His Eyes

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The day flew by in a flurry of nervousness for Ron and it irked him. He had approximately ten minutes to finish dinner before he had meet with Lavender and The Flame Thrower in the library for their project. He calculated that this would either go two ways. The first being that The Flame Thrower leavea him alone, Lavender doesn't pester him and they all work and get it done with. Option two being that he can't focus because of The Flame Thrower, Lavender annoys him and they get no work done. Then there was always that petrifying option number three. The option that The Flame Thrower could kill both Ron and Lavender, making his victim count rise to seventy two. "Ron, mate? Your hand is shaking," Harry muttered through a mouthful of rice and Ron snapped out of his trance. He looked down and prior to Harry's words, the hand holding his fork was quivering. Hermione held it and Ron smiled at her. "What's got his nickers in a twist?" Ginny asked, scooting in opposite the couple to sit next to Harry. "He has a project with Lavender," Hermione sneered before staring at her food. "Well that isn't so bad-"
"And The Flame Thrower." She continued and Ginny's fork fell out of her hand and clanged onto the floor. "What! He's going to fry you alive!" Ginny hissed before blushing. "I don't fry people honey. I save that for my chips," Z chided in and Ginny shrunk in on herself, looking as if she wanted to crawl into a hole. Ron turned around, only to find the The Flame Thrower had departed and was being forced to sit at a table, alone, with his guards looking over him. He almost felt sorry for the boy, but then he remembered what he had done to so many people and grimaced. "Ron, calm down. He's all the way over there, stop staring at him as if he's holding a knife," Harry chuckled and Ron's eyes widened. "He is holding a knife!" He hissed and Harry laughed harder. "To cut his food," Hermione said and Ron relaxed a bit, but not enough to say he wasn't still on edge.
Harry and Hermione escorted him to the library and both stayed there with him for the remainder of dinner until eight. "It's time, good luck Ron," Hermione sighed, giving her boyfriend a kiss in the cheek. Harry gave Ron a good luck nod before both left. "You have nice set of friends there," came a low voice and The Flame Thrower sauntered out from behind the bookshelf. "How long have you been there?" Ron asked, looking at the boy incredulously. "Just got here," he answered, walking closer to Ron. He stepped in front of Ron and looked down at him with a soft smirk that momentarily melted Ron's brain.
"Um, oh hello. You're very close to me now," Ron joked, pressing his back as close to the bookshelf as humanly possible. Z gave a low chuckle and Ron's knees bucked slightly. "Right then, well...I guess Lavender is running a bit late, isn't she?" He breathed, diverting his eyes from Z's.
"Why won't you look at me?" He asked softly and Ron froze. "I-there she is!" He said hastily as Lavender walked in and he moved as far away from Z as the bookshelves would let him. "Hey Won-Won! Let's get started shall we?" She said cheerily, ignoring Z and setting her bag upon one of the studying tables. The two boys sat next to her and they began the awkward task of writing the speech. When it was fifteen minutes to nine, the three of them stopped and decided to meet up again tomorrow at the same time. Lavender gave Ron a tight hug before running out of the room, leaving Ron to pack up with Z. "I don't like that girl." Z said as he packed his belongings. "W-why not?" He asked curiously and Z scoffed. "She obviously likes you and is not trying to hide it. If she likes you so much she should just shoot her shot," he said and Ron stared at him. "Tis annoying how blunt she's being about her feelings. She's setting herself up for heartbreak." He said and Ron continued to stare. This boy was odd. People said he was mad, psychotic, deranged and insane. But Ron saw none of that and it frightened him. He's trying to warm up to you! He thought to himself. You'll get too close, close enough for him to stab you-
"What are you thinking about that's made you angry?" He said suddenly and Ron looked up. "N-nothing, nothing." He stuttered, heaving his backpack over his shoulder. "I'm going to go. Madam Pince will be here any minute to lock up," he muttered before walking away quickly. "You forget we sleep it the same room?" Asked Z and Ron stopped walking. "Right-" he pursed his lips. Z caught up with him and they walked side by side towards the dormitory. Ron couldn't stop shaking and has to keep his lips pursed to stop them from quivering. "Why are you shaking?" Z asked and Ron cursed himself and his poor attempt of self control. "Wow-uh, you ask alot of questions, don't you?" Ron chucked nervously before clearing his throat. "When you've been in juvie for years, you tend to notice things." He replied. "Besides, you intrigue me, remember?" He smirked and Ron almost tripped. The bathroom. "Why don't you look at me?" He whispered and Ron bit his lip. "You've already asked me that," he chuckled and before Ron knew it, he was being pressed up against a locker.
His heart was hammering in his chest and his rib cage felt shattered. "What-"
"Answer the question, Ron," he whispered on Ron's neck and Ron's knees buckled under him once again. The way his name rolled off his tongue was enticing and Ron wanted more.
"No," Ron heaved, he was not going to let this.....maniac manipulate him.
"Look at me," he ordered and Ron shook his head.
"Ron-" Ron's eyes widened when he said his same a second time and he slowly looked up into his eyes, immediately regretting it. There was a hungry fire in the boy's eyes that Ron couldn't get enough of. His breathing quickened and he couldn't feel his stomach anymore, it having failed a while ago. Z smiled before letting Ron fall to the ground as he walked away. Ron's knees have away as he sat on the floor against the lockers for what felt like ages.

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