This Is Your News

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1 Week Later:
17th December

Blaise's POV

It was dark in my cell. My cell mate was sleeping yet I was wide awake and excited. Today was visiting day and Draco, Pansy  and Ron were visiting me. Usually, visiting day was barren and boring for me, but now that I had something to look forward too, I understood why inmates were so excited for it. "Aye! Fire boy! With me!" Shouted a guard and I practically lept off my bed. I held out my hands and he put the handcuffs he was carrying around my wrists and led me to the visiting room. I bounced on the balls of my feet as we entered and a head of bright blonde hair came into my line of vision. "DRAY! PANSY!" I screamed and yelped when I was harshly hit on the head with the officer's baton. "Quite down!" He hissed. I flared my nostrils at him before I was allowed to sit down in front of my friends. Suddenly, I noticed something. A woman was sitting next to Draco. Two woman. One had short, black hair and curvy features. The other had blonde hair and ebony bangs hanging in front of her face. "Z, I'm sure you remember-"
"Auntie Cissa? Auntie Cherry?!" I said, my eyes wide. Cherry Parkinson looked as if she were about to cry. "Oh my god. I didn't believe it when Pansy told me it was you!" She said, a smile on her face, a lone tear falling down her cheek. "It's good to see you son," Narcissa whispered, taking my hand in hers before letting it go. "It's good to see you too," I smiled at both of them before noticing something else. The bright red head of hair I was expecting wasn't anywhere in sight. "Where's Ron?" I asked and Draco and Pansy glanced at each other. "Uh, um. Z I'm sorry. Ron's parents surprised him and the rest of the Weasleys with a trip to Milford," Pansy whispered and my chest tightened.
"Connecticut?" I asked, feeling short of breath and Draco nodded. "It was unexpected and he doesn't know when he'll be back," the blonde said and I felt like crying. "Oh-"
"Alright then! Play times over. Get a move on!" Shouted the same guard that brought me in. "Times up already?" Pansy hissed,  exasperated. "Bye guys. Love you. Bye Aunties," Draco, Pansy, Aunt Cherry and Aunt Narcissa waved me off as I was pulled away. My heart rate quickened. I really wanted to see Ron. I needed to see him.

Milford, Connecticut
21th December

Ron's POV

I sat on the front porch and sighed, looking out towards the ocean. All my family were inside. My cousins, aunts and uncles, parents and siblings, grandparents, including Aunt Muriel. Everyone. I didn't want to go inside. It felt as if a large chunk of me was missing, like someone had stolen something from me. Visiting day was a few days ago and I feel really bad. I miss Blaise. I imagine what it would be like to have Christmas with him some nights. It would be just the two if us, laying down in the grass in a forest, next to a blazing campfire. I wondered if he still had my lighter, or did the guards find it? I wondered if he missed me at all? I wondered how his Christmases were like...
So many thoughts were spinning around my head throughout the weeks I've been in Milford and I hadn't been able to relax since the plane landed. My parents had tried getting me to relax, so have my cousins and extended family. But I didn't want their help. Nothing was going to help me at this point. Getting hungry, I lifted myself off the porch, kicked the snow off of my shoes and walked back inside, immediately being embraced with red. "Ron, hun. About time you got back inside. Your cousins are all in the back yard having hot chocolate. Why don't you go join them?" My father's sister, Patricia pestered, a large smile on her freckly face. "I'm fine thanks," I said and suddenly, my mother popped up behind her as she sighed in defeat. "What's gotten into you lately Ronnie?" My aunt asked and I shrugged. "You should ask my mother," I sneered, brushing her hands off my shoulders before dodging other aunts and uncles to make my way into the kitchen. Once I was inside, I took out two slices of bread, shredded chicken and mayonnaise. I could here my uncle Bilius, the one I was named after changing the channel on the TV, looking for the football so the family could all watch together. I rolled my eyes.  Watching football had once been fun, now it all seems blurry and boring. I could never be able to keep up anymore. Suddenly, he stopped for a second on the News and my eyes widened. "Uncle Bill! Please turn that up!?" I called, grabbing my sandwich before abruptly sitting on the couch in between Uncle Bilius and Grandpa Tobias. He turned up the volume and my eyes widened to their maximum. My cousins and siblings had come back from outside and we're now staring at the News too, the whole family listening. "Earlier yesterday evening, serial arsonist commonly known as the Flame Thrower, broke out of Silver Lake Penitentiary just last night. The FBI, Homeland security and every other Bureau  are still on the hunt for the convicted felon and Chief of the FBI, Samuel Andrew is sure the Thrower couldn't have gone far. Reason for his escape is unknown, but some fear he will resume his arson. Stay alert and contact your local police station if you see the Flame Thrower. That is all for tonight, my name is Brent Cardero, and this is and has been, Your News."

Several gasps emitted around the living room...

I dropped my sandwich...

Ginny, Fred, George, Charlie, Bill, my mother and father were all staring at me...

Blaise escaped from prison...

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