The Photo

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Everyone watched as Ginny furiously left the table just as the bell rang. Hermione followed after her but Harry decided to stay with Ron and Blaise. "I'm sorry about  Ginny. If you haven't noticed, she doesn't like you very much," Harry said, hoisting his bag over his shoulder as the three of them walked to their first class, Maths. "I don't know if you haven't noticed, Harry, but many people don't like me," Blaise murmured and Harry chuckled. Ron was glad to see them getting along. "What's it like? Being an arsonist I mean?" He asked out of the blue and Ron stared at Harry, shaking his head vigorously. "It's fine, Ron. I've never been asked the question so I'd love to answer," Blaise smiled and Harry heaved in relief. "In all honesty, I love it. It's so exhilarating," he said and Ron furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed Blaise's demeanor darken as he ended his sentence. The three of them entered the class and sat down. Hermione was already there, staring at her books whilst Lavender Brown attempted conversation with her. Ron snorted.

The day went by pretty quickly if Ron would say so himself. But something was bothering him. He had noticed, during all their class's together, during lunch and in the halls between classes, Blaise had been slightly dejected and sad looking. Ron hadn't seen he boy so sad and it broke his heart. So, at dinner, Ron led Blaise out into the field and the two of them sat down on the grass, sandwiches in hand. "And we're not eating inside why?" Blaise asked and Ron gulped. "What's the matter?" He asked and Blaise blinked a couple of times before shrugging. "Nothing, just cold," he whispered and Ron grabbed his hand. "Don't lie to me, please," he said and Blaise stared at their hands before sighing. "It's just. When Harry asked me what it was like to be an arsonist I kind of... I realized how much I miss it. Being free and the feeling of being so close to the flames. The screaming. The suffering. I know I'm being sadistic but that's me. That's who I am and I miss it. You could say I'm home sick," he finished and Ron stared at him. "Are there any cops near us?" He asked randomly and Blaise shook his head, his left eyebrow raised. "Good," Ron muttered. The ginger fished into his pocket and, after a while, seemed to find what he was looking for. "Here. Think of it as your home away from home," he smiled, putting his hand in Blaise's before letting go. Blaise stared down at his hand. In it, was a small, purple fire lighter with a silver 'R' on both sides. "I bought it for myself when I was still a boy scout. It's how I got my Fire Making Badge before anyone else. Nine year old Ron was a dick," Ron chuckled and Blaise grinned, grazing his thumb over the silver R. "I'll treasure it forever. Thank you firecracker,"  he said softly and Ron smiled a small smile. Blaise pocketed the lighter and grazed Ron's freckly cheek. "Can I kiss you?" He asked and Ron pulled him closer, sighing in content as their lips touched. The kiss was long and soft and soon, they separated for air and smiled at each other.
"You're welcome daddy."

Little did they know, someone was watching them. Ginny was shocked at what she had seen. She had looked out the window as she was walking back from the seventh year dormitories, which happened to be close to the field, just to see the kiss. She was disgusted beyond belief. How could her own brother be kissing this boy. The sadistic arsonist everyone hates. Quickly, Ginny took out her phone and aimed it at the two. She took a picture and stared at it.
She couldn't just sit there and keep the photo to herself. So she decided to do the only thing she could think of doing.

Sorry it's a short chapter. Hope you enjoyed it tho! What's Ginny gonna do with the photo???

Byeeee bishes❣️✌🏿😚

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