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The next day, Ron didn't get out of bed. He wasn't thinking of running until the afternoon so he sat in Blaise's bed, missing the body that had been next to him while they slept the night before. Like every other Sunday morning, Blaise had to have a meeting with Mcgonagall about how he was coping with school. Ron sighed. Starting from tomorrow was the last week of school until they all departed for the Christmas holidays. In all honesty, Ron didn't want to leave the campus. He didn't want to spend Christmas with his family and Blaise was being made to go back to Juvie. Harry was going to China and Hermione, he had found out was going to Egypt. He remembered when he went to Egypt with his family. Back then when they were still a family... Suddenly, Ron thought of his brother. Not the twins, not Bill or Charlie, but Percy. Percy was the third eldest Weasley child. His family hated talking about them but Ron was proud to have a brother like Percy. Percy had been kicked out by his parents because they had come out as gender queer. They had asked his family to use the pronouns either 'he' or 'they' but Ron's parents had refused. Telling Percy he was an abomination to the family before throwing him out of the house. Percy had then been able to bye an apartment for himself and was now a lawyer. Ron was proud if his brother and he constantly made it a point during the holidays, making sure his parents heard him say it. That was when Arthur and Molly started suspecting things. How Ron acted younger than he was. So much younger to the point where they sent him to therapy for a year. Then, when Ron was eight, he walked back to school with two good friends of his, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. That's when Arthur took a stand. Ron had overhead his parents in the kitchen that very same night, talking about making him move schools because of 'people like Dean'. Ron tried to ignore his parent's worries but it was too late to ignore them now. He was just afraid they were going to do something drastic...

"Oh no-"

Ron sat up. Harry was sitting in his bed, his phone in hand and his eyes wide, mouth slightly ajar. "What?" Ron asked and Harry walked over to him. He gave Ron his phone and Ron groaned.

Ginny had posted the photo...

"You know what? I don't care. She can do what she wants. I'm done with my family, at least for this week," he signed and Harry patted him on the back. "I'm glad mate. Draco and Pansy are out on the field. Wanna come?" He asked and Ron thought for a while. It would be a good way to take my mind off things...
"Yeah, okay." Ron quickly got dressed and both he and Harry walked down to the field, quite shocked to see Hermione already there, laughing with Pansy whilst Draco watched them, an amused glint in his eyes. As they came into view, Pansy sprang up and ran to Ron. "Hey, we-saw-what-Weaselette posted and-sorry I'm unfit!" Pansy panted and Ron snorted. "We saw what the Weaslette posted and we wanted to know if you were okay. The comments are quite rude," she repeated and Ron hugged her. "I'm fine, thanks though. People would have to know at some point," he sighed and let go of Pansy as Draco and Hermione approached. That morning, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Pansy and Harry spent it together, laughing and talking. Soon, Blaise joined them and they all spent the rest of the day together, being themselves.

During the course of the last week before the holidays, Ron and Blaise were fortunate enough to get dirty looks and snide remarks. When Blaise wasn't there of course. Though, on the rare occasion, thankfully, quite a handful of people told them they were an adorable couple and that Ginny was a pompous git, making Ron's heart warm. It was Friday now, the day they were all supposed to leave. "Blaise, what am I going to do? I don't want to go back home," Ron sniffed. Blaise held him closer. "Maybe they've had a change of heart? Maybe they haven't. I just want you to know that we'll see each other again, okay firecracker?" He whispered and Ron nodded, laying his head on Blaise's chest before going on his tippie toes. Blaise sighed into the kiss. It was long and passionate. He would miss Ron more than he would be able to handle. Yes, the last few months had been hard but they were the best of his life. He didn't want to let go. "Ron!" Shouted and voice and Ron pulled away from the kiss, only to find Charlie, Bill, Fred and George waiting for him. "It's time to go," Bill said and Ron furrowed his eyebrows. "What's the rush?" He asked but before he was answered, Arthur appeared through the crowd of students and their parents departing. "No time to waist. Hurry now, Ron," he pulled Ron's wrist and Ron slipped out of Blaise's grasp. He started feeling tears threatening to over spill as his father pulled him into the car, as Blaise blew a kiss at him before Officer Andrew led him away. "Alright then, everyone in?" Molly asked. All the Weasleys, except for Ron, muttured quick yes's. "To the airport we go!" She said excitedly and Ron sat up abruptly, his eyes wide. "What do you mean airport?!" He shouted and Molly turned around in her seat to address her flabbergasted son.
"It's Christmas. Spending it with family is essential so your father and I have decided to surprise you all with a trip to Milford, Connecticut. Where I grew up," she said and Ron's mouth fell open. "Most of the extended family live there and they're happy to have us visit for a few weeks," Arthur said as they left the school. Ron frantically looked out the window. The cop cars were no where to be found...
This really was going to be the worst Christmas...

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