observation. Apon further observation, the FBI received an anonymous source revealing the Flame Thrower's real identity, something the world has been trying to figure out for years now. We have figured out that the Flame Thrower was tied to famous fashion icon, Lorelei Zabini who died in a tragic accident along with her son and a few of her employees at her company. The source tells us that her son, Blaise Zabini did in fact, not only cause the fire but survived it. The police have connected the dots and have confirmed that the arsonist is indeed, the long lost son of the famous Miss Zabini. That was your breaking news, my name is Brent Cardero and this has been and is, Your News."

Remus switched off the television and stood up. "We have to go to Milford, now. Pack your things." He said hastily and I did as told. As I packed my things, my phone buzzed and I picked up the call with a shaking hand. "Harry did you see the-"
"Yeah, I did. Do you think Ron'll be okay?" I asked her frantically, throwing whatever was lying around into my trunk. "Ron's strong. He should be okay? Right? Oh, Harry I'm worried!" Hermione sniffed on the other end of the line and I sighed. "You're right. He is strong. And we need to be strong for him. Are leaving Egypt any time soon?" I asked amd Hermione sniffed again. "Yeah, right now. We're getting on the earliest flight to California," she heaved in an exasperated tone. "Alright. Tell me when you get to the airport. Bye," and with that, I cut.

One Week Later

Ron's POV

I groaned. I could hear voices but they were muffled and haste. A white light kept flashing behind my eyes lids and I fought to open them. After what felt like hours of struggling, they opened and I gasped. "Oh my god, Ron. Doctor!" I heard a voice shout. The voice was Hermione's, but I couldn't  see her. I couldn't see anything. It was too bright. "Mr Weasley?" Said a voice I didn't recognize and the brightness immediately subsided. Someone was standing over me. "Mm-" I groaned and a scratching sound rung in my ears, causing my head to hurt. "Try rest," they said and the brightness came back. I winced, looking up at what I presumed was the ceiling. "W-where am I?" I croaked and I could feel a light pressure in my left hand. "You're in the  hospital, Ron," said Hermione and I blinked, slowly starting to get my vision back. "H-hospital? Why?" I asked and a screeching sound came from the edge of my bed. The sound of someone dragging a chair. "You were in a bombing on Christmas, Ron. It's been a week," Harry said and I stared at him and Hermione. Both looked like blurry, pale popsicles. "A-a week?" I gasped in a croaky tone before multiple coughs erupted from my throat. Hermione caressed my forehead  gently with her thumb. "Yeah. Everyone is fine though. Fred got it worse but he's recovering. The doctor just went to tell your parents you're awake," Harry explained and I nodded stiffly. I heaved out a sigh before jolting up, Hermione snatching her hand off my head. "Where's my necklace?" I asked and the both of them raised their eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Harry asked and my heart started jack rabbiting against my chest. "I was wearing a-a necklace. It was a Ch-Christmas present f-from-"
Tears started flooding my eyes  and Harry ran over to me, both my best friends worried. "From who? Ron?" He persisted and I sniffed, my chest feeling constricted. "Z. Where is he?" I asked frantically and Hermione glanced worriedly at Harry. "Blaise was sent to Azkaban," she whispered and my nostrils flared as I tried to keep my sobbing to a minimum. "H-how do you know his name?" I asked and Hermione put her hand in mine. "He was exposed. An anonymous source told the government everything.  I'm sorry Ron," she said and I fell back into the pillows. No one gets out of the Nut House, or Azkaban as you would formally call it. It's not like a normal penitentiary where you can visit. No one gets in or out...
It's where they let criminals die. No food, no medicine. Just death...
"I. Need. That. Necklace," I said in a deep voice I wasn't aware I was able to master. "We'll-ask the doctor, " Harry said quickly before motioning for Hermione to follow him outside the baby blue coloured room.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and a man I recognized walked in. "Officer Andrew?" I said and he smiled a small smile. "How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting besides my bed and I shrugged painfully. "Fine. Can I see him?" I asked immediately and he pursed his lips. "I'm sorry son but I can't do that. Azkaban has the highest security and I'm no longer head of his guard. No civilian gets in-"
"No felon gets out-" I finished and he nodded. After that, a few doctors came to check up on me regularly along with officials from the FBI, asking for my statement in order for them to figure out who planted the bomb. I told them all the same thing. Nothing out of the ordinary. It was just a present without a name...
"And can you tell me why you didn't have any presents?" The officer asked and I rolled my eyes. "My family is homophobic. Why would they give their gay son a present?" I asked and she furrowed her eyebrows before nodding, scribbling something on her clipboard. "Lastly, what is your relationship with Blaise Zabini. Or, the Flame Thrower, if you weren't aware," she asked and I sucked in my cheeks.

"Just a friend..."

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