Just Neville

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10 Months Ago

"Neville Frankard William Longbottom! What are you doing here?!" I grinned at my best friend, sitting on his desk. Longbottom. An interesting surname isn't it? Course I was prone to bullying growing up and of course the occasional snicker when meeting new people but I wasn't much the social type, so meeting people was rare for me. Ernie McMillan, my best friend. Him and his sandy hair, scary hazel eyes, rectangle Dad glasses and evil looking sneer. He was the perfect embodiment of a stuck up. And he is. But he is my longest friend and I wouldn't trade him for anyone else.

Suddenly, I remembered why I had even come to see Ernie in the first place and I pouted. On the contrary, I didn't work at Dream Incorporated. As odd as it sounds I own a flower shop. Botany has been my dream since I saw my first Chrysanthemum.

"Neville, what's wrong?" The blonde asked and I sniffed, pursing my lips. "Last night my daffodils died," I whispered and his eyes widened before he snorted. I stared at him menacingly and he began to laugh even harder. "You think you look scary when you do that?" He asked, smacking his thigh with his hand. I blushed and stared at my lap. Sometimes it sucks not to be all that confident. Once Ernie had calmed down, he ran both hands down his face and smiled at me. "Fine, we'll have a funeral later," he said and I grinned, thanking him. "Come on. I'll walk you out," I was about to state how rude it was that he was kicking me out of his office until I saw the time on his computer. My plant shop, Neville's Greenhouse, opens at 9 and it was 8:48. I didn't even have a car! I'd have to ride my bike what always feels like miles away in 12 minutes. I grabbed Ernie's hand and ran down the office spaces until we reached the elevator. I pressed repeatedly on the ground floor button until it opened and I nearly bumped into a certain someone I used to go to school with.
"Morning Parvati!" I said hastily, running into the elevator with Ernie behind me, his square glasses askew. "Woah, what's got you in such a rush?" She asked, waving a strand of long, shiny black hair off her shoulder. "He's late for work," Ernie stated plainly and I rolled my eyes, biting my lip. It felt as if the elevator was going on for hours! And when it finally dinged, I high tailed out of it, accidentally hurdling myself into someone. Knocking us both down. The receptionist, Owen, as well as Ernie and Parvati, and everybody else on the ground floor coming in out and out of the building gasped and turned to look at me.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I gushed, my ears and cheeks burning red as I picked up the multiple papers that had fallen out of the person's briefcase. The man stood up before gasping. "You broke my briefcase!" He stated angrily and my entire body went ice cold. Though I felt tingly. His voice was an  interesting sound.  "I-I didn't mean to, Sir! I was in such a rush because I'm late for a job that's named after me, so technically I choose when 'late' actually is but I like to keep on schedule and-"

I stood up to my full height, the man's disgruntled papers in my hands.

He was gorgeous.

His skin was tan and soft looking. He had beautiful, blue-ish green-ish eyes that I caught myself staring at for way too long. His hair was short and brown like mine, except it had a more red tint to it and his was wavy. His jaw was square, a little bit of stubble on his chin and his lips were pink and parted.
We stared at each other for a long time. Ignoring the gazes of everyone else, including my friends. Finally, I cleared my throat and spoke. "I'm so sorry," I whispered and the look of extreme anger on his face disappeared. To my shock, he took the papers from me and placed them on the receptionist's long glass table with his briefcase before putting his hands in his pockets.

"That thing cost a fortune you know?" He asked, playfulness in his eyes and I frowned. I really did feel bad. "You're gonna have to pay for it," he said and I whimpered silently. I don't have that type of money! I'd have to sell the entire shop to pay for just the zipper on that thing!


He added and I stared at him, my body shaking and my knees a little weak. I must've fallen really hard.

"You go out to dinner with me?"

My eyes widened and my mouth parted in a nonexistent gasp. His eyes scammed through me like a metal detector and I blushed.

"What?" I asked, astonished, and he took a few steps closer to me, running a hand down his navy suit. He smiled a small smile. The laugh lines on his eyes prominent.

"You don't have to pay for the briefcase if you agree to go on a date with me," he said and I was even more shocked when he smiled even bigger. I really didn't know what to say. I had never been asked on a date before. Especially not with someone so..... Sexy

I suddenly found myself getting lost in my thoughts before Owen the receptionist stapled a piece of paper and I was snapped out of my trance.

"I-yes," was all I said. To be honest, it was all I could say. My mouth didn't seem to be working. The man held out his hand and I took it, my entire arm buzzing with tingles. His hand was so warm. "Theodore. Theodore Nott," he said, shaking my hand.

"Neville. Just, uh-just Neville,"

Shoud I make a Part 2? Because Neville is adorable and I really enjoyed righting this.

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