The Golden Trio

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Ron's POV

I woke up to an aggressive movement that jerked my body awake. A speed bump? Blinking heavily, I tried to regain my thoughts and figure out what was going on. It all hit me at once.

McGonagall had kidnapped me. My family was hurt. I'd fainted.

I tried to fetch my phone in my pocket but my hands were shackled in a pair of tight handcuffs. I was lying horizontally in a car driving at a demented speed. My eyes were open but I couldn't see. I'd been blindfolded.

"Hey!" I yelled. Someone, no, McGonagall chuckled in what sounded like the passenger's seat. "Aw, quiet baby. We're almost there," she said gently. Revulsion coursed through my body. "Don't call me that. You're not allowed to call me that," I growled and she snorted. The car stopped abruptly and I nearly jerked onto the floor at the force. Car doors opened and suddenly I was being yanked out. Thankfully, my feet weren't bound and I landed on them without issue but after being cramped in the car for who knows how long, my long legs ached. My head was dizzy and I couldn't stand still. Given that I hadn't eaten since breakfast, seeing as McGonagall showed up just as I was about to have my lunch break, and that I'd fainted, I wasn't feeling the greatest.

A strong hand gripped my shoulder and steered me to an unknown direction. We stopped randomly and the McGonagall's goon forced my shoulder down and I yelped in pain, my knees buckling, and I hit the ground. He began tying me to something, a pole. Thick rope wrapped around my chest so tightly I struggled to breath. Tears filled my eyes as he began binding my feet as well. I hadn't fully acknowledged it since waking up, but I was terrified. I just wanted Blaise. I wanted to be in his arms. In our bed. In our home. Surrounded by the people we love. I missed Harry and Hermione. Usually, when horrible things happened I always, always had them. Now I was alone. I wasn't sure if Blaise new where I was. I wasn't sure if he'd even noticed I didn't call for our usual lunch break check ins.

No, he'd notice that. He was coming. I had to be hopeful..

I had to be...

"How are you feeling Ronny?"

I flinched. I hadn't even heard McGonagall approach. She tugged at my head and light flooded my eyes, making me squint at her. She was squatting right in front of me, her face close enough to smell the purfume wafting off her body. Too close, I thought.

"You're a cute one, Ronny," she drawled, lolling her head to the side as she watched me lazily. Her hand found its way under my chin and she lifted my face up. I shook her fingers away and she grabbed my face with lightning speed, her nails digging into my cheeks. Her eyes were alight.

"Let me look at you. You are mine now, after all," she sneered, her last sentence laced with something that made my body start to shake.

"No I'm not!" I spat, not sounding all too coherent given my lips were being squashed between her fingers. "Ah, ah, ah," she said airily, "But you are, Ronny. The Flame Thrower is not going to come here. He won't make it." McGonagall spoke with such certainly my blood ran cold.

"The minute he reaches the building he thinks  you're still in, him and a good chunk of his lovely Hell Hounds will be met with-"

She let my face go and made an explosive gesture with her hand. "Kaboom."

"Even if he does manage to survive, I've got thousands of subordinates lining the streets waiting to blow his fucking brains out."

I thrashed against my bindings and McGonagall flinched away from me, but still kept the smile on her face.

"Feisty Ronny," she grinned and gestured to our surroundings.

"You see this parking lot we're in?"

We indeed were in a parking lot. Maybe about four or five levels above the ground level. I could see a large part of the city from here. The view would've been beautiful at a time like this, late afternoon with the sun about to set. But nothing about it was beautiful now. The street lamp I was tide to chilled my spine.

"If your precious Zabini makes it this far, the first three levels of this parking lot will explode, and by that time we'll both be far away from here because I know exactly where he is in every second. I've got people watching your Zabini with every step he takes."

My breath caught in my throat and tears streaked my cheeks.

"But you don't have people watching us? And here I thought we were special, 'Mione."

McGonagall's face contorted violently and my heart leapt at the sound of the voice I knew so well.

McGonagall stood and turned, facing Harry and Hermione with her hand on one hip.

"The Chosen one and the smartest girl of her year. Oh, have I heard a lot about the two of you," McGonagall glowered, her air of playfulness suddenly replaced with annoyance.

"Give Ron back and we won't shoot," Hermione stated, her tone calm and frosty.

"Oh, but I will, " McGonagall said and suddenly the entire parking lot was showered in a storm of bullets.

Yo man, it's been a WHILE. Sorry I kind of left without saying anything 😭😭😭😭

I hope this chapter makes up for it, because I know you guys have been patently waiting. Well, I'm back and I hope you enjoyed it 😅

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