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"Daddy, cwan I awsk you sometin'?" Ron asked, slipping into Little Space as the two of them stared at the stars. "Of course baby, anything," Blaise whispered, kissing Ron's cheek before pulling the smaller boy into his lap so they were facing each other. "Is Z yow weal name?" The Little asked and Blaise gulped. "It's something like that," he answered and Ron nodded. "Dwo yow hawv a name?" He asked and Blaise chuckled, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. "Yes, I do," he said and Ron beamed. "I bwet its pwetty, like yow," he said and Blaise's heart melted. He was going to do it. "Firecracker, you have to promise daddy you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, okay?" Blaise asked Ron, a serious look enveloping his sharp features. "I pwomise," Ron said and Blaise wrapped his long arms around Ron's waist. "Zabini. That's where the Z comes from," he whispered and Ron thought for a while, mulling the name over in his head. He was sure he had heard it before....
Then it hit him like a truck and he was mentally pushed out of Little Space.
"You're the boy that went missing all those years ago when Zabini Incorporated burnt down!" He shouted and Blaise nodded. "Blaise. That was the name of the owner's son.... That's.... You-"
Ron's eyes were wide as he spoke, staring at Blaise with his mouth hung ajar. "You killed your mother.... Didn't you-" he said and for the first time since the first few days he had know him, Ron was frightened of the boy he was sitting on.
Maybe Ginny was right....
"That's when it started actually. My DID I mean. I don't know what happened that night but it was like I was pushed out of my own body. Like I was watching someone else control me through my own eyes. Like I was watching a movie but sleeping at the same time. And when I woke up, everything was on fire, a match box in my hand. I didn't mean too, I really didn't-" Blaise whispered, his eyes lowered. Ron was shocked. He was crying. He looked so broken down and Ron didn't know what to do. "I'm sorry," Blaise whispered, wiping his eyes quickly. "Hey?" Ron whispered back, a small smile on his face. "I don't care what you did. You weren't in complete control of your body. The Flame Thrower is you but it's not you.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Forgive yourself, Blaise,"
Ron was suddenly engulfed in a hug and he melted into it, loving the smell of fire in the forest that emitted from Blaise. He had said his name for the first time. He had single handedly calmed the beast. "Ron?" Blaise asked against Ron's hair and Ron hummed in reply. "Would you like to go on a date with me? This Friday?" He asked and Ron blushed against Blaise's shoulder.
"I'd love to," he said and Blaise grinned. "Hey Blaise?" Ron asked. It felt weird calling him that. But it felt right. "Yeah?" Blaise murmured and Ron mentally face palmed. This is either gonna go very bad, or okay....
"How did you get the name Flame Thrower?" He asked and Blaise separated from Ron, enough so they were about a pencils length of each other. "It's a funny story actually," Blaise chuckled, making Ron quite surprised. "My mother would always tell me bed time stories about my father. He used to be a mechanic you see and one day, when my mother wasn't home I stole the keys to my his garage where he tinkered with things whilst not at work," he started and Ron listened attentively and quite amused by the sparkle that shone in Blaise's eyes as he spoke. "I broke in and as I walked in, I tripped and fell on something. It was a flame thrower. I -at the time- didn't know what it was so I picked it up and turned it on. Yes, it was a near death experience but it's one of my favorite memories," he said and Ron stared at him hysterically. "You almost died in a burning garage?" He asked airily and Blaise nodded, laughing softly. "What have I decided to go out with?" He said to himself and mentally triumphed when Blaise snorted.
Ron liked seeing Blaise laugh.
"A weirdo, that's for sure," he replied and Ron rolled his eyes playfully. "You know, dinner's probably over," Ron added and Blaise sneered towards the school building. "They probably think I abducted you or some creepy shit," he said and Ron couldn't help himself. He threw himself off of Blaise's lap and rolled around in the grass, giggling like a mad man. "I'm glad to have been abducted then. You are the nicest alien I've ever met," he giggled and Blaise lay over him, that mischievous  glint in his eyes washing over him again. "Well, I have a question for you, human," Blaise said formally and Ron raised an amused eyebrow. "And what is that Sir?" He asked, matching Blaise's pathetic excuse for a fancy accent.

"Is this human ticklish?"

Ron's eyes widened.

"Blaise, no. Wait! NO!"

It was too late.

Blaise had already started tickling Ron's sides and Ron started wheezing with giggles. Giggles turned into laughter, laughter into cackling and at this point, Ron couldn't breath. "St-stop you baffoon-" he heaved and Blaise lifted his hands off of Ron's waist. Ron lay sprawled on the grass, breathing heavily as if he had run seven marathons, Blaise staring over him with an amused smirk. "I take it back. You are the worst alien I've ever met," he grunted and Blaise rolled his eyes.

"I've never abducted someone better,"

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