The Free Boy

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I limped into the large mansion and immediately fell onto one of the long, white couches in the living room. Pansy, Hermione and Harry sat beside me whereas Draco lounged in one of two arm chairs. "You guys did surprisingly well today. Drinks, anyone?" Blaise asked and we all groaned in agreement. Blaise chuckled before leaving the room. "Today was definitely something else," Pansy sighed and I snorted. "Yeah. And to think I've got my first day of work tomorrow. Did you guys hear what Lavender said when Blaise was interrogating her?" I asked and they all sat up, nodding. "Do you think you'll have to talk to your dad?" Harry inquired and I shrugged. "I will if Blaise needs me too, but I've been keeping my distance from that man," I said and they all nodded, Hermione and Harry visibly remembering how my father's relationship with me fell apart.

"I don't like my dad either,"

All of our eyes widened and I turned around in my seat before gasping. There, standing a few feet away from us was a little boy. He looked about eleven, but he was quite small. He had large, green eyes and slightly tan skin. He had mid length, dark, messy auburn hair and was wearing a plane black onesie with a silver D embedded onto the chest pocket. "And who are you?" Hermione asked in a soft, motherly voice. The boy perked up before shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "My name is Dobby. It's not my real name but I don't like my real name. It was my father's you see. And he wasn't the best person," he said, though he looked quite proud of himself for doing so. I smiled at him and motioned to the space in between Hermione and I. He immediately bounded towards us and sat next to me. "Well it's nice to meet you Dobby," Draco said and Dobby grinned. "Can I ask you a question?" Pansy asked suddenly and the little boy rose an eyebrow, nodding. "What are you doing here?" She asked in what I could concur was in the most sincere way she possibly could without saddening the kid. He smiled a small smile before clearing his throat. "Mr Blaise is like a father to me. My mother is Astoria Greengrass. The woman you met earlier today," he motioned to me and I nodded before he continued his story. "I was a mistake, you see. An accidental pregnancy. She didn't want me and neither did my father. But she gave me to him anyway. He did horrible things to Dobby and when Mr Blaise found out what Astoria had done, he punished her and killed my father. It was heart breaking, yes. But it was the best day of my life. Dobby was a free boy," he said and I wrapped an arm around him, pulling him closer to me which he happily obliged to. "I'm sorry you went through that Dobby." Harry muttured but Dobby only shook his head. "I didn't like it but I'm glad it happened. I wouldn't have met Mr Blaise if he didn't care about his gang members like he does," he smiled and I mentally sighed. Forgetting all about how much Blaise had scared me just a few hours ago. "So this means Daphne is your aunt?" Pansy asked and Dobby nodded. "Oh yes. Miss Daphne is a lovely aunt. Unfortunately, she is not fit to take care of me. She's not the most stable of people. That's why Mr Blaise made her head of training and such. Fighting helps her with her depression. I love my aunt but it's best for her if I stay here. And besides, Mr Blaise let me decorate my own bedroom! Dobby was very excited," he grinned and the five of us couldn't help but grin back at the little boy. The fact that he addresses himself in the third person was adorable. Suddenly, Hermione's face contorted and she stared at Dobby, her eyes scanning everything from his hair to his large, green eyes. "Dobby? You say you inherited your father's name. Who was your father?" She asked and I rose an eyebrow, looking at Hermione with warning. We all hoped the question wouldn't set the Dobby off.

"His name was Dakarai Greengrass. Why?"

Hermione's eyes narrowed before she shook her head softly. "No reason,"

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps sounding through the house echoed around the walls and Blaise walked in a few seconds later, a tray of drinks in his hands. "Finally." Draco groaned and he snorted, laying the tray down on the table for everyone (except Dobby of course) to help themselves. Dobby's eyes lit up at the sight of Blaise and he lept off the table, running to hug his torso. "I introduced myself Mr Blaise!" He said proudly and Blaise grinned, a hand atop the boy's head. "I told you they won't hurt you, didn't I? Go get yourself some dinner okay. I left it in the fridge for you," he whispered and Dobby gasped before running towards the kitchen, only to stop in his tracks and turn back to us. "It was a pleasure meeting you all!" And with that, the little boy disappeared.

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