The Redwood Road

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I stared at my thigh for who knows how long.

Sitting inside one of the Hell Fire's many black Range Rovers, Blaise at the wheel, his sunglasses on as we drove to a destination I knew not. Blaise, who I can conform was Blaise and no longer Z, had placed his hand on my thigh when he'd gotten in the car and hadn't removed it since. Of course, I didn't mind, his hand was warm and made my leg buzz- but my heart was playing Mario Cart inside my chest and I didn't appreciate how hard it was to breathe.

I could confirm that this man had me wrapped around his little finger. It baffled me at how even the smallest of things like his hand in my thigh or the way he buckled me in everytime we drove together had my heart pounding in my ears, my skin yearning for his burning touch.

"You must really  like Michael Jackson?" Blaise said playfully and I blinked, snapping out of my thoughts. "What do you mean?" I frowned and he tried to hide a smile. It took me a while to get it, but I stared at my legs and flushed so quickly I felt dizzy. The issue happening between my thighs was evident, and Blaise had noticed it. Michael Jackson's 'Beat It' was playing on the radio and Blaise had taken the opportunity to make fun of me by using the song as the reason. Though he knew very well why I had a hard on.

"Fuck," I whispered, avoiding his gaze, which wasn't too hard since he was wearing sunglasses. Blaise scowled, tapping my thigh which made my lower half reciprocate. I blushed harder. "Language, baby boy," He scolded and I gulped, bowing my head. "Sorry, Sir."

Blaise took his glasses off -much to my dismay- and rose an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in those frustratingly beautiful eyes.

"Sir ? That's a new one. I like it," he stated, giving me a lopsided smile. I giggled and took the hand that was on my thigh in my own.

Out of nowhere, I chuckled, my eyes falling closed. Blaise grunted in confusion.
"What is it?" He asked softly, squeezing my hand. I squeezed back, smiling. "I never thought this is where I'd end up-" I started, biting my lip. Blaise kept quiet, letting me continue. "I never expected me to be here with you, right now, when you first arrived at Hogwarts. In handcuffs, might I add."

Blaise laughed a melodical sound and I opened my eyes. He was adorable when he laughed.

"I remember how much you used to scare me those first few days," I added and his expression turned from happy to cold quicker than he could pull a trigger.

"I scared you?"

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Blaise's voice had dropped multiple octaves and his hands tensed in my own. He sounded hurt, ashamed almost. He didn't look at me, he kept his eyes in the road. The hand in which he held the steering wheel now shaking.

We drove down a long boulevard lined with towering redwoods. It then occurred to me that I still didn't really know where we were going.

Blaise frowned, his eyebrows arching dramatically.

"I'm so sorry, baby boy," he whispered, taking my hand up to his mouth to kiss it. I shook my head, my smile as soft as a mother's. "I remember the first words you ever spoke to me." I said. He let our hands fall back onto my thigh. "It was your scary demeanor and that terrifying glint in your eyes that got us here, Blaise. It interested me so much I couldn't stay away, even after five years-" I said, my voice low and full of emotion. I let his hand go and carresed his cheek. Blaise kept his eyes on the redwood road, but gently leaned into my palm. "The first day we spoke you told me I intrigued you. What you didn't know was that I was, and have always been intrigued by you, too."

Suddenly, the car swerved into park and before I knew what was happening his lips crashed into my own. I grinned against Blaise's lips, feeling at home in his embrace.

He let me go and stared deep into my eyes, the heat in his eyes made every muscle in my body tingle. I wanted him. I needed him.  His eyes sparkled, confirming that he had the same thoughts. Bloody hell, those brilliant eyes.

"You might intrigue me and I might intrigue you, Ronald Weasley, firecracker, my baby boy-" He said, his hand cupping my burning cheek.

"But you and your red hair, your millions of freckles and your adorable fucking laugh? You complete me, bambino. You are the missing peace to my puzzle. You give me peace. You are beautiful and smart and talented. Everything about you from the way you smile when eating chicken to the burns on your back. I wouldn't want anyone else as my firecracker."

I nuzzled my forehead and against Blaise's, my heart pounding.

"Blaise, I lo-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence because for some bloody reason the car flipped on its side, I hit my head and blacked out.

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